A.D. 845 x 853. Will of Badanoth Beotting. English


Canterbury, Christ Church


1. London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 42 (s. ix med.; BM Facs., ii. 25)


Hickes, Diss. Epist., pp. 54-5; K, 238; Sweet, OET, pp. 449-50 (no. 42); B, 417; Sweet, Second Reader, pp. 215-16 (no. 26)

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 476-8; Campbell 1938, pp. 137-42; Robertson, Charters, no. 6 (p. 10)


BM Facs., iv, p. 7, contemporary; Deanesly 1927, p. 4 n. 3, dates it to c. 844; Campbell 1938, authentic; Parsons 1939, p. 14, genuine and contemporary; Robertson, Charters, pp. 269-71; Brooks 1984, pp. 148, 159 and 357 n. 22, 361 n. 70, scribe also wrote S 296, 1194; Keynes 1990, p. 252 n. 101; Pelteret 1995, p. 277; Stewartby 1998, p. 151; Lowe 2001, p. 73, single-sheet might be contemporary copy of chirograph; Lowe 2001, Appendix I.6; Wormald 2001, p. 265, on hereditary possession; Thompson 2006, p. 70, on script

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    • + Ic Badanoð Beotting cyðo 7 writan hato hu min willa is ðet min ærfe lond fere ðe ic et Aeðeluulfe cyninge begæt 7 gebohte mid fullum friodome on æce ærfe æfter minum dege 7 minra ærfewearda ðet is mines wifes 7 minra bearna . Ic wille ærist me siolfne Gode allmehtgum forgeofan to ðere stowe æt Cristes cirican 7 min bearn ðer liffest gedoan 7 wiib 7 cild ðæm hlaforde 7 higum 7 ðære stowe befestan ober minne dei to friðe 7 to mundbyrde 7 to hlaforddome on ðæm ðingum ðe him ðearf sie 7 hie brucen londes hiora dei 7 higon gefeormien to minre tide swæ hie soelest ðurhtion megen 7 higon us mid heora godcundum godum swe gemynen swæ us arlic 7 him ælmeslic sie 7 ðonne ofer hiora dei wifes 7 cilda . Ic bebeode on godes noman ðæt mon agefe ðæt lond inn higum to heora beode him to brucanne on ece ærfe swæ him liofast sie : 7 ic biddo higon for godes lufe ðæt se monn se higon londes unnen to brucanne ða ilcan wisan leste on swæsendum to minre tide 7 ða godcundan lean minre saule mid gerece swe hit mine ærfenuman ær onstellen . ðonne is min willa ðæt ðissa gewriota sien twa gelice oðer habben higon mid boecum oðer mine ærfeweardas heora dei . ðonne is ðes londes ðe ic higum selle .xvi. gioc ærðe londes 7 medwe [....] all on æce ærfe to brucanne ge minne dei ge æfter swæ to ationne swæ me mest red 7 liofast sie. + Ceolnoð archiepiscopus ðiss writo 7 festnie mid Cristes rode tacne + Alchhere dux ðiss writo 7 ðeafie + Bægmund presbiter abbas ðiss writo 7 ðeafie + Hysenoð presbiter ðiss writo 7 ðeafie + Wigmund presbiter + Badenoð presbiter + Osmund presbiter + Suiðberht diaconus + Dyddel + Cichus + Sigemund + Eðelwulf + Tile + Cyneberht + Eðelred + Badanoð
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    • I, Badanoth Beotting, declare and write how it is my wish that my heritable land (which I acquired and bought from King Æthelwulf with full freedom in perpetual inheritance) should go after my day and that of my heirs, namely my wife and my children. First I wish to give myself up to God Almighty in the foundation at Christ Church, and to place my children there, and entrust my wife and children to the ‘lord’ and to the community and to the foundation after my day, for peace and protection and ‘lordship’ in the things that they need. And they shall enjoy the estate during their lifetime, and entertain the community with a feast at my anniversary, as best they can afford. And the community shall commemorate us in their divine services, as shall be beneficial for us and charitable in them. And after the lives of my wife and children, I command in the name of God that that estate be given to the community for their ‘table’ as a perpetual inheritance, to use as shall be most pleasing to them. And I request the community, for the love of God, that the person to whom the community bestows the estate shall fulfil the same condition for providing a feast on my anniversary, as my successors may have instituted beforehand and for divine benefit for my soul. Then it is my wish that there should be two of these documents the same: one the community shall keep one with their charters, the other my heirs for their day. Further, of the estate which I grant to the community, there is sixteen yokes of arable land and of meadow [some words deleted], all both to be enjoyed as a perpetual inheritance in my day and afterwards, so to be applied as shall be best advised and dearest to me. + Ceolnoth, archbishop writes and confirms this with the mark of Christ’s cross. + Ealhhere, dux, write and approves this + Bægmund, priest [and] abbot, writes and approves this + Hysenoth, priest, writes and approves this + Wigmund, priest + Badenoth, priest + Osmund, priest + Swithberht, deacon + Dyddel + Cichus + Sigemund + Æthelwulf + Tile + Cyneberht + Æthelred + Badanoth
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    Old Text

    • Px Ic Badano∂ Beotting cy∂o 7 writan hato hu min willa is ∂et min ærfe lond fere ∂e Ic et Ae∂eluulfe cyninge begæt 7 gebohte mid fullum friodome on æce ærfe æfter minum dege 7 minra ærfewearda ∂et is mines wifes 7 minra bearna . ic wille ærist me siolfne Gode allmehtgum forgeofan to ∂ere stowe æt Cristes cirican 7 min bearn ∂Er liffest gedoan 7 wiib 7 cild ∂æm hlaforde 7 higum 7 ∂ære stowe befestan ober minne dei to fri∂e 7 to mundbyrde 7 to hlaforddome on ∂æm ∂ingum ∂e him ∂earf sie 7 hie brucen londes hiora dei 7 higon gefeormien to minre tide swæ hie soelest ∂urhtion megen 7 higon us mid heora godcundum godum swE gemynen swæ us arlic 7 him ælmeslic siE 7 ∂onne ofer hiora dei wifes 7 cilda. Ic bebeode on Godes noman ∂æt mon agefe ∂æt lond Inn higum to heora beode him to brucanne on ece ærfe swæ him liofast sie . 7 ic biddo higon for Godes lufe ∂æt se monn se higon londes unnen to brucanne ∂a ilcan wisan leste on swæsendum to minre tide 7 ∂a godcundan lean minre saule mid gerece swE hit mine ærfenuman ær onstellen . ∂onne is min willa ∂æt ∂issa gewriota sien twa gelice o∂er habben higon mid boecum o∂er mine ærfeweardas heora dei . ∂onne is ∂es londes ∂e ic higum selle .XVI. gioc ær∂e londes 7 medwe all on æce ærfe to brucanne ge minne dei ge æfter swæ to ationne swæ me mest red 7 liofast sie. + Ceolno∂ archiepiscopus ∂iss writo 7 festniE mid Cristes rode tacne. + Alchhere dux ∂iss writo 7 ∂eafiE. + Bægmund presbiter abbas∂iss writo 7 ∂eafiE. + Hyseno∂ pr' ∂iss writo 7 ∂eafie. + Wigmund preost. + Badeno∂ preost. + Osmund preost. + Sui∂berht diacon. + Dyddel. + Cichus. + Sigemund. + E∂elwulf. + Tile. + Cyneberht. + E∂elred. + Badano∂.