c. A.D. 960 x 994. Will of Æthelric, including bequest of all his land to his wife, with reversions as follows; land at Bocking, Essex, part to Christ Church and part to the church at Bocking; at Rayne, Essex, to St Paul's, London; at Copford and Glazenwood in Bradwell, Essex, to Ælfstan, bishop (of London); at Northho, part to St Gregory's, Sudbury, and part to St Edmunds at Bedericesworth (Bury). English


Canterbury, Christ Church, and Bury St Edmunds


1. Canterbury, D.C., B 2 (s. xi; OS Facs., i. 16)
2. Cambridge, University Library, Ff.2.33, f. 50r (s. xiii 2)
3. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. A, f. 141v (s. xiii)
4. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. E, f. 43r (s. xiii ex.)
5. London, British Library, Add. 4548, ff. 19r-21r (s. xviii)
6. London, British Library, Stowe 853, f. 28r-v (s. xvii)


K, 699, ex MS 1; Earle, pp. 215-16

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 516-17; Whitelock, Wills, no. 16(1) (p. 42)


Whitelock, Wills, pp. 146-8; Chaplais 1968, p. 332 n. 169, step from wrapping-tie (= 1973, p. 83 n. 169); Hart, ECE, no. 27, authentic; Brooks 1978, pp. 87-91, on heriot; Fleming 1993, p. 121; Lowe 1993a, pp. 10-15, on MSS 3, 4

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    • + Her cyð \Æþeric/ on þissum gewrite hwam he geann . ofor his dæig þæra æhta þe him God alæned hæfð . þæt is ærest sona minum hlaforde . syxti mancusa goldes . 7 mines swyrdes mid fetele . 7 þarto twa hors . 7 twa targan . 7 twegen francan . 7 ic geann Leofwynne minan wife ealles þæs þe ic læfe hire dæig . 7 ofor hire dæg gange þæt land on Boccinge into Cristes circean þam hirede for uncera saule 7 for mines fæder þe hit ær begeat eall buton anre hide ic gean into þære cyrcean þam preoste þe þar Gode þeowaþ . 7 ic geann þæs landes æt Roægene be westan . into sancte Paule þam bisceope to to geleohtenne . 7 þar on Godes folce cristendom to dælenne . 7 ic geann þarto twegra hida þe Eadric gafelaþ ælce geare mid healfum punde 7 mid anre garan . 7 ic geann be eastan stræte æigþer ge wudas ge feldas Ælfstane bisceope into Coppanforde . 7 þæs heges on Glæsne . 7 ic geann þæs landes æt Norðho . healf into sancte Gregorie . on Suðbyrig . 7 healf into sancte Eadmunde on Bedericeswyrþe . Nu bidde ic þone bisceop Ælfstan . þæt he amundige mine lafe 7 þa þincg þe ic hyre læfe . 7 gif him God lifes geunne lencg þonne unc þæt he gefultumige þæt ælc þara þinga stande þe ic gecweden hæbbe;
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    • Here in this document Æthelric declares to whom he after his day he grants the possessions that God has lent to him. That is first, straightway, to my lord: sixty mancuses of gold and my sword with belt and besides two horses and two shields and two spears. And I grant to Leofwynn my wife for her day everything that I leave. After her day, the estate at Bocking is to go to the community of Christ Church, for our souls and for that of my father, who first acquired it— all but one hide [which] I grant to the church for the priest who serves God there. And I grant the land on the west of Rayne [or the land at Rayne to the west of the street] to St Paul’s to the bishop, for the provision of lights and for spreading Christendom to God’s people there. And I grant there too the two hides which Eadric rents annually for half a pound and one spear. And I grant on the east of the street, both the woods and the open land, at Copford to Bishop Ælfstan, and the hedge [? enclosure] at Glazen[wood]. And I grant the estate at Northho, half to St Gregory’s at Sudbury, half to St Edmund’s at Bedericeswyrthe [(? Bury)]. Now I beseech the bishop, Ælfstan, that he protect my relict and the possessions that I leave to her; and— if God grant him long[er] in life than us— that he give support, so that all the things that I have bequeathed may stand.
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    Old Text

    • Her cy∂ 'Æˇeric' on ˇissum gewrite hwam he geann ofor his dæig ˇæra æhta ˇe him god alæned hæf∂. ˇæt is ærest sona minum hlaforde. syxti mancusa goldes. 7 mines swyrdes mid fetele. 7 ˇarto twa hors. 7 twa targan. 7 twegen francan. 7 ic geann Leofwynne minan wife ealles ˇæs ˇe ic læfe hire dæig. 7 ofor hire dæg. gange ˇæt land on Boccinge into Cristes circean ˇam hirede for uncera saule 7 for mines fæder ˇe hit ær begeat eall buton anre hide ic gean into ˇære cyrcean ˇam preoste ˇe ˇar gode ˇeowaˇ. 7 ic geann ˇæs landes æt Rægene be westan. into sancte Paule ˇam bisceope to to geleohtenne. 7 ˇar on godes folce cristendom to dælenne. 7 ic geann ˇarto twegra hida ˇe Eadric gafelaˇ ælce geare mid healfum punde 7 mid anre garan. 7 ic geann be eastan stræte ægˇer ge wudas ge feldas Ælfstane bisceope into Coppanforde. 7 ˇæs heges on Glæsne. 7 ic geann ˇæs landes æt Nor∂ho. healf into sancte Gregorie. on Suˇbyrig. 7 healf into sancte Eadmunde on Bedericeswyrˇe. Nu bidde ic ˇone bisceop Ælfstan. ˇæt he amundige mine lafe 7 ˇa ˇincg ˇe ic hyre læfe. 7 gif him god lifes geunne lencg ˇonne unc ˇæt he gefultumige ˇæt ælc ˇara ˇinga stande ˇe ic gecweden hæbbe: