c. A.D. 931. Athelstan, senator, to St Mary's, Abingdon; grant of land at Uffington, Berks. Latin and English versions with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. VI, ff. 20v-21r (s. xiii in.; both versions, with bounds)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius C. IX, ff. 105-203, f. 110r-v (s. xii 2; Latin only)
3. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius C. IX, ff. 105-203, f. 196r-v (s. xii 2; bounds and English only)


K, 1129; Stevenson, Chron. Abingdon, i. 70-2; B, 687, Latin and bounds; B, 688, English; PN Berks., iii. 686, bounds only; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 28


Stenton 1913, pp. 34-5, English version

Printed and Translated:

Robertson, Charters, no. 22 (p. 44), English version


Stubbs, Memorials, p. lxxxviii n; Stenton 1913, pp. 34-6, composed after the event, assigns to 927 or 928; Grundy, Berks., I, pp. 154-66, on bounds; Darlington 1955, p. 27; Robertson, Charters, pp. 299-300, transaction cannot possibly be later than 931, record may have been drawn up later; O'Donovan 1973, p. 95, dates 926 x 928; PN Berks., i. 1, 5, ii. 344, 379-80, iii. 676, 687-9, bounds describe modern parish of Uffington; Gelling, ECTV, no. 37, authentic basis; Forsberg 1979, p. 147, on bounds; Little 1979, p. 48, on performance of anathema; Hooke 1987, pp. 99-100, on detail of topography; Hooke et al. 1987, on topography; Thacker 1988, pp. 45-6; Little, Maledictions, pp. 56-7, on performance of anathema; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 28, spurious; Worm 2003, p. 35 n. 51, on performance of the sanction

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    • Ego Æthelstan senator scripto inserui istam terram de Uffentune ad ecclesiam sancte Marie de Abbenduna in diebus Æthelstani regis, et hoc fuit testimonio Kynsii episcopi de Berrucscire et Wulfhelmi archiepiscopi et Rodwuardi episcopi et multorum aliorum episcoporum abbatum atque principium qui ibi congregati erant ubi ista uilla ad ecclesiam sancte Marie in Abbendona concessa fuit. Archiepiscopus etiam Wulfhelmus et omnes episcopi et abbates qui ibi simul aderant excommunicauerunt a Christo et ab omni communione Christi et omni Christianitate qui umquam hoc donum immutauerit uel istam terram diminuerit in pascuis siue metis, ut sit ipse missus et dimersus in inferno inferiori sine fine, et dixit omnis populus qui ibi aderat, 'Fiat, fiat, amen'. Þis synd þa landgemære in to Uffentune. Ærest of hwyres mere, 7lang þære lace in to þære blace lace, of þære blace lace innan bulemere, of bulemere to buleferðes steorte, of þam steorte in to bulendic, andlang bulendic in to ðam þorn stybbe, of þam þorn stybbe into þære halige stowe, of þære halige stowe andlang þære heafde in to Ikenilde stræte, of Ikenilde stræte in to ægelwardes mearce, of ægelwardes mearce upprihtes be þam heafde in to hremmesbyriges norð geate, þurh ut þa byrig, ut æt þam suð geate, suðrihte be þam heafde, uppen hodes hlæwe, of hodes hlæwe oppen þa stanhlæwe, of þære stan hlæwe innan þan hwitan hole, of þam hwitan hole in to þam readan hole, of þam readan hole in to þam dunnan hole, of þam dunnan hole in to dunfærðes hnæsse, of dunferðes hnesse in to padde byrig, of padde byrig in to tædduces stane, of tædduces stane in to hundes hlæwe, of hundes hlæwe in to hafeces hlæwe, of hafeces hlæwe into þam stodfalde, of þam stodfalde uppan lauerces byrig, of lauerces byrig in to sceortendic, of sceorten dic in to langen dic, of lange dic in to Æscæsbyriges suðgeate, and swa ut æt þam norð geate, of þam norðgeate middan uppan duden byrig, of duden byrig uppan eceles beorh, þwyrt ofer dunrihtes in to Ikenilde stræt, syððenes dunrihtes bæ þæs heafd æceres west furh, dun ofer þa þwyrsfurh, dun rihtes to þam riscbedde, of þam riscbedde to þam dyrne stane, of þam dyrne stane to þam risc þyfele, of þam risc þyfele in to hlippen ham, of hlippen ham in to þam mylestreame, of þam mylestreame innnan þa norð lange dic, andlanges þurh þa smale þornas innan bulemed, of bulemæd ofer þa clæne med, of þa clæne med norðward east rihtes be norðe mordune on þæne grene weig, of þam grene weige þwyrt ofer þæne mor, innan þwyrs mere midrihtes. Æðelstan ealdorman gebocade þis land of Uffentune in to s&cmacron;e Marie stowe to Abbendune be þæs kinges dæige Æðælstanes 7 þæt wæs be Winsies biscopes gewittnysse of Bærrucscire 7 Wulfhelm arcebiscop 7 Rodward biscop 7 manega oþra ægþer ge biscopas 7 abbodas 7 þeinas þe þer gegæderede wæron þær þæs tun be þyssan gemæran geled wæs in to s&cmacron;a Maria are in to Abbendune, 7 se arcebiscop Wulfhelm 7 ealla þa biscopas 7 abbodas þe þær gesomnode wæron amansumeden fram Criste 7 fram eallum Cristes gemænnes 7 fram eallum Cristen dome þe æfre þas gife undyde oððe þis land gelytlede on læsu oðð on gemæru beo he ascyred 7 gesceofen in to helle grunde aa buten ende, 7 cwæþ ealle þæt folc þe þær embstod, 'Sy hit swa, amen, amen'.
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    Old Text

    • Ego Æthelstan senator scripto inserui istam terram de Uffentune ad ecclesiam sancte Marie de Abbenduna in diebus Æthelstani regis, et hoc fuit testimonio Kynsii episcopi de Berrucscire et Wulfhelmi archiepiscopi et Rodwuardi episcopi et multorum aliorum episcoporum abbatum atque principium qui ibi congregati erant ubi ista uilla ad ecclesiam sancte Marie in Abbendona concessa fuit. Archiepiscopus etiam Wulfhelmus et omnes episcopi et abbates qui ibi simul aderant excommunicauerunt a Christo et ab omni communione Christi et omni Christianitate qui umquam hoc donum immutauerit uel istam terram diminuerit in pascuis siue metis, ut sit ipse missus et dimersus in inferno inferiori sine fine, et dixit omnis populus qui ibi aderat, 'Fiat, fiat, amen'. ˝is synd ˇa landgemære in to Uffentune. Ærest of hwyres mere, 7lang ˇære lace in to ˇære blace lace, of ˇære blace lace innan bulemere, of bulemere to bulefer∂es steorte, of ˇam steorte in to bulendic, andlang bulendic in to ∂am ˇorn stybbe, of ˇam ˇorn stybbe into ˇære halige stowe, of ˇære halige stowe andlang ˇære heafde in to Ikenilde stræte, of Ikenilde stræte in to ægelwardes mearce, of ægelwardes mearce upprihtes be ˇam heafde in to hremmesbyriges nor∂ geate, ˇurh ut ˇa byrig, ut æt ˇam su∂ geate, su∂rihte be ˇam heafde, uppen hodes hlæwe, of hodes hlæwe oppen ˇa stanhlæwe, of ˇære stan hlæwe innan ˇan hwitan hole, of ˇam hwitan hole in to ˇam readan hole, of ˇam readan hole in to ˇam dunnan hole, of ˇam dunnan hole in to dunfær∂es hnæsse, of dunfer∂es hnesse in to padde byrig, of padde byrig in to tædduces stane, of tædduces stane in to hundes hlæwe, of hundes hlæwe in to hafeces hlæwe, of hafeces hlæwe into ˇam stodfalde, of ˇam stodfalde uppan lauerce byrig, of lauerce byrig in to sceortendic, of sceorten dic in to langen dic, of lange dic in to Æscesbyriges su∂geate, and swa ut æt ˇam nor∂ geate, of ˇam nor∂geate middan uppan duden byrig, of duden byrig uppan eceles beorh, ˇwyrt ofer dunrihtes in to Ikenilde stræt, sy∂∂enes dunrihtes bæ ˇæs heafd æcres west furh, dun ofer ˇa ˇwyrsfurh, dun rihtes to ˇam riscbedde, of ˇam hriscbedde to ˇam dyrne stane, of ˇam dyrne stane to ˇam hrisc ˇyfele, of ˇam hrisc ˇyfele in to hlippen ham, of hlippen ham in to ˇam mylestreame, of ˇam mylestreame innnan ˇa nor∂ lange dic, andlanges ˇurh ˇa smale ˇornas innan bulemed, of bulemæd ofer ˇa clæne med, of ˇa clæne med nor∂ward east rihtes be nor∂e mordune on ˇæne grene weig, of ˇam grene weige ˇwyrt ofer ˇæne mor, innan ˇwyrs mere midrihtes. Æ∂elstan ealdorman gebocade ˇis land of Uffentune in to sce Marie stowe to Abbendune be ˇæs kinges dæige Æ∂ælstanes 7 ˇæt wæs be Winsies biscopes gewittnysse of Bærrucscire 7 Wulfhelm arcebiscop 7 Rodward biscop 7 manega oˇra ægˇer ge biscopas 7 abbodas 7 ˇeinas ˇe ˇer gegæderede wæron ˇær ˇæs tun be ˇyssan gemæran geled wæs in to sca Maria are in to Abbendune, 7 se arcebiscop Wulfhelm 7 ealla ˇa biscopas 7 abbodas ˇe ˇær gesomnode wæron amansumeden fram Criste 7 fram eallum Cristes gemænnes 7 fram eallum Cristen dome ˇe æfre ˇas gife undyde o∂∂e ˇis land gelytlede on læsu o∂∂ on gemæru beo he ascyred 7 gesceofen in to helle grunde aa buten ende, 7 cwæˇ ealle ˇæt folc ˇe ˇær embstod, 'Sy hit swa, amen, amen'.