S 1245
A.D. 675 (iuxta flumen Bladon, 26 Aug.). Leuthere, bishop of the Saxons, to Aldhelm, priest; grant of land at Malmesbury, Wilts., for a monastery. Latin
1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, ff. 8r-9r (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, British Library, Royal 13 D II, ff. 9v-10r (s. xii)
3. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, ff. 121v-122r (s. xiii ex.)
4. Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 23 (S.C. 3860), pp. 62-63 (s. xvii; incomplete)
5. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 11v-13v (s. xiii)
6. Oxford, Magdalen College, 172, f. 82r (s. xii)
Mon. Angl., i. 50-1; Alford 1663, ii. 348, in part; Wharton, Anglia Sacra, ii. 9-10; K, 11, ex Wharton and MS 1; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 257 (no. 1), ex MS 2; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 257-8 (no. 5), ex MS 5; Giles, Opera Aldhelmi, pp. 341-2; Hamilton, William of Malmesbury, G.P., pp. 347-9, ex MS 6; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 280-1, ex MS 3; B, 37, ex Brewer, Hamilton, K, Mon. Angl., and MS 1; Stubbs, William of Malmesbury, G.R., i. 30-1, ex MS 2; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 1, no. 11; Ehwald, Aldhelmi Opera, pp. 507-9, ex Brewer, Hamilton, Stubbs and MS 1; Morris 1995, pp. 115-17, ex B
Lapidge and Herren 1979, pp. 173-5
HS, p. 124, spurious; Cook 1929; Watkin 1956, pp. 211 and n. 19, 230, citing Ehwald, authentic but interpolated; Finberg, ECW, no. 181, authentic basis; Lapidge and Herren 1979, pp. 173, 204; Barker 1984, p. 40, estate perhaps at Brokenborough and Bremilham; with map; Wormald 1985, pp. 25, 29 n. 14, some authentic basis; Edwards 1988, pp. 85-7, fabrication, but sanction, dating clause and witness-list probably taken from authentic document
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- Solet enim plerumque contingere <ut, autumnali> torrido facessante caumate, brumalia seuientium uentorum flabra reciprocis alternatim cursibus succedant, quibus procellosa pelagi cerula <enormesque oceani> gurgites hinc atque illinc quatiuntur. Quatinus nauigero tramite nullus absque discrimine nauigans, furibundo flamine carbasa rumpente transfretat. Ita nimirum prostrata mundi pompulenta gloria, iamque appropinquante eiusdem termino, fluctuantes seculi turbines incumbere euidenti experimento uidentur, ut re uera et <absque ullo> ancipiti scrupulo illa Domini presagmina nostris tandem temporibus comprobantur impleri, quibus ita celesti oraculo effatus est, dicens, ‘Videte ficulneam et omnis arbores’ et cetera. Porro inter has turbulentas seculi tempestates scripturarum flectanda sunt gubernacula, totiusque nauigii armatura atque instrumenta paranda, quatinus, garrulo syrenarum carmine spreto, ratis recto cursu ad portum patrie prospere perducatur. Quamobrem ego Leutherius, gratia Dei episcopus, pontificatus Saxonie gubernacula regens, rogatus <? sum> ab abbatibus qui sub iure parrochie nostre cenobiali monachorum agmini pastorali sollicitudine preesse noscuntur, uti terram illam cui uocabulum est <? inditum> Mealdumesburg Aldhelmo presbitero ad degendam regulariter uitam conferre largirique dignarer, in quo uidelicet loco a primo euo infantie atque ab ipso tirocinio rudimentorum liberalibus litterarum studiis eruditus et in gremio sancte matris ecclesie nutritus uitam duxit, et ob hoc potissimum hanc petitionem fraterna caritas suggerere uidetur. Quapropter, predictorum abbatum precibus annuens, ipsum locum de quo supra mentionem fecimus tam sibi quam suis successoribus normam sancte regule sollerti deuotione sequentibus, fraterna petitione coactus, ultroneus impendo, quatinus in futuram posteritatem, remota omni disceptationum conflictu ingruentium, quiete continua et pace perpetua Deo famulari sine impedimento ualeant. Sed ne forte contentionis occasio deinceps emergat, hac rationis conditione interposita roborans confirmo, ut nullus succedentium demum episcoporum seu regum hanc nostre donationis cartulam tyrannica fretus potestate uiolenter inuadat, asserens pertinaciter quod de iure potestatis episcopatus ablatum sequestratumque fuisse uideretur. Et iccirco sciendum est, et contra emulos promulgandum, multo magis me commodum augmentumque pontificali ecclesie addidisse quam per uim abstraxisse. Postremo, ut firmior prefate donationis largitio iugiter mansura sit, predictos abbates propriis manibus subscribere iussimus. Quod si quis hec scripta et decreta nostre definitionis irrita facere nitetur, sciat se ante tribunal Christi rationem redditurum. Actum publice iuxta flumen Bladon .vii. kalendas Septembris, anno incarnationis Christi .dclxxv. + Ego Cleutherius acsi indignus episcopus, rogatus a fratribus, hanc donationis cartam subscripsi. + Ego Cunibe<r>ctus abbas subscripsi. + Ego Haeddi abbas subscripsi. + Ego Winiberctus presbiter subscripsi. + Ego Hiddi presbiter subscripsi. + Ego Hedda subscripsi.
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- For it generally happens that, with the torrid autumnal heat coming to an end, the wintry blasts of the raging winds follow in turn with their returning journeys, by which the cerulean waves of the sea and the vast raging abysses of the ocean are moved hither and yon. Insofar as no one sailing on a navigable path is without risk, he crosses the sea with the furious north-easterly blast bursting asunder. Thus the pompous glory of this world is indisputably overthrown, and now with the end of the same approaching, the raging hurricanes of this world seem to press upon [us] with manifest evidence that at length those prophetic sayings of the Lord are proved to be fulfilled in our time as a true fact and without any ambiguous doubt, about which He stated in that heavenly pronouncement, saying, ‘Behold the fig-tree, and all the trees’, et cetera. Indeed amongst these turbulent storms of this world the rudder of the scriptures must be turned, and the equipment and instruments of the whole ship be prepared, so that, after the garrulous song of the sirens has been spurned, the ship may be led successfully in a direct path to the port of the fatherland. For this reason, I, Leuthhere, by the Grace of God at the helm of the bishopric of Saxony [i.e., the kingdom of the West Saxons], have been asked by the abbots who under the control of our diocese are acknowledged to be in charge of the coenobitic army of monks for their pastoral care that I should deem it worthy to confer and bestow that land to which the name Malmesbury is given on Aldhelm, the priest, for him to live his life according to the Rule, in which place from the first stage of infancy and from the beginning of the rudiments of letters he led his life, learned in liberal studies and nourished in the bosom of Holy Mother Church, and on account of this fraternal love is seen to prompt most powerfully this request. Wherefore, giving assent to the prayers of the aforementioned abbots, impelled by [their] fraternal request, I give of my own accord that very place of which we made mention above both to him and to his successors who follow the tenets of the holy rule with sagacious devotion, so that in the future in continuous repose and perpetual peace, removed from all the conflict of assailing disputations, the servants of God may prevail without hindrance. But lest by chance an occasion for contention should thereafter arise, strengthening [it] with the introduction of this reasonable stipulation I confirm that none of the succeeding bishops or kings should violently attack this charter of gift, relying on tyrannical power, asserting very firmly that it be seen to have been removed and separated from the right of episcopal power. And on that account let it be known and published against those who are rivals that I have added something suitable and an augmentation to the priestly church rather than have dragged [it] away by force. Finally, in order that the generosity of the aforementioned gift should more firmly remain permanently, we have ordered that the aforementioned abbots subscribe with their own hands. If anyone should strive to make these writings and the decrees of our decision worthless, let him know that he will render account before the judgement-seat of Christ. Executed publicly near the River Bladon on 26 August in the year of the incarnation of Christ 675. + I, Leuthhere, albeit unworthy, bishop [of Winchester], asked by the brethren, subscribed this charter of gift. + I, Cuneberht, abbot [of Redbridge], subscribed. + I, Hædde, abbot, subscribed. + I, Wyneberht, priest, subscribed. + I, Hidde, priest, subscribed. + I, Hædde, subscribed.
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Old Text
- Solet plerumque contingere ut, autumnali torrido facessente caumate, brumali sevientium ventorum flabra reciprocis alternatim cursibus succedant ; quibus procellosa pelagi cærula enormesque oceani gurgites hinc atque illinc quatiuntur, quatinus navigero tramites nullus absque discrimine navigans, furibundo flamine carbasa rumpente, transfretet. Ita nimirum prostrata mundi pompulenta gloria, jamque appropinquante ejusdem termino, fluctuantes sæculi turbines incumbere experimento evidenti videntur, ut revera et absque ullo ancipiti scrupulo, illa domini præsagmina nostris tandem temporibus comprobentur impleri, quibus ita cælesti oraculo effatus est :-- 'Videte ficulneam et omnes arbores,'1 et cætera. Porro inter has turbulentas sæculi tempestates scripturarum flectenda sunt gubernacula, totiusque navigii armatura atque instrumenta paranda ; quatinus garrulo sirenarum carmine spreto, ratis recto cursu ad portum patriæ prospere perducatur. Quapropter ego Leutherius, gratia Dei episcopus, pontificatus Saxonici gubernacula regens, rogatus sum ab abbatibus, qui sub jure parrochiæ nostræ cenobiali monachorum agmini præsse noscuntur pastorali sollicitudine, uti terram illam, cui vocabulum est inditum Maldumesburg, Aldhelmo presbitero ad degendam regulariter vitam conferre largirique dignarer. In quo videlicet loco a primo ævo infantiæ atque ab ipso tirocinio rudimentorum, liberalibus litterarum studiis eruditus, et in gremio sanctæ matris ecclesiæ nutritus vitam duxit. Et ob hoc potissimum hanc petitionem fraterna caritas suggerere videtur. Quapropter, prædictorum abbatum precibus annuens, ipsum locum de quo supra mentionem fecimus tam sibi quam suis successoribus normam sanctæ regulæ solerti devotione sequentibus fraterna petitione coactus, ultroneus impendo, quatinus in futuram posteritatem, remoto omni disceptationum ingruentium conflictu quiete continua et pace perpetua Deo famulari sine impedimento valeant. Sed ne forte contentionis occasio deinceps emergat, hac rationis conditione interposita, confirmo ut nullus succedentium demum episcoporum seu regum hanc nostræ donationis cartulam tirannica fretus potestate violenter invadat, asserens pertinaciter quod de jure potestatis episcopatus ablatum sequestratumque fuisse videretur. Et iccirco sciendum est ; et contra æmulos promulgandum, multo magis me commodum augmentumque pontificali ecclesiæ addidisse, quam per vim abstraxisse. Postremo, ut firmior prædictæ largitionis donatio jugiter mansura sit, prædictos abbates propriis manibus subscribere jussimus. Quod si quis hæc scripta et definita et decreta nostra irrita facere nitetur, sciat se ante tribunal Christi rationem redditurum. Actum publice, juxta flumen Bladon, .vii. kalendas Septembris anno incarnationis Christi .dcmo.lxxo.vto. + Ego Leutherius ac si indignus episcopus, rogatus a fratribus hanc donacionis cartam subscripsi. + Ego Cunuberhtus abbas subscripsi. + Ego Haeddi abbas subscripsi. + Ego Wymberhtus presbiter subscripsi. + Ego Hiddi presbiter subscripsi. + Ego Hedda subscripsi. 1 Luke 21: 29.