A.D. 962. Oswald, bishop. to Cynhelm, his minister; lease, for three lives, of 6 hides (mansae) at Upton-upon-Severn, Gloucs., with reversion to the bishopric of Worcester. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 1-118, f. 69r-v (s. xi 1)


Hearne, Heming, pp. 145-7; K, 495 and vol. iii. 458; B, 1088; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 123


Robinson 1919, p. 17; Grundy, Worcs., II, pp. 92-4, on bounds; Finberg, ECWM, no. 283, authentic; Finberg 1972, p. 495, on a detail of bounds; Hooke 1990, pp. 244-7, on bounds, with map p. 245; Whybra 1990, p. 54; King 1996, p. 110

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    Old Text

    • Uptun . Cynelme 7 Godwine . Px Ego Osuuald gratia Dei episcopus cum consensu ac licentia . Eadgari regis Anglorum et Ælfhere ducis Merciorum quandam ruris particulam quod a gnosticis uptun appellatur . vi videlicet mansas cuidam ministro meo nomine Cynelm cum omnibus ad illud rite pertinentibus perpetua largitus sum hereditate . et post vitæ suæ terminum duobus tantum heredibus immunem derelinquat quibus defunctis aeclesiæ Dei in Wiogurna ceastre restituatur . ˘is synd ˇa lond gemæra to uptune ærest of sæuerne on innan pullæ . ondlong pulles ˇæt to ˇæra hina gemære ondlong ˇæs gemæres ˇæt hit cym∂ on ˇone feld a be ˇan wuda swa sulh 7 siˇe hit gegan mæge ˇæt hit . cyme to ˇære æc ˇæt swa for∂ be ˇam wuda ˇæt on ˇæ rugan æc of ˇære æc on ˇone aldan hagan ondlong hagan ˇæt on ˇa l'h'ydan onlong lhydan up onlong alre on ˇone æcer geard a be ˇæm gearde ˇæt on ˇa won ac ˇæt swa on sec mor ˇæt ˇet dic to sceot ˇæt ˇonon on gerihte on eowr hyc ˇæt swa on fulan mor . of ˇæm more on rinnan pul ondlong pulles on mær broc ondlong broces ˇæt on sciran pul . for∂ on gerihte ofer ˇæt pul to ˇan hagan on gerihte on ˇone hagan ondlong ˇæs hagan on sæfern ondlong sæfern ˇæt eft to innan pulle . 7 iiitene æceras on east halue sæfern . 7 ˇone wer . ˝onne is ealles ˇæs landes . vi . hida ˇe Osold bisceop boca∂ Kynelme his ˇegne mid his hlafordes leafe ˇreora manna dæg on ˇa ge rad weorce ˇæt he weorce ˇæt ˇæt land seo into ˇære halgan stowe un forworht . Anno dominicae incarnationis . dcccc . lxiii . scriptum est haec carta his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina notantur . Cynelm is ˇe forma man 7 Godwine is ˇe oˇer . + Ego Wulfric presbiter . + Ego Ælfred clericus . + Ego Kynstan clericus . + Ego Eadwine clericus . + Ego Æˇelnod presbiter . + Ego Wulfhun clericus . + Ego Ælfstan clericus . + Ego Byrhstan clericus . + Ego Æˇelstan clericus . + Ego Cynsige clericus . + Ego Cyneˇegn clericus . + Ego Wulfgar clericus . + Ego Ælfric diaconus . + Ego Wistan clericus . + Ego Eadgar clericus . + Ego Wulfheah clericus . + Ego Wulfric clericus .