c. A.D. 900. Ceolwynn to the community at Winchester for their refectory; bequest of 15 hides at Alton Priors, Wilts. Latin and English versions with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 76v-77r (s. xii med.)


K, 1070; B, 566; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 61

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 492-5; Robertson, Charters, no. 17 (pp. 30-3), English only


Robertson Charters, pp. 291-3; Stevenson 1902, p. 638, on identification; Grundy, Wilts., I, pp. 159-64, bounds describe at least part of the later parish of Alton Priors; Darlington 1955, p. 85; Finberg, ECW, no. 216, authentic; Hart 1970a, p. 32 (no. 133), authentic; Finberg 1972, p. 493, on an element in bounds

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    Old Text

    • Ceolwin cy∂ on ∂is gewrite ˇæt hi an ∂æs . landes æt Aweltune . ∂ara XV. hida ∂æ hire hlaford hire læfde 7 him man on agene æht gereahte . on Ælfredes cynges gewithnesse ∂enne an hio his ∂æm hiwum to Wintanceastre æfter hire dege into hære beddarn æt ∂am bisceopstole mid swelcan yrfe swelcan hi ∂enne to gehaga∂ on ∂a gera∂ ∂e hi gemunen hi 7 Osmodes saulæ swa him rihtlic 7 cynlic ˇince to his gemunde dege ∂æt beo∂ seofan nihtan ær gangdagan 7 hio he bebot on Godæs naman 7 sancte Petres ∂et ∂a hiwan hit næfre utt ne syllan of hira bæddern wi∂ nanan feo buton hi hit wi∂ o∂re lande sullan ∂æ him gehændre beo 7 behefre 7 hiwan habba∂ hire behaton ∂et hi finden ∂et Wulfstan hire bro∂or sunu hæbbe an hiwissce ægefæles landæs ∂a wile ∂e hæ libbe. Aweltunæ metæ. ˘es londes gemæro sindon to Aweltune Ærest of ˇam westmæstan æwylle angerihta upp to ∂am ealdan hærepa∂e be westan wodnes beorge ˇonne on ænne stan æt ceorlacumbes heafo∂ ˇonne on ænne stan on woncumb neoˇeweardne is ufeweard hol . ˇonne ofer randune to ˇæm ealdan dic on æfen ˇær liggeˇ on oˇre healfe on lytel crundol ˇonne on ˇane gemænan garan beuton ˇæm dic of ˇæt eft ge∂ inna ˇet read geat ˇonne on anne micelne stan æt ˇera hlinca eastheafdum ˇonon on oˇerne micelne stan on ˇam wege middan on ˇære denæ bytnan ˇe ligged utt on woddes geat ˇonne on ænne crundol of ˇam su∂hli∂e nioˇeweardum ˇonne up ofer ˇa dune on ænne ˇorn stent inne of ˇem dic be eastan ciceling wege . ˇonne andlang ˇes hlinces of moxes dune on ˇane ealdan walweg to wearcingwege nioˇeweardan on ˇone dic ˇonon on wicleage ˇonon on anes hlinces heafod on Beorhtno∂es gemære . ˇonon on gerihto to ruwan hlince . ˇonne 7lang ˇæs hlinces to heaˇobrihtting leage nioˇoweardre ˇonne on anne ealdne holne weg andlang ˇæs sledes to ewelforda ˇonne andlang ˇæs broces eft to ˇæm æwelle. Fram moxes dune su∂eweardre on ˇa dic ˇonne andlang dic ˇæt wi∂ eastan cealfa mære . ˇonne of ˇære dic on ˇone midmæstan scrippan ˇonne on ˇawæres leage ufewearde . ˇonne andlang rode on ˇone litlan garan middeweardne ˇonan andlang gewyrpes to herpo∂e . ˇonne to ˇære dice hyrnan ˇonne andlang dic to creodan hylle ˇonne to herpo∂e ongean ˇa XV. æceras ˇonne of ˇæm andlang hærpa∂es to tesan mede . 7 se he∂feld eal gemæne. Latin Text Ceolwenne Cwe∂e of Aweltunæ . Ceolwen indicat in hac carta quia ipsa concedit terram de Aweltuna hoc est . XV . hidas quas ei vir suus relinquit . et 'pro' qua ei pretium datum fuit sub testimonio Ælfredi regis . Has ergo concedit conventui Wintoniæ post decessum suum ad refectorium sedis episcopalis . cum tali pecunia quæ tunc competens erit . ea ratione ut memores sint ejus et animæ Osmodi sicut illis justum videbitur ad anniversarium ejus hoc est septimo die ante rogationes. Ipsa quoque præcepit in nomine domini et sancti Petri quod conventus idem eandem terram numquam vendat pro aliqua pecunia?a nisi forte pro alia terra quæ eis vicinior sit vel utilior . Idem vero conventus spopondit ei quod procurent Wlfstano filio fratris sui quod habeat aliquam hidam liberam quamdiu vivet .