A.D. 1051 x 1052 or 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Coney Weston, Suffolk, is to belong to St Edmunds monastery with everything which is known to pertain lawfully to that house. English


Bury St Edmunds


1. Cambridge, University Library, Ff.2.33, f. 23r (s. xiii 2)
2. London, British Library, Add. 14847, f. 31v (s. xiii/xiv)


K, 880, ex MS 1

Printed and Translated:

Harmer, Writs, no. 20 (p. 162), ex MS 1


Harmer, Writs, pp. 149, 442-3; Hart, ECEE, no. 115, authentic

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    Old Text

    • Eadward kyng gret Aylmer bisscop 7 Aelfger erl and Toly and alle mine ˇeynes on Suffolke and Norfolke frendlike. And ic kithe ou ˇat ic wille ˇat ˇat lond at Cunegestone lige into Seynt Eadmundes minstre and alle ˇe ˇinge ˇat ˇer to mid rithte bire∂ mid sake and mid sokne so ful and so forth so ihe alle for Gode witen ˇat it mid rithte in bure∂.