A.D. 977. Oswald, archbishop, to Eadric, his minister; lease, for three lives, of 3 hides (mansae) at Tiddington, Warwicks., with reversion to the bishopric of Worcester. Latin with English




1. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 1-118, f. 96r-v (s. xi 1)


Hearne, Heming, pp. 204-5; K, 617, incorrectly includes bounds of Teddington, Worcs., see S 1554


PN Gloucs., i. 4, ii, 45, 46, 54, 61; Finberg, ECWM, p. 85, Kemble wrongly prints bounds of Teddington, Worcs., with this lease; Finberg 1972, pp. 519, 521; Hart, ECNE, no. 63, authentic; Bullough 1990, pp. 19-21, on beneficiary; Whybra 1990, p. 50; King 1996, pp. 105-6, 114; Wareham 1996, p. 57, on beneficiary; Hooke 1999, p. 53

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    Old Text

    • Old English only ˇonne is ˇæs landes [III] hida ˇe Oswald arcebisceop boca∂ Eadrice his ˇegne ge ner tune ge fyr, swa swa he hit ær hæfde to lanlande mid ˇæs heorodes gewitnesse on Wiogornaceastre.