A.D. 1061. King Edward to Wulfwold, abbot; grant of land at Ashwick, Somerset. Latin with English bounds




1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, pp. 55-131, pp. 90-92 (s. xii 2)
1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, pp. 55-131, p. 127 (s. xii 2)


K, 811 and vol. vi. 244; Hunt, Bath Carts., i. 33-5, 65-6; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 37


Stevenson 1904, p. lxvi n. 1, clearly modelled on S 380 and probably spurious; Harmer, Writs, p. 430, probably at least founded on fact; Oleson 1955, p. 153, authentic; Finberg, ECW, no. 533, authentic; Whitelock 1966, p. 101, dating criteria inconsistent; HRH, p. 234, probably authentic basis, subscriptions are consistent; Keynes 1980, p. 26 n. 38, cited; Keynes 1988, pp. 203, 204-5 n. 115, 206, 213 n. 170, probably genuine, drawn up by Giso of Wells, the diocesan bishop, partly on the basis of S 380 from his own archives; Keynes 1994b, p. 1144 n; Keynes 1997, pp. 231-2, 256, drawn up by Giso of Wells

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    • In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Regnante inperpetuum Domino nostro Iesu Christo et omnia de summo celi apice dispensante ac gubernante. Cernimus omnia temporalia et presentia perire, labi, transire, aliquando maturius gubernantis Dei dispensationibus et euidenter finibus, aliquando secularium rerum ingruentibus accessibus, id est euidentibus cladibus bellorum, incendiis urbium et terrarum, direptionibus predarum, auxionibus infirmitatum et aliis innumerabilibus causis existentibus, ne obliuione tradita que in nostris temporibus facta sunt uiderentur, litterarum apicibus euidenter commendare curauimus. Quapropter ego Eadweard, Dei indulgente clementia Angul Saxonum rex, aliquantulam terrene possessionis partem cuidam abbati meo Wlfwoldo libenti animo largitus sum, in illa possessione que uulgo uocatur Æscwica, ea conditione ut habeat uita comite quamdiu Deus uoluerit, et cum dissolutionem sui corporis imminere sentierit, cui uoluerit perpetualiter tribuendam. Hec autem suprascriptorum agellorum possessio ita est ad utilitatem data a supra nominato abbati Wulfwoldo, ut ab omni fiscali uectigalique iure libera sit, tribus causis etiam ratis uidelicet expeditione, pontis arcisue edificatione. Qui hanc donationem benigna mentis intentione custodierit, eterna beatitudine coronetur, ornetur, glorificetur. Qui autem malefico ingenio istud auertere uoluerit, sciat se reum esse gehenne ignis coram eterno iudice, si non ad penitentiam reuocatus fuerit. Acta est autem ista donatio anno dominice incarnationis .mlxi., indictione .xiiii., epacte .vi., concurrens .i. Ad confirmandum uero nostre beneficie munus <hi> testes affuerunt quorum nomina infra sunt carraxata. Ego Giso Dei gratia episcopus hanc cartam dictaui. + Ego Eadwardus rex sigillum imposui. + Ego Stigandus archiepiscopus laudaui. + Ego Heremannus episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Leofricus episcopus affirmaui. + Ego Willelmus episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ægelnoðus abbas confirmaui. + Ego Ægeluui abbas laudaui. + Ego Haroldus dux. + Ego Tostig dux. + Ego Ælfgar dux. + Ego Gyrþ dux. + Ego Ægeluui minister. + Ego Euerwacer minister. + Ego Escgar minister. + Ego Rotberd minister. + Ego Raulf minister. + Ego Bondi minister. + Ego Brihtric consiliarius. + Ego Ælfgar consiliarius. + Ego Æilferð minister. + Ego Ægelsie minister. + Ego Ædmer minister. + Ego Ælfget minister. + Þis synd þa land gemæra þe Eadweard cyng gebocade Wulfwold abbade into Æscwica. þæt is ærest up of Netelforða, up an <n>ætelinge weg, of nætelinge wege andlang weges on þæt lepegeat, of þam lepegeate on þa hara stanas to leoferices suð croftes heornan, of leoferices suð croftes heornan niðor on þone plæg stede, and of þan plæg stede niðor on þæt byde land, of þan byde land niðor ofer hylda on smedbroc, and of smedes brocan andlang brocas on mylne cumbes stræm, andlang stræmes eft to Neteliforða. And butan þam twelf æceras mæde, þe licgað on suðhealf wæges in to þam þreom worðigan his orfe to læse. Latin version of bounds: Hee sunt diuisiones terrarum quas Eadwardus rex dedit Wlfwold abbati in Aswika. Scilicet in primo ascendens de Netefordia supra uiam que uocatur attelinge; de netelinge uia in longo vie usque ad lupyet; de lupyet usque ad horestanes; usque ad angulum australis crofte leufrichi; de angulo australis crofte leufrigi descendendo usque ad pleistude; et de pleistude descendendo usque bedelonde; de bedelonde descendendo a ualle usque in smeyebroc; et de smeyebroc iuxta longitudinem ripe prouenientis a cursu aquae de mulnecumbe; in longitudinem ripe iterum usque ad Netelforde; et circiter duodecim acras prati que iacent in australi parte uie. In his testibus emendacionibus pasture animalium suorum. Ecclesia beati Petri Bathon’ tenet Escewiche pro dimidia hyda geldenda. Teste rege Eadwardo.
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    • In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ ruling forever and ordaining and governing all things from the highest summit of heaven. We recognise that all temporal and present things perish, decline, are transient, sometimes more prematurely through the providence and manifest purposes of God the ruler, at other times by successive attacks in the secular sphere, that is, by the manifest destruction in war, the burning of towns and lands, the plundering of booty, the sale of the weak and innumerable other present reasons; that things should not seem to be betrayed by forgetfulness, which has happened in our time, we have taken care to commit [them] visibly to writing. Wherefore I, Edward, by the indulgent clemency of God king of the Anglo-Saxons, bestow with my free will some portion of an earthly possession on a certain abbot of mine, Wulfwald, in that place which is commonly called Ashwick, on the condition that he might have it while alive, as long as God should wish it, and when he might perceive that the dissolution of the body is at hand, it be given to whom he wishes in perpetuity. Moreover, this possession of the above-recorded lands has been so given for the use by the above-named Abbot Wulfwald that it should be free from every royal and tributary right, also the three fixed obligations, namely, military service [and] the building of bridge and fortress. May he who defends this gift with a favourable attitude of mind, be crowned, adorned, [and] glorified with eternal blessing. May he who might wish to steal it with evil intent, however, know that he will be a defendant against the fire of Hell before the Eternal Judge if he has not been recalled to repentence. That gift was made in the year of the Lord’s incarnation 1061, in indiction 14, epact 6, concurrent 1. To confirm assuredly the gift of our grant, these witnesses were present whose names are written below. I, Giso, by the Grace of God bishop [of Wells], dictated this document. + I, Edward, king, placed this mark. + I, Stigand, archbishop [of Canterbury], praised. + I, Heremann, bishop [of Sherborne], confirmed. + I, Leofric, bishop [of Exeter], affirmed. + I, William, bishop [of London], strengthened. + I, Æthelnoth, abbot [of Glastonbury], affirmed. + I, Æthelwig, abbot [of Evesham], praised. + I, Harold, dux. + I, Tostig, dux. + I, Ælfgar, dux. + I, Gyrth, dux. + I, Æthelwig, minister. + I, Everwacer, minister. + I, Æscgar, minister. + I, Robert, minister. + I, Radulf, minister. + I, Bondi, minister. + I, Beorhtric, consiliarius. + I, Ælfgar, consiliarius. + I, Æthelfrith, minister. + I, Æthelsige, minister. + I, Eadmær, minister. + I, Ælfgeat, minister. + These are the boundaries of the land at Ashwick that King Edward booked to Abbot Wulfweald. That is, first from nettle ford up on nætelinge way; from nætelinge way along the way to the leap-gate; from the leap-gate to the lichen-covered stones to the corner of Leofric’s southern croft; from the corner of Leofric’s southern croft down to the playing-place; from the playing-place down to the bede-land [i.e., land set aside to provide income for a religious house]; from the bede-land down over the slope to smed brook; and from smed brook along the brook to mill-coomb stream; along the stream back to nettle ford. And in addition the twelve acres of meadow that lie on the south side of the way to the three homesteads, as pasture for his livestock.
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    Old Text

    • In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi. Regnante in perpetuum domino nostro Iesu Christo et omnia de summo coeli apice dispensante ac gubernante. Cernimus omnia temporalia et praesentia perire, labi, transire, aliquando maturius gubernantis dei dispensationibus et euidenter finibus aliquando saecularium rerum ingruentibus accessibus, id est, euidentibus cladibus bellorum, incendiis urbium et terrarum, direptionibus praedarum, auxionibus infirmitatum, et aliis innumerabilibus causis existentibus, ne obliuioni tradita quae in nostris temporibus facta sunt uidentur, litterarum apicibus euidenter commendare curauimus. Quapropter ego Eadweard, dei indulgente clementia, Angul-Saxonum rex, aliquantulam terrenae possessionis partem cuidam abbati meo Wlfwoldo libenti animo largitus sum in illa possessione quae uulgo Æscwica uocatur, ea conditione, ut habeat, uita comite, quamdiu deus uoluerit; et cum dissolutionem sui corporis imminere sentierit cui uoluerit perpetualiter tribuendam. Haec autem suprascriptorum agellorum possessio ita est ad utilitatem data a supranominato abbati Wulfwoldo ut ab omni fiscali uectigalique iure libera sit, tribus causis etiam ratis, uidelicet, expeditione, pontis arcisue aedificatione. Qui hanc donationem benigna mentis intentione custodierit, aeterna beatitudine coronetur, ornetur, glorificetur; qui autem malefico ingenio istud auertere uoluerit, sciat se reum esse gehennae ignis coram aeterno iudice, si non ad poenitentiam reuocatus fuerit. Acta est autem haec donatio anno dominicae incarnationis .m.lxi. indictione .xiiii. epactae .vi. concurrens .i. Ad confirmandum uero nostrae beneficiae munus hi testes affuerunt quorum nomina infra sunt carraxata. + Ego Giso dei gratia episcopus hanc cartam dictaui. + Ego Eadwardus rex sigillum imposui. + Ego Stigandus archiepiscopus laudaui. + Ego Heremannus episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Leofricus episcopus affirmaui. + Ego Willelmus episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ægelno∂us abbas confirmaui. + Ego Ægeluin abbas laudaui. + Ego Haroldus dux. + Ego Tostig dux. + Ego Ælfgar dux. + Ego Gyr∂ dux. + Ego Brihtric consiliarius. + Ego Ælfgar consiliarius. + Ego Ægeluin minister. + Ego Euerwacer minister. + Ego Esegar minister. + Ego Rotberd minister. + Ego Rauf minister. + Ego Bondi minister. + Ego Æilfer∂ minister. + Ego Eadmer minister. + Ego Ægelsie minister. + Ego Ælfget minister. ∂is synd ∂a landgemæra ∂e Eadweard cyng gebocade Wulfwold abbade into æscwica. ∂æt is, ærest up of Netelforda up an Nætelingeweg. Of Nætelingewege andlang weges on ∂æt lepegeat. Of ∂am lepegeate on ∂a hara stanas to Leofesices su∂croftes heornan. Of Leofesices su∂croftes heornan ni∂or on ∂one plægstede. And of ∂an plægstede ni∂or on ∂æt bydeland. Of ∂an bydeland ni∂or ofer hylda on smedbroc. And of smedesbrocan andlang brocas on mylnecumbes stræm. Andlang stremes eft to Neteliforda. And butan ∂am twelf æceras mæde ∂e licga∂ on su∂healf weges into ∂am ˇreom wor∂igan his orfe to læsse.