A.D. 969. Oswald, bishop, to Eadmær, his minister; lease, for three lives, of 3 hides (mansi) at Little Witley, Worcs., with reversion to the bishopric. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 1-118, f. 75r-v (s. xi 1)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 119-200, f. 159v (s. xi 2; bounds only)


Hickes, Inst. Gramm., præfatio, p. v (un-numbered), bounds only; Hearne, Heming, pp. 159-60, 352; K, 561, ex MS 1; K, 1369, ex Hickes; B, 1242; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 4, no. 15; Hooke 1990, p. 278, bounds only


Grundy, Worcs., I, pp. 143-5, on bounds; Finberg, ECWM, no. 299, authentic; Hooke 1980, p. 46, on topography; Hooke 1985, p. 110; Hooke 1990, pp. 278-81, on bounds, with map p. 279; Whybra 1990, p. 54

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  • Metadata

    Old Text

    • Witleah . Eadmær 7 Wulfrun . + Anno dominicæ incarnationis . dcccc . lxviiii . ego Osuuald . superni rectoris fultus juvamine præsul cum licentia . Eadgari . regis Anglorum . ac Ælfhere . ducis Merciorum uni ministro meo qui a gnosticis nota . Eadmær . nuncupatur vocabulo ob ejus fidele obsequium quandam ruris particulam . iiii . videlicet mansos quod solito vocitatur nomine . Witleah cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus liberaliter concessi ut ipse vita comite fideliter perfruatur et post vitæ suæ terminum duobus quibus voluerit clero nomis derelinquat . quibus etiam ex hac vita migratis rus predictum cum omnibus utensilibus ad usum primatis ecclesiæ Dei in Wiogorna ceastre restituatur immunis . His metis prefatum rus hinc inde giratur . ˘is syndon ˇa lond gemæru æt Witleag ærest of Grim setene gemære an siht fer∂ of siht fer∂ an fearn hege of fearn hege an gerd wege of gerd wege to fif acan of fif acan to ˇrim gemæran of ˇrim gemæran to kyllan rygce ondlong ∂ære aldan dic of cyllan rygce an stan broc ondlong broces an Tæcles broc of Tæcles broce an beferic of beferic on doferic onlong doferic on sæfern . Eadmær wæs se forma man 7 Wulfrun is se o∂er . + Ego Osuuold episcopus consensi . + Ego Wulfric presbiter . + Ego Eadgar presbiter . + Ego Wistan presbiter . + Ego Ælfred clericus . + Ego Æˇelstan clericus . + Ego Wulhun clericus . + Ego Brihstan clericus . + Ego Ælfstan clericus . + Ego Wulfgar clericus . + Ego Eadwine clericus . + Ego Wunstan clericus . + Ego Ælfgar clericus . + Ego Ufic clericus . + Ego Wulfheah clericus . + Ego Leofwine clericus . + Ego Tuna clericus . + Ego Wulfno∂ clericus . + Ego Eadweard clericus .