? A.D. 963. Æthelwold, bishop, to St Peter's, Medeshamstede (Peterborough); record of gifts including land at Medeshamstede, Anlafestun; at Farcet and Whittlesey Mere, Hunts.; at Oundle and Kettering, Northants.; and at Well (cf. Outwell, Upwell, Welney, Cambs. and Norfolk); tithe from the double hundreds of Normancross, Hunts., and of Nassaborough, Northants., and from Maxey, Ashton, Nunton and Pilsgate in Barnack, Northants.; with stock at Yaxley, Hunts. English




1. London, Society of Antiquaries, 60, ff. 39v-40v (s. xii med.)


Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 382 (no. 8); Kemble and Rock 1863, pp. 365-6; B, 1128

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 243-4, incomplete; Robertson, Charters, no. 39 (pp. 72-5)


PN Beds. and Hunts., pp. 185, 191; Robertson, Charters, pp. 325-30; Hart, ECEE, no. 13, authentic; King 1973, p. 7; Hart, ECNE, no. 7, authentic, dates c. 971 x 984, cf. p. 326; O'Donovan, Sherborne, p. 46; Yorke 1988, p. 3 n. 21; Kennedy 1995, p. 138 n. 28; Pelteret 1995, pp. 169, 323, on details of terminology

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    Old Text

    • ˝is synd ˇa madmas ˇe Adeluuold bisceop sealde into ˇam mynstre ˇe is Medeshamstede gehaten Gode to loue 7 sancte Petre . his saule to alysednesse . ˇæt is ˇonne an Cristes boc mid sylure berenod . 7 .iii. rode eac mid sylure berenode .ii. sylurene candelsticcan . 7 .ii. ouergylde . 7 .i. sylurene storcille . 7 .i. æren . 7 .i. sylurene waterfet . 7 .ii. sylurene bellen . 7 .iiii. silurene calices .iiii. patenan . 7 syluren pipe . 7 .vi. masse hacelan . 7 .iiii. cæppan . 7 .i. roc . 7 .viii. stolan . emfela 'h'andlina . 7 .xi. subumbrale . 7 .ii. pistolclaˇas . 7 .iii. corporale . 7 .iii. offrincsceatas . 7 .xviiii. albæn . 7 .iiii. pælles . 7 .ii. linenweb to albæn . 7 .ii. blace rEgl cEsternisce . 7 vi. uuahryft . 7 .viiii. setreil . 7 .x. hangiende bellan .vii. handbellan . 7 .iiii. bedreaf . 7 .vi. hornas .iiii. gerenode . 7 .viii. sylfrene cuppan . 7 .ii. gegylde weofodsceatas. And antwentig is ˇara boca ˇe Adeluuold biscop gesealde into Burch . ˇæt is ˇonne Beda in Marcum . Liber miraculorum . Expositio Hebreorum nominum . Prouisio futurarum rerum . Augustinus de achademicis . Vita sancti Felicis metrice . Sinonima Isidori . Vita Eustachii . Descidia Parisiace polis . Medicinalis . De duodecim abusiuis . Sermo super quosdam psalmos . Commentum cantica canticorum . De eucharistia . Commentum Martiani . Alchimi Auiti . Liber differentiarum . Cilicius Ciprianus . De litteris Grecorum . Liber bestiarum. Her is geswitelung hwet landum wes ˇe Adeluuold biscop betehte his dryhtene into Medeshamstede ˇa he hit mid munecum gesette . ˇat is ˇonne ærest Medeshamstede . 7 ta berewican ˇa ˇarto heren . 7 Anlafestun . 7 ˇam berewican ˇarto. ˝onne 'is æt' Farresheafde .xvi. weorcwur∂e men . 7 .viii. iunge men . 7 Witlesmere 'h'alfendel. ˝onne is Vndelum 7 to berewicum ˇarto gebyre∂ . ˝onne is Keteiringan. ˝onne sind ˇa fennas ˇe he bohte 'æt Æalsige 7 æ[t] Vfige' manige æt Wellan . mid .xiii. oran. Of ˇam twam hundredum ˇe secæ∂ into Normannescros man ageaf to tio∂unge into Medeshamstede feor∂ healf hund æcere sed . 7 .xxiii. æcera clenes wetes. Of ˇam twam undredum ute o'n' ˇam nesse ˇe Medeshamstede onstent man ageaf of six tunan swa man ær simle dide tioˇunge æt ælcere sylh an fo∂er cornes ˇe eahte ˇreues cornes on weron. ˝onne letan ˇa tioˇunge of ˇan .xxiiii. tunan man ageald to mynstre twa hund æcera sæd 7 .iii.. Of Macuseige fourtene æcer sed tioˇunge. Of Æsctune tioˇunge healf fourtende æcer sed . 7 .v. georde sed. Of Nunnetune .vi. æcer sed . 7 .v. giorde sed tiˇunge. Of ˇan oˇren Macuseige . to Tioˇunge .viiii. æcer sed. Of Æstune to tiˇunge . healf .xviii. æcer sed . 7 .xiiii. giorde sed . 7 .iii. roda sed. Of Pilesgete tioˇunge .vi. æcer sed. ˝is is ˇætæt erfgewrit æt Geaceslea . ˇryttene wepmen weorcewyrˇe . 7 .v. wimmen . 7 æhta geonge men . 7 .xvi. oxan . fal'd'reˇere . 7 .iii. hund scepa 7 .v. scep . 7 .xxx. swina . 7 hundteongig fliccena 7 eal ˇa smean ∂e ˇerto gebyria∂ . 7 .xxx. forˇer cornes . 7 hundehtetig æcera gesawen . 7 an egˇwirf . 7 .vi. bidenfate . 7 .ii. cuflas . 7 . ˇry trogas . 7 lead 7 trefet . 7 .ix. winterstellas . 7 .i. fedelsswin. ˝a Ætheluuine aldorman 7 Ealdulf biscop sealdan Æthestane 7 Alfwolde for Iacesle 7 Faresheued ˇone latostan pEnig for ˇan lande into Burch . ˇa weron ˇer feste'r'men . Frana . 7 Æthelsige . ˇes ealdormannes eam . 7 Osfer∂ Fry∂egistes sune . 7 Ælfno∂ Badan sunu . 7 Sumerlyda preost.