c. A.D. 850. Lulla and Ecce to St Augustine's, Canterbury; grant of render from an estate at Nackington, Kent. English


Canterbury, St Augustine's


1. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius D. X, ff. 9-319, f. 104r (s. xiii 2)


Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 140 (no. 44)

Printed and Translated:

Kelly, St Augustine's, no. 25


Kelly 1990, p. 55 n. 73, cited; Kelly, St Augustine's, pp. 98-9, authentic

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    • In nomine Domini. Ic Lulle 7ecke þa hisetnesse þam hiwm to sancte Augustine for hi 7 for hire bearn libbinde, 7 for hire freond, 7 for alle þa þe hi forþingie. Þanne is þis seo isetnesse of Natindone .xxx. hambre clenes meltes 7 twa foðæ wodes 7 .iiii. weþeres 7 a weimel cheses 7 a sester huniges 7 .v. gys 7 .x. henfugeles. 7 .i. c. hwetene sura lhafa. 7 .xx. clanra hlafa. Ðonne is þis þara gode lean, þæt þa hiwen don scealon þat hi agan ealle to cyrican 7 gesingan hore psaltere sealme elce dage þe hia þa god wicgen 7 ælce messe prest ane messe 7 ælce dage hire pater noster 7 se þe þis healde god hine healde.
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    Old Text

    • Rubric: Donacio Lulle manerio de Natindone. In nomine Domini. Ic Lulle 7ecke ˇa hisetnesse ˇam hiwm to sce Augustine for hi 7 for hire bearn libbinde, 7 for hire freond, 7 for alle ˇa ˇe hi forˇingie. ˝anne is ˇis seo isetnesse of Natindone .xxx. hambre clenes meltes 7 twa fo∂æ wodes 7 .iiii. weˇeres 7 a weimel cheses 7 a sester huniges 7 .v. gys 7 .x. henfugeles. 7 .i. c. hwetene sura lhafa. 7 .xx. clanra hlafa. ˘onne is ˇis ˇara gode lean, ˇæt ˇa hiwen don scealon ˇat hi agan ealle to cyrican 7 gesingan hore psaltere sealme elce dage ˇe hia ˇa god wicgen 7 ælce messe prest ane messe 7 ælce dage hire pater noster 7 se ˇe ˇis healde god hine healde.