A.D. 969. Oswald, bishop, to Wulfgar, clericus; lease, for three lives, of 1 hide (mansa), with the church etc., at Battenhall in St Peter's-without-Worcester and at Perry in St Martin's-without-Worcester, including a messuage (haga) in Worcester. Latin with English and English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 1-118, ff. 64v-65r (s. xi 1)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 119-200, f. 162r (s. xi 2; bounds of Perry only)


Hearne, Heming, pp. 136-8, 357-8; K, 559; B, 1240; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 4, no. 14; Hooke 1990, pp. 282, 284, bounds only


Grundy, Worcs., II, pp. 112-14, 116, on bounds; John 1966, p. 246, cited; Finberg, ECWM, no. 297, authentic; Hooke 1980, pp. 40, 41, 45, 48, on topography; Hooke 1985, pp. 119, 241, cited; Hooke 1987, p. 96; Hooke 1990, pp. 281-6, on bounds; Whybra 1990, p. 54; Baker and Holt 1996, pp. 137, 141, on topography; King 1996, p. 111

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    Old Text

    • Æt Batanhagan Wulfgaro . 7 æt ∂ære pyrian . Px Anno dominicae incarnationis . dcccclxix . ego Osuuald superni rectoris fultus juvamine præsul cum licentia . Eadgari regis Anglorum ac Ælfere . ducis Merciorum . cuidam clerico qui a gnosticis noto . Uulfgar . nuncupatur vocabulo ob ejus fidele obsequium quandam ruris particulam unam videlicet mansam quod solito vocitato nomine Baten hale cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus liberaliter concessi ut ipse vita comite fideliter perfruatur et post vitæ suæ terminum duobus quibus voluerit clero nomis derelinquat . quibus etiam ex ac vita migratis rus prædictum cum omnibus utensilibus ad usum primatis ecclesiæ Dei in Wigurna ceastre restituatur immunis . His metis prefatum rus hinc inde giratur . Eac we him writa∂ ˇone hagan be suˇan wealle wi∂ sancte Petres circan . his dæg 7 twam oˇrum æfter him . ˘is syndon ˇære halfre hide land gemæru æt baten hale ærest of ˇan readan ofre ondlong stræte on Æˇelmundes gemære ondlong gemæres ˇæt in ˇæt eorˇe byrst of ˇon eor∂ ge byrste on reod leage ˇæt ondlong ˇæs broces in tittenhalh . ˇæt embuten calfre croft ˇæt cyme∂ eft in ˇone broc . ˇæt swa on east crofte ˇæt swa ondlong ˇære hege ræwe ˇæt on ondoncilles wombe ˇæt ˇara . xii . æcras on west healfe ˇære stræte 7 an medwa beneo∂an ˇæm hliˇe eft ondlonges hole broces ˇæt up ongean ˇa cotu on ˇa stræt ond long stræte ˇæt on readan ofre 7 nor∂ croft ˇærto . ˝is is ˇæs feor∂an dæles land gemæru up æt ˇære pirian ærest of gold burnan ond longes ˇære hegce ˇæt up on ˇone hyll ˇæt of ∂æm hylle ofer ˇære port stræte up on ˇone oˇerne hyll of ˇæm hylle dun in ˇæt dæll ˇæt ond long ˇæs dæles ˇæt up on ˇone hyll be hio nan lip perd ofer mid ˇone graf ˇæt on ˇæne mid lestan hole weg onlong ˇæs weges ˇæt in ˇa hegce wi∂ westan ˇa cotu ond longes hegce eft in gold burnan . + Ego Osuua'l'd episcopus . + Ego Wulfric presbiter . + Ego Eadgar presbiter . + Ego Wistan presbiter . + Ego Johan presbiter . + Ego Æˇelstan presbiter . + Ego Ælfred presbiter . + Ego Brihstan presbiter . + Ego Kyneˇen clericus . + Ego Wulfhun clericus . + Ego Ælfsige diaconus . + Ego Eadwine clericus . + Ego Ælfstan clericus . + Ego Leofwine clericus . + Ego Wulfheah clericus . + Ego Ælfgar clericus . + Ego Ufic clericus . + Ego Tuna clericus . + Ego Wulfheah clericus . + Ego Eadward clericus . + Ego Wenstan clericus . + Eac we writa∂ him ˇa circan 7 ˇone circ stall 7 ˇone worˇig to ˇære burnan 7 ˇone croft be suˇan ˇære burnan 7 . vi . æcras mæde on ˇa geref mæde 7 ic on him be Godes bletsunga 7 be ure ægˇer ge wuda ge on felda swa his boc him wisa∂ .