A.D. 1002 x 1005. Will of Ælfric, archbishop, including bequests pf land at Westwell and Burnan (? Bishopsbourne), Kent, and Monks Risborough, Bucks., to Christ Church; at Cingesbyrig (probably consisting of land at Flamstead, Herts., and at St Albans) to St Albans Abbey; at Dumbleton, Gloucs., part to Abingdon Abbey and part to Ælfnoth, for life, with reversion to Abingdon; at Wallingford, Berks., to Ceolweard, for life, with reversion to Cholsey minster; at (Great) Tew and Osney, Oxon., and at London to St Albans; at Fiddington and at Newton (in Ashchurch), Gloucs., to his sisters and their children. Latin and English versions




1. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. VI, f. 102r (s. xiii in.; English)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius C. IX, ff. 105-203, f. 102r-v (s. xii 2; Latin)
3. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius C. IX, ff. 105-203, ff. 127v-128r (s. xii 2; Latin)


Hickes, Diss. Epist., p. 62, English version; Stevenson, Abingdon Cart., i. 416, English version; Hickes, Diss. Epist., pp. 62-3, Latin version; K, 716, English version; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 517-18 (no. 14), English version; Thorpe, pp. 549-50, English version; Thorpe, p. 551, Latin version ; Earle, pp. 222-4, English version ; Councils and Synods, no. 44 (pp. 239-42), English version


Hook 1860, pp. 452-3

Printed and Translated:

Whitelock, Wills, no. 18 (pp. 52-5) , English version; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 133, English version


Whitelock, Wills, pp. 160-3; Wallenberg, KPN, p. 314, on Kentish place-names; PN Oxon., i. 22, ii. 289; Finberg, ECW, p. 249; Stenton 1971, p. 431 n. 2, cited; Finberg, ECWM, no. 145, p. 237, authentic, with addendum p. 237; HRH, p. 236, genuine, dates 1002 x 1005 (probably 1003 x 1004); PN Berks., i. 162, ii. 535; Brooke and Keir 1975, p. 368, cited; Gem 1978, p. 105, on Cholsey; Gelling, ECTV, no. 126 (pp. 64, 78, 114, 137), authentic; Whitelock, EHD, p. 589; Keynes 1980, pp. 109 n., 124 n., 225 n., 261; Councils and Synods, pp. 237-8; Brooks 1984, pp. 286-7, 385 n. 89; Lawson 1984, pp. 725-6, 728, cited; Dumville 1993, pp. 82-3; Pelteret 1995, pp. 121-2, 130, 328-9; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 133, authentic

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    • Her sutelað hu Alfric arcebiceop his cwyde gedihte, þæt is ærest him to saulsceate he becwæð into Cristes cyrcan þæt land æt Wyllan 7 æt Burnan 7 Risen beorgas, and he becwað his laford his beste scip 7 þa segelgeræda þarto 7 .lx. healma 7 .lx. beornena, 7 he wilnode gif hit his lafordes willa wære þæt he gefaestnode into sancte Albane þæt land æt Cynges byrig, 7 fenge sylf wið þam eft to Eadulfingtune. An he becwæð þæt land æt Dumeltun in to Abbandune, 7 Ælfnoðe þarof .iii. hida his dæg 7 suððan to þan oþaran to Abbandune, 7 .x. oxan 7 .ii. men he him becwæð, 7 filgan hi þam laford scype þe þæt land to hyre. And he cwæð þæt land æt Wealingaforda þe he gebote Celewærde 7 hofer his dæg in to Ceolesige, 7 he becwæð in to sancte Albane þæt land æt Tiwan, 7 standan þa forword betweonan þan abbode 7 Ceolrice ðe ær wið ðæne arcebiscop geforwyrd wæran, þæt is þæt Ceolric habbe ðæne dæl þæs landes þe he hæfð his dæg, 7 eac þæne dæl þe se arcebiscop for his sceatte him to let, þæt wæs ehtoðe healf hid wið .v. pundun 7 .l. mancusum goldes, 7 ga hit ofer his dæg eall togædere into sancte Albæne, 7 heora forewyrd wæron þæt Osanig æfter Ceolrices dæge gange eac þyderin, 7 þæt land on Lundene þe he mid his feo gebohte he becwæð into sancte Albæne, 7 his bec ealle he cwæð eac þyderin 7 his geteld. And he becwæð þæt man fenge on þe feoh ðe man hæfde, 7 ærest ælcne borh agulde, 7 suððan tilode to his hergeatwæn þæs ðe man habban sceolde. And anes scipes he geuþe þam folce to Cent, 7 oþres to Wiltunescire, 7 elles on oðrum þingum gif þæs hwæt wære he bæd þæt Uulfstan bisceop 7 Leofric abbud dihton swa heom best ðuhte. And þe land be westan æt Fittingtune 7 æt Niwantune he becwæð his sweostrun 7 heora beornum, 7 Ælfheages land Esnes suna ga a on his cyn. And he becwæð Uulfstane ærcebiscope ane sweorrode 7 anne ring 7 anne psaltere, 7 Alfheage biscope anne rode. And he forgeaf on Godes est Centingan þæne borh þe hy hym sceoldan, 7 Middelsexon 7 Suðrion þæt feoh þæt heom foresceat. And he wyle þæt man freoge æfter his dæge ælene witefæstne man þe on his timan forgylt wære. Gif hwa þis awende, hæbbe him wið god gemæne. Amen.
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    Old Text

    • Rubric: Testamentum Alfrici archiepiscopi. Her sutela∂ hu Alfric arcebiceop his cwyde gedihte, ˇæt is ærest him to saulsceate he becwæ∂ into Cristes cyrcan ˇæt land æt Wyllan 7 æt Burnan 7 Risen beorgas, and he becwa∂ his laford his beste scip 7 ˇa segelgeræda ˇarto 7 .lx. healma 7 .lx. beornena, 7 he wilnode gif hit his lafordes willa wære ˇæt he gefaetnode into sce Albane ˇæt land æt Cynges byrig, 7 fenge sylf wi∂ ˇam eft to Eadulfingtune. An he becwæ∂ ˇæt land æt Dumeltun in to Abbandune, 7 Ælfno∂e ˇar of .iii. hida his dæg 7 su∂∂an to ˇan oˇran to Abbandune, 7 .x. oxan 7 .ii. men he him becwæ∂, 7 filgan hi ˇam laford scype ˇe ˇæt land to hyre. And he cwæ∂ ˇæt land æt Wealinga forda ˇe he gebote Celewærde 7 hofer his dæg in to Ceolesige, 7 he becwæ∂ in to sce Albane ˇæt land æt Tiwan, 7 standan ˇa forword betweonan ˇan abbode 7 Ceolrice ∂e ær wi∂ ∂æne arcebiscop geforwyrd wæran, ˇæt is ˇæt Ceolric habbe ∂æne dæl ˇæs landes ˇe he hæf∂ his dæg, 7 eac ˇæne dæl ˇe se arcebiscop for his sceatte him to let, ˇæt wæs ehto∂e healf hid wi∂ .v. pundun 7 .l. mancusum goldes, 7 ga hit ofer his dæg eall togædere into sce Albæne, 7 heora forewyrd wæron ˇæt Osanig æfter Ceolrices dæge gange eac ˇyderin, 7 ˇæt land on Lundene ˇe he mid his feo gebohte he becwæ∂ into sce Albane, 7 his bec ealle he cwæ∂ eac ˇyderin 7 his geteld. And he becwæ∂ ˇæt man fenge on ˇe feoh ∂e man hæfde, 7 ærest ælcne borh agulde, 7 su∂∂an tilode to his hergeatwæn ˇæs ˇe man habban sceolde. And anes scipes he geuˇe ˇam folce to Cent, 7 oˇres to Wiltunescire, 7 elles on o∂rum ˇingum gif ˇæs hwæt wære he bæd ˇæt Uulfstan bisceop 7 Leofric abbud dihton swa heom best ∂uhte. And ˇe land be westan æt Fittingtune 7 æt Niwantune he becwæ∂ his sweostrun 7 heora beornum, 7 Ælfheages land Esnes suna ga a on his cyn. And he becwæ∂ Uulfstane ærcebiscope ane sweorrode 7 anne ring 7 anne psaltere, 7 Alfheage biscope anne rode. And he forgeaf on Godes est Centingan ˇæne borh ˇe hy hym sceoldan, 7 Middelsexon 7 Su∂rion ˇæt feoh ˇæt heom foresceat. And he wyle ˇ man freo ge æfter his dæge ælene wites æst ne man ˇe on his timan forgylt wære. Gif hwa ˇis awende, hæbbe him wi∂ god gemæne. Amen.