A.D. 1045 x 1046. Agreement between Bishop Ælfwold and the community at Sherborne, and Care, son of Toki, concerning land at Holcombe Rogus, Devon. English




1. London, British Library, Add. 46487, f. 23r-v (s. xii med.)


K, 1334; O'Donovan, Sherborne, no. 17

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 346-7; Robertson, Charters, no. 105 (pp. 200-4)


Finberg, ECDC, no. 62; Robertson, Charters, pp. 447-9; HRH, p. 236, probably genuine; PN Dorset, iii. 334; Wormald 1988, no. 85; O'Donovan, Sherborne, pp. xiv-xv, xxxv, 59-61, authentic; Hooke 1994, p. 187, cited; Pelteret 1995, p. 167; Stewartby 1998, p. 152; Keynes 2005a, p. 74, on Toki

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    • Her cyð on þisum gewrite hu þa forword wæron geworhte on Excestre æt foran Godwine eorle 7 æt foran ealra scire betwyx Alfwolde bisceope 7 þam hirede æt Scireburnan 7 Care Tokies suna æt þam lande æt Holacumbe . þæt wæs þæt hi wurdon sehte þæt þa gebroðra eallæ geodon of þam lande butan anum . se is Ulf gehatan þe hyt becweden wæs . þæt he hyt hæbbe his dæg . 7 ofer his dæg ga þæt land swa swa hit stent mid mete 7 mid mannum unbesacun 7 unbefliten in to þam halgan mynstre to Scireburnan . Þyses is to gewitnesse Godwine eorl . 7 Alfwold bisceop on Dorsæton . 7 Lyfing bisceop be norðan . 7 Ælfwine abbud on Bucfæsten . 7 Sihtric abbud on Tæfingstoce . 7 Odda . 7 Ælfric his broðor . 7 Ordgar 7 his twegen gebroðra . Ælfgær 7 Escbern . 7 Dodda cild . 7 Alon . 7 Æþelmær Cola sunu . 7 Osmær . 7 Leofwine æt Exon . 7 Ælfweard Alfwoldes sunu . 7 Wiking 7 Ælfgær æt Mynheafdon . 7 Wulfweard æt Winesham . 7 Hunewine Heca sunu . 7 Ælfwig æt Hægdune . 7 Godman preost . 7 Lutsige on Wiht ;. 7 se þe þis awendan wylle oþþe ætbredan þænce þære halgan stowe ; si he awend fram Gode on domes dæg 7 fram eallum his halgum . 7 si he besenct on middan þam weallendan bryne helle wites mid Iudan Cristes læwan a ecelice fordemed . butan he hit her ær þe deoppor gebete ;. Þyssera gewrita syndon twa . an ys æt Scireburnan . 7 þæt oþer æt Cridiantune . sprecaþ buta an :-
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    Old Text

    • Her cy∂ on ˇisum gewrite hu ˇa forword wæron geworhte on Excestre æt foran Godwine eorle 7 æt foran ealra scire betwyx Alfwolde bisceope 7 ˇam hirede æt Scireburnan 7 Care Tokies suna æt ˇam lande æt Holacumbe . ˇæt wæs ˇæt hi wurdon sehte ˇæt ˇa gebro∂ra eallæ geodon of ˇam lande butan anum . se is Ulf gehatan ˇe hyt becweden wæs . ˇæt he hyt hæbbe his dæg . 7 ofer his dæg ga ˇæt land swa swa hit stent mid mete 7 mid mannum unbesacun 7 unbefliten in to ˇam halgan mynstre to Scireburnan . ˝yses is to gewitnesse Godwine eorl . 7 Alfwold bisceop on Dorsæton . 7 Lyfing biscop be nor∂an . 7 Ælfwine abbod on Bucfæsten . 7 Sihtric abbod on Tæfingstoce . 7 Odda . 7 Ælfric his bro∂or . 7 Ordgar 7 his twegen gebro∂ra . Ælfgær 7 Escbern . 7 Dodda cild . 7 Alon . 7 Æˇelmær Cola sunu . 7 Osmær . 7 Leofwine æt Exon . 7 Ælfweard Alfwoldes sunu . 7 Wiking 7 Ælfgær æt Mynheafdon . 7 Wulfweard æt Winesham . 7 Hunewine Heca sunu . 7 Ælfwig æt Hægdune . 7 Godman preost . 7 Lutsige on Wiht ;. 7 se ˇe ˇis awendan wylle oˇˇe ætbredan ˇænce ˇære halgan stowe ; si he awend fram Gode on domes dæg 7 fram eallum his halgum . 7 si he besenct on middan ˇam weallendan bryne helle wites mid Iudan Cristes læwan a ecelice fordemed . butan he hit her ær ˇe deoppor gebete ;. ˝yssera gewrita syndon twa . an ys æt Scireburnan . 7 ˇæt oˇer æt Cridiantune . sprecaˇ buta an :-