A.D. 680 (6 July). Hædde, bishop (of Winchester), to Hæmgils, abbot (of Glastonbury); grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Leigh in Street and 2 hides (manentes) at Meare, Somerset. Latin




1. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39, f. 134v (s. xiv med.)
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 1 (S.C. 8589), ff. 149v-150r (s. xiv)
3. Lost Glastonbury Liber Terrarum, no. 5 (see Abrams 1996, p. 31)


Mon. Angl., ii. 837-8; K, 19, ex MS 2; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 47 (no. 82); HS, p. 164; B, 47, ex K; Earle, pp. 9-10; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 1, no. 14; Pierquin, Conciles, p. 114; Watkin, Glastonbury Cart., ii. 363 (no. 639), ex MS 1


HS, p. 164; Davidson 1884, p. 6, suspicious; Galbraith 1920, p. 382 n. 2, authentic; Robinson 1921, pp. 47-8, authentic but corrupted in transmission, relates to Leigh on Street; Turner 1950; Finberg, ECW, no. 357, authentic basis; Scott 1981, pp. 92, 198 n. 84; Wormald 1985, p. 25, broadly trustworthy; Edwards 1988, pp. 18-19, authentic; Costen 1992, pp. 38, 39, on estate; Abrams 1996, pp. 28, 31, 35, 38, 153-4, 169-71, 209-10, on MS sources; questionable, discusses identification with Leigh; may represent a recast and combined version of two genuine documents, discusses history of Meare; on Street; Faith 1997, p. 24; Calder 2004, pp. 4–11, discusses place-name Lantokay

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    • Regnante ac gubernante nos domino nostro Jhesu Christo ! mense Julio, pridie nonas, indictione quinta, anno incarnationis ejusdem . dclxxx. Nichil intulimus in hunc mundum verum nec auferre possumus ; ideo terrenis cælestia et caducis æterna comparanda sunt. Quapropter ego Eddi episcopus terram quæ dicitur Lantocal , tres cassatos , Hemgislo abbati libenter largior : necnon terram in alio loco , duas manentes , hoc est in insula quæ giro cingitur hinc atque illinc pallude cujus vocabulum est Ferramere . Denique solerter peto ut nullus post obitum nostrum hoc donativum in irritum facere præsumat . Siquis vero id temptaverit sciat se Christo rationem redditurum. + Ego Eddi episcopus subscripsi.