A.D. 942. King Edmund to Wynflæd, a nun; restoration and confirmation of 7 hides (mansae) at Cheselbourne, Dorset, and grant of a further 8 hides there; with note, in English, of grant to Wynflæd of land in Winterbourne Tomson, Dorset. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Harley 61, ff. 7r-8r (s. xv in.)
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 38 (S.C. 4180), ff. 6v-7v (s. xvii)


K, 392 and vol. iii. 417; B, 775; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 75; Kelly, Shaftesbury, no. 13


Grundy, Dorset, II, pp. 120-2, 128-9, on bounds; Forsberg 1950, p. 204, on bounds and identification of Winterbourne; Finberg, ECW, no. 585, authentic; Hart, ECNE, p. 384, on witnesses; PN Dorset, ii. 57, 81-2, iii. 202-8; Meyer 1981, p. 354, cited; Dumville 1992, pp. 177-8, on beneficiary; Kelly, Shaftesbury, pp. 56-9, authentic basis, English note and Winterbourne bounds are probably a later addition; Foot 2000, II. 172, 175

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    • Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Iesu Christo. Sacre autem scripture edicta fona catholicorum patrum nos admonet ut cum hiis fugitiuis et sine dubio transitoriis possessiunculis iugiter mansura regna Deo largiente fragilique nature consolacionis subleuamine adipiscenda sunt, quia nobis mortalibus temporalia gaza necnon et lucra possessionum inaniter fruentibus facescunt ac defluunt. Quapropter ego Admundus, desiderio regni celestis exardens, fauente superno numine basyleos industrius Anglorum rex ceterarumque gencium in circuitu persistencium, cuidam religiose sancte conuersacionis monialis femine uocitate nomine Wenflede .vii. mansas, que fuerunt a meis antecessoribus prius date, firmiter recuperando roboraui. Insuper et hereditatis mee .viii. mansas ad augmentum perhenniter predicte moniali concessi, ibidem ubi uulgares prisco more mobilique relacione uocitant at Cheselburne, cum pratis pascuisque necnon et siluis siluarumque densitatibus, ut hec prospere possideat ac eternaliter teneat dum huius labentis eui cursum transeat inlesus atque uitalis spiritus in coruptibili carne inhereat, post se autem ueluti affirmauimus cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Fiat etenim prefata terra ab omni seruili iugo libera cum omnibus sibi recte pertinentibus, exceptis hiis tribus, expedicione, pontis arcisue coedificacione. Denique uero siquis nobis non optantibus nostrum hoc donum uiolari fraudulenter perpetrando consenserit, consideret hic sic die ultima iudicii coram Deo <rationem> redditurum atque cum reprobis quibus dicitur, 'Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum', penis atrocibus se esse passurum, si non antea corporea lamentacione emendauerit. Istis terminibus predicta terra circumgirata esse uidetur. Þis sant þa landimare to Cheselburne. Of lisebroke on þane fearngaren, of þane fearngaren on þone ston istel, of þan istelle anlang ricges on þa iheafde, of þane iheafde on þane forð erthe acre, of þane forerð akere on Cheselburne stream, of þane streame on þe twifelde dich, of þare dic onne flescumbe, on þane crundel, of þane crundel on Deulisc stream, of þane streame on langhelee northward, on langhelee on þe blaken þorne northward, of þane blake þornen anlang hricge weges to þe beorge, of þe berge on ðone crundel, of þane crundele on ða holu suthward to Deuliscstreame. Þis is þe tweire hide boch at Winterburne þe Admund king ibokede Wenflede on echenhalue in to Cheselburne, þo sealde hire Alfsige .v. hiden þar to on echehalue, þo ichte Admund kyng ðis boc þar midde. Þis sand þare .ii. hide landimare at Winterburne. Arest of Winterburne to chelfgraue, of chelfgraue one wic weie neþerward, anlang broke one mearcweie, anlang weies to widesgete, anlang Cunucces dich on þe sherd, of þene sherde of þane shearde anlang wides to nearuwan anstigan, of þan anstigan to midelgete, of midelgate þurh þane garen, anlang herepaþes on hornget, of horngetes hirne lang land share to leaxen oc, anlang wdes to þane ealde seale, þanen one þo berges astward to Winterburne, of Winterburne tou þares tunes hirne, onlang þane herepaþe on þene depe crundel, of dune anlang land share eft on Winterburne. Acta est prefata donacio anno ab incarnacione Domini .d.cccc.xlii., indiccione .xv. Ego Admundus rex Anglorum prefatam donacionem cum sigillo sancte crucis confirmaui. + Ego Adgiue eiusdem regis mater predictum donum consensi. + Ego Adred eiusdem regis frater consignaui. + Ego Wlstan archiepiscopus urbis Efrace metropolitana eiusdem regis donacionem cum sigillo sancte crucis subarraui. + Ego Odo Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis donacionem cum tropheo agie crucis confirmaui. + Ego Þeodred Londoniensis ecclesie episcopus consignaui. + Ego Alphec Wintoniensis ecclesie episcopus triumphalem tropheum agie crucis impressi. + Ego Kenward episcopus consensi. + Ego Aluric episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Alured episcopus consignaui. + Ego Bulgrif episcopus consensi. + Ego Aþelgar episcopus roboraui. + Ego Wlfhelm episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Wlgar dux + Ego Athelstan dux + Ego Athelwold dux + Ego Aþelstan dux + Ego Ealhhelm dux + Ego Adric dux + Ego Aþelmund dux + Ego Uhtred dux + Ego Odda dux + Ego Wlgar dux + Ego Admund dux + Ego Wllaf dux + Ego Alfstan minister + Ego Aþered minister + Ego Alsige minister + Ego Aþered minister + Ego Aþelgerd minister + Ego Withgar minister +
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    Old Text

    • C. BL Harley 61, 7r-8r: copy, s. xv Rubric: Admundus rex dedit .vii. mansas que a suis antecessoribus prius date fuerunt ut presens testatur inscriptio ecclesie de Shaftesbury roboravit. D. Oxford, Bodleian, Dodsworth 38, 6v-7v: copy of C, s. xvii (bounds omitted) Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Iesu Christo. Sacre autem scripture edicta fona catholicorum patrum nos admonet ut cum hiis fugitiuis et sine dubio transitoriis possessiunculis iugiter mansura regna Deo largiente fragilique nature consolacionis subleuamine adipiscenda sunt, quia nobis mortalibus temporalia gaza necnon et lucra possessionum inaniter fruentibus facescunt ac defluunt. Quapropter ego Admundus, desiderio regni celestis exardens, fauente superno numine basyleos industrius Anglorum rex ceterarumque gencium in circuitu persistencium, cuidam religiose sancte conuersacionis monialis femine uocitate nomine Wenflede .vii. mansas, que fuerunt a meis antecessoribus prius date, firmiter recuperando roboraui. Insuper et hereditatis mee .viii. mansas ad augmentum perhenniter predicte moniali concessi, ibidem ubi uulgares prisco more mobilique relacione uocitant at Cheselburne, cum pratis pascuisque necnon et siluis siluarumque densitatibus, ut hec prospere possideat ac eternaliter teneat dum huius labentis eui cursum transeat inlesus atque uitalis spiritus in coruptibili carne inhereat, post se autem ueluti affirmauimus cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Fiat etenim prefata terra ab omni seruili iugo libera cum omnibus sibi recte pertinentibus, exceptis hiis tribus, expedicione, pontis arcisue coedificacione. Denique uero siquis nobis non optantibus nostrum hoc donum uiolari fraudulenter perpetrando consenserit, consideret hic sic die ultima iudicii coram Deo redditurum atque cum reprobis quibus dicitur, Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum, 1 penis atrocibus se esse passurum, si non antea corporea lamentacione emendauerit. Istis terminibus predicta terra circumgirata esse uidetur. ˝is sant ˇa landimare to Cheselburne. Of lisebroke on ˇane fearngaren, of ˇane fearngaren on ˇone ston istel, of ˇan istelle anlang ricges on ˇa iheafde, of ˇane iheafde on ˇane for∂ erthe acre, of ˇane forer∂ akere on Cheselburne stream, of ˇane streame on ˇe twifelde dich, of ˇare dic onne flescumbe, on ˇane crundel, of ˇane crundel on Deulisc stream, of ˇane streame on langhelee northward, on langhelee on ˇe blaken ˇorne northward, of ˇane blake ˇornen anlang hricge weges to ˇe beorge, of ˇe berge on ∂one crundel, of ˇane crundele on ∂a holu suthward to Deuliscstreame. ˝is is ˇe tweire hide boch at Winterburne ˇe Admund king ibokede Wenflede on echenhalue into Cheselburne, ˝o sealde hire Alfsige .v. hiden ˇar to on echehalue, ˝o ichte Admund kyng ∂is boc ˇar midde. ˝is sand ˇare .ii. hide landimare at Winterburne. Arest of Winterburne to chelfgraue, of chelfgraue one wic weie neˇerward, anlang broke one mearcweie, anlang weies to widesgete, anlang Cunucces dich on ˇe sherd, of ˇene sherde anlang wides to nearuwan anstigan, of ˇan anstigan to midelgete, of midelgate ˇurh ˇane garen, anlang herepaˇes on hornget, of horngetes hirne andlang land share to leaxen oc, anlang wdes to ˇane ealde seale, ˇanen one ˇo berges astward to Winterburne, of Winterburne tou ˇares tunes hirne, onlang ˇane herepaˇe on ˇene depe crundel, of dune anlang land share eft on Winterburne. Acta est prefata donacio anno ab incarnacione Domini .dcccc.xlii., indiccione .xv. Ego Admundus rex Anglorum prefatam donacionem cum sigillo sancte crucis confirmaui. + Ego Adgiue eiusdem regis mater predictum donum consensi. + Ego Adred eiusdem regis frater consignaui. + Ego Wlstan archiepiscopus urbis Efrace metropolitana eiusdem regis donacionem cum sigillo sancte crucis subarraui. + Ego Odo Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis donacionem cum tropheo agie crucis confirmaui. + Ego ˝eodred Londoniensis ecclesie episcopus consignaui. + Ego Alphec Wintoniensis ecclesie episcopus triumphalem tropheum agie crucis impressi. + Ego Kenward episcopus consensi. + Ego Aluric episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Alured episcopus consignaui. + Ego Bulgrif episcopus consensi. + Ego Aˇelgar episcopus roboraui. + Ego Wlfhelm episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Wlgar dux + Ego Athelstan dux + Ego Athelwold dux + Ego Aˇelstan dux + Ego Ealhhelm dux + Ego Adric dux + Ego Aˇelmund dux + Ego Uhtred dux + Ego Odda dux + Ego Wlgar dux + Ego Admund dux + Ego Wllaf dux + Ego Alfstan minister + Ego Aˇered minister + Ego Alsige minister + Ego Aˇered minister + Ego Aˇelgerd minister + Ego Withgar minister +