c. A.D. 850. Ealhburg to St Augustine's Abbey; grant of renders from land at Brabourne, Kent. English


Canterbury, St Augustine's


1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 286, f. 74v (s. x; Dumville 1987, pl. V, in part; Kelly, St Augustine's, pl. 3; Gem 1997, p. 46)


B, 501; Kelly, St Augustine's, no. 24

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 479-80; Harmer, SEHD, no. 6 (pp. 9-10, 44-5)


Harmer, SEHD, pp. 84-5; Wallenberg, KPN, p. 205, on place-name; Jenkins and Owen 1983, p. 65, on record entered in gospel-book; Brooks 1984, pp. 147, 150-1, on donor; Dumville 1987, p. 171, MS probably written in 920s; Ker, Catalogue, p. 95 (no. 55), art. a, on MS; Dumville 1992, pp. 94-5, on script; Kelly, St Augustine's, pp. 95-7, authentic; Faith 1997, p. 32, cited; Emms 1999, p. 417, on MS; Pratt, Alfred, p. 97, on suspension of food renders; Pratt, Alfred, p. 244, on liturgical commemoration

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    • In nomine Domini Ealhburh hafaþ geset mid hyre freonda þeahtunga þæt man ælce gere agyfe þam hywum to sanctæ Agustine of þam lande æt Bradanburnan xl. ambura mealtes 7 eald hryðer 7 iiii weþeras . 7 xl 7 cc hlafes 7 ane wæge spices 7 cyses . 7 iiii foðro wudes 7 xx henfugla ; Swylc man se þæt land hebbe þas ðingc agyfe for Ealdredes saule 7 for Ealhburge ; 7 þa hiwan asingan ælce dæge æfter hyra ferse þæne sealm for hia Exaudiat te Dominus . Swæ hwylc man swa þis abrece si he asceadan fram Gode 7 fram eallum hallgum 7 fram þan halgan were on þysum life 7 on ecnesse . Þon' synt her æfter þara manna naman to gewitnesse þisse gesetednesse þæt is þonne Drihtnoþ abb' pr' 7 Osmund presbyter Æþelred pr' Wynhere diacon . Beahmund . Cenheard . Hyse . Adda [.] Cada . Bearnferþ . Bearnhelm . Ealdred . Ealhburh . Ealhwaru . Hoshere . Leofe . Wealdhelm . Dudde . Ofa . Ofe . Wighelm . Wullaf . Eadweald . Gif hit þon' swa ge gæþ swa we na ne wyscað þæt hwylc broc on becume þurh hæþen folc oþþe hwylce oðre earfoþnesse þæt hit man ne mæge þæs geres gelæstan agife on oþrum geare be tweofealdum . Gif þon' git ne mæge sylle on ðriddum geare be ðryfealdum . Gyf he þon' git ne mæge ne nelle ; agife land 7 bec þam hiwum to sanctæ Agustine.
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    Old Text

    • In nomine Domini Ealhburh hafaˇ geset mid hyre freonda ˇeahtunga ˇæt man ælce gere agyfe ˇam hywum to scæ Agustine of ˇam lande æt Bradanburnan xl. ambura mealtes 7 eald hry∂er 7 iiii weˇeras . 7 xl 7 cc hlafes 7 ane wæge spices 7 cyses . 7 iiii fo∂ro wudes 7 xx henfugla ; Swylc man se ˇæt land hebbe ˇas ∂ingc agyfe for Ealdredes saule 7 for Ealhburge ; 7 ˇa hiwan asingan ælce dæge æfter hyra ferse ˇæne sealm for hia Exaudiat te Dominus . Swæ hwylc man swa ˇis abrece si he asceadan fram Gode 7 fram eallum hallgum 7 fram ˇan halgan were on ˇysum life 7 on ecnesse . ˝on' synt her æfter ˇara manna naman to gewitnesse ˇisse gesetednesse ˇæt is ˇonne Drihtnoˇ abb' pr' 7 Osmund presbyter Æˇelred pr' Wynhere diacon . Beahmund . Cenheard . Hyse . Adda [.] Cada . Bearnferˇ . Bearnhelm . Ealdred . Ealhburh . Ealhwaru . Hoshere . Leofe . Wealdhelm . Dudde . Ofa . Ofe . Wighelm . Wullaf . Eadweald . Gif hit ˇon' swa ge gæˇ swa ∂e na ne wysca∂ ˇæt hwylc broc on becume ˇurh hæˇen folc oˇˇe hwylce o∂re earfoˇnesse ˇæt hit man ne mæge ˇæs geres gelæstan agife on oˇrum geare be tweofealdum . Gif ˇon' git ne mæge sylle on ∂riddum geare be ∂ryfealdum . Gyf he ˇon' git ne mæge ne nelle ; agife land 7 bec ˇam hiwum to scæ Agustine.