A.D. 1053 x 1066, probably 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster are to have the estate at Ayot (St Lawrence), Herts., given by Ælfwine Gottone and his wife. English




1. London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A. III, ff. 106v-107r (s. xiii)
2. London, Westminster Abbey, W. A. Muniment Book 11, f. 226v (s. xiv)


K, 864, ex MS 1; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 298 (no. 16), ex MS 1; Neufeldt 1907, no. 1, ex MS 1

Printed and Translated:

Harmer, Writs, no. 91 (p. 356), ex MS 2


Harmer, Writs, pp. 310-11, 511-12, dubious, may represent an 'improved' version of an authentic writ; Gelling, ECTV, no. 189, spurious

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    Old Text

    • Edward cingc gret Wulfwi biscop 7 Leofwin eorl 7 Esgar stallere 7 alle mine ˇeignas 7 mine holde freond on Hertfordscire freondlice/. Ic kiˇe eow ˇæt ic wille 7 ˇat ic ann ˇat Sancte Peter 7 ˇa gebro∂ra on Westminstre habben ˇat cotlif Ægate 7 alc ˇare ˇinga ˇe ˇar to mid rihte gebire∂ mid circe 7 mid milne, mid wude 7 mid felde, mid lese 7 mid mæde 7 on eallun ˇingun swa full 7 swa for∂ swa ælwine Gottone 7 his wif hit/ firmest ahten 7 for/ here saule alesednesse into ˇare halgen stowe gegafan. And ic ann hem eft alswa ˇæt hi habben ˇær to sace 7 socne, toll 7 team, infangeneˇeof 7 flemenesfrimthe 7 miskenninge/ 7 ealle o∂ere gerihte on allun ˇingun ˇe ˇar up aspringe∂/. And ic nelle nateswon geˇafian ˇat anig man hit atbrede o∂∂er geutie of ˇare halgan stowe o∂∂er ˇat enig man ˇar/ anigne onstinge habbe on enigne ˇingan o∂∂er on ænigne timan butan se abbot 7 ˇa gebro∂era to ˇas minstres neode. God eow gehelde 7 ealla ˇa ˇe sind holde into ˇam halgan stede, Amen.