A.D. 1007 x 1014. The community at Sherborne to Edmund the Ætheling; lease, for life, of land at Holcombe Rogus, Devon, in return for 20 pounds. English




1. London, British Library, Add. 46487, f. 16v (s. xii med.)


K, 1302; O'Donovan, Sherborne, no. 14

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 300-1; Robertson, Charters, no. 74 (pp. 146-9)


Harmer, Writs, pp. 482, 485-6; Finberg, ECDC, no. 50; Robertson, Charters, pp. 392-4, should be dated 1012, cf. p. 448; HRH, p. 236, probably genuine; Dumville 1979, p. 5, witnesses from household of æthelings; O'Donovan, Sherborne, pp. xxiv, 49-51, authentic, exact date cannot be determined; Wormald 1988, no. 74; Hooke 1994, p. 189, cited; Pelteret 1995, p. 167

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    • Her swutelaþ on þisum gewrite þæt Eadmund æþeling bæd þone hyred æt Scireburnan þæt he moste ofgan þæt land æt Holancumbe ; ða ne dorste se hyred hym þæs wyrnan . ac cwæþon þæt hy þæs wel uðon . gyf se cing 7 se bisceop þe heora ealdor wæs þæs geuðon . Ða gewærþ hym . 7 se æþeling 7 se prafost 7 þa yldostan munecas comon to þam cinge 7 him fore cyddon 7 his leafe bædon . 7 þæt ærende abead Wulfstan archebisceop . Ða cwæð se cing þæt he nolde þæt þæt land mid ealle ut aseald wære . ac þæt hi elles swilce foreword worhton þæt þæt land eft in to þære halgan stowe agifen wære to þam fyrste þe hym ealle gewurde . Ða gewearþ hi þæt se Æþeling sealde þam hyrede . xx . punda wið þam lande ælswa hit stod mid mete 7 mid mannon 7 mid ællon þingon . 7 bruce his dæg 7 ofer his dæg eode þæt land eft in to ðære halgan stowe mid mete 7 mid mannon 7 mid eallum þingum swa swa hit ðonne wære . Ðises wæs to gewitnesse Wulfstan archebisceop . 7 Lyfing bisceop . 7 Æþelric bisceop . 7 Æþelsie bisceop . 7 Eadric ealdorman . 7 Æðelmer ealdorman . 7 Æþelfand Æþelmeres suna . 7 Leofsuna abbud æt Cernel . 7 Ælfget Hengþes suna . 7 Siwærd . 7 Brihtric reada . 7 ealle þa ildostan ðægnas on Dorsæton . 7 Ealdwine preost . 7 Wulfric preost . 7 Lofwine æþelinges disc þen . 7 Ælfget 7 Ælwerd his cnihtas . 7 ealle þege oþre hired men .
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    Old Text

    • Her swutelaˇ on ˇisum gewrite ˇæt Eadmund æˇeling bæd ˇone hyred æt Scireburnan ˇæt he moste ofgan ˇæt land æt Holancumbe ; ∂a ne dorste se hyred hym ˇæs wyrnan . ac cwæˇon ˇæt hy ˇæs wel u∂on . gyf se cing 7 se bisceop ˇe heora ealdor wæs ˇæs geu∂on . ˘a gewærˇ hym . 7 se æˇeling 7 se prafost 7 ˇa yldostan munecas comon to ˇam cinge 7 him fore cyddon 7 his leafe bædon . 7 ˇæt ærende abead Wulfstan archebisceop . ˘a cwæ∂ se cing ˇæt he nolde ˇæt ˇæt land mid ealle ut aseald wære . ac ˇæt hi elles swilce foreword worhton ˇæt ˇæt land eft in to ˇære halgan stowe agifen wære to ˇam fyrste ˇe hym ealle gewurde . ˘a gewearˇ hi ˇæt se Æˇeling sealde ˇam hyrede . xx . punda wi∂ ˇam lande ælswa hit stod mid mete 7 mid mannon 7 mid ællon ˇingon . 7 bruce his dæg 7 ofer his dæg eode ˇæt land eft in to ∂ære halgan stowe mid mete 7 mid mannon 7 mid eallum ˇingum swa swa hit ∂onne wære . ˘ises wæs to gewitnesse Wulfstan archebisceop . 7 Lyfing bisceop . 7 Æˇelric bisceop . 7 Æˇelsie bisceop . 7 Eadric ealdorman . 7 Æ∂elmer ealdorman . 7 Æˇelfand Æˇelmeres suna . 7 Leofsuna abbud æt Cernel . 7 Ælfget Hengˇes suna . 7 Siwærd . 7 Brihtric reada . 7 ealle ˇa ildostan ∂ægnas on Dorsæton . 7 Ealdwine preost . 7 Wulfric preost . 7 Lofwine æˇelinges disc ˇen .7 Ælfget 7 Ælwerd his cnihtas . 7 ealle ˇege oˇre hired men .