A.D. 969. Oswald, bishop, to Æthelweard, his minister; lease, for three lives, of 2 hides (mansae) at Stoke Bishop, Gloucs., with reversion to the bishopric. Latin with English and English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 1-118, f. 58r-v (s. xi 1)


Hearne, Heming, pp. 123-4; K, 550; B, 1236; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 4, no. 12


Lindley 1959, on bounds; PN Gloucs., iii. 144-5; Finberg, ECWM, no. 117, authentic; Bullough 1990, pp. 19-21, on beneficiary; Whybra 1990, p. 46; Bullough 1996, p. 11; King 1996, pp. 106-7

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    Old Text

    • Æt Bisceopes Stoce Æˇelweardo 7 Æˇelmæro . Px Ego Oswald ergo Christi crismate præsul judicatus dominicæ incarnationis anno . dcccc . lxviiii . annuente regi Anglorum Eadgar . Ælfereque Merciorum comite necnon et familia Weogornensis æcclesiæ quandam ruris particulam duas videlicet mansas in loco qui celebri vocatur a soliculis æt Stoce . vocabulo cuidam ministro meo nomine Æˇelweardo perpetua largitus sum hereditate . et post vitæ suæ terminum duobus tantum heredibus inmunem derelinquat quibus defunctis aecclesiæ Dei in Weogorna ceastre restituatur . ˝is wæs gedon ymbe . viiii . nigon hund wintra 7 . lxviiii . 7 on nigoˇan geare ˇe Oswold bisceop to folgo∂e feng . Sancta Maria 7 sanctus Michahel cum sancto Petro 7 eallum Godes halgum gemiltsie ˇis healdendum gif hwa butan gewyrhtum hit abrecan wylle hæbbe him wi∂ God gemære buton he ær to dæd bote gecyrre . Her is seo hond seton . + Oswald bisceop . + Eadgar presbiter . + Ælfred clericus . + Wulfhun clericus . + Ælfstan clericus . + Eadwine clericus . + Wulfric presbiter . + Wistan presbiter . + Æˇelstan presbiter . + Byrhtstan clericus . + Wulfgar clericus . + Wynstan clericus . + ˝is syndon ˇa land gemæru twegra hida æt Stoce ærest on æsc wellan of æsc wellan west on ˇa halas ˇanon on dynninces grafes wyrt truman ˇæt swa on swepelan stream . of swepelan streame west be wudu riman on readan wege su∂weardan of readan wege west eft in æsc wellan .