A.D. 984 x 1016 (probably 984 x 1001). Will of Wulfwaru, including bequests of land at Freshford, Somerset, to Ælfhere, abbot of Bath; at Claverton, Compton and Butcombe, Somerset, to Wulfmær, her son; at Butcombe to Ælfwaru, her daughter; at Leigh, Holton, Somerset, and at Hocgestune, to Ælfwine, her son; at Winford, Somerset, to Gode, her daughter. English




1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, pp. 55-131, pp. 88-90 (s. xii 2)


Hickes, Diss. Epist., p. 54; K, 694; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. 265 (no. 5); Hunt, Bath Carts., pp. 32-3


Whitelock, EHD, no. 125 (pp. 586-9); Whitelock, EHD, no. 116 (pp. 567-8)

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 528-31; Whitelock, Wills, no. 21 (pp. 62-5)


Whitelock, Wills, pp. 174-5; Finberg, ECW, no. 524, authentic; Chaplais 1966a, p. 173, on epistolary aspects (= 1973, p. 58); Finberg 1972, pp. 510 n. 3, 519, cited; Whitelock, EHD, p. 567; Pelteret 1995, pp. 128, 288; Abrams 1996, pp. 96 n. 116, 139, on estates

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    • Ic Wulfwaru bidde minne leofan hlaford Æþelred kyning him to ælmyssan, þæt ic mote beon mines cwydes wyrðe. Ic kyðe þe leof her on ðisum gewrite hwæs ic geann into Baðum to sancte Petres mynstre, for mine earman sawle 7 for minra yldrena þe me min ar of com 7 min æhta, þæt is þonne þæt ic geann ðæder in to ðære halgan stowe anes beages is on syxtigum mancussum goldes 7 anre blede is on þriððan healfon punde 7 twegea gyldenra roda 7 anes mæssereafes mid eallum þam ðe ðær to gebyreð 7 anes hricghrægles þæs selestan þe ic hæbbe 7 anes beddreafes mid wahryfte 7 mid hoppscytan 7 mid eallum þam þe þæs to gebyreð. And ic geann Ælfere abbode þæs landes æt Ferscesforda mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tylðe, swa ðærto getilod bið. And ic geann Wulfmære minum yldran suna þæs landes æt Clatfordtune mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, 7 þes landes æt Cumtune mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, 7 þes landes at Budancumbe ic geann him healfes mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe. Healfes ic his geann Alfware minre gyngran dehter, mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, 7 dælon hi þæt heafod botl him betweonan, swa rihte swa hi rihtlicost magon, þæt heora ægðer his gelice micel habbon. And Ælfwine minum gyngran suna ic geann þes landes æt Leage mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, and þes landes æt Healhtune mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, and þes landes æt Hocgestune mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, 7 ðritigra mancussa goldes. And ic geann Godan minre yldran dehter þes landes æt Wunfrod mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre tilðe, 7 twegea cuppena on feower pundum 7 anes bendes on ðritigum mancussum goldes 7 twegea preonas 7 anes wifscrudes ealles. And Alfware minre gyngran dehter ic geann ealles þæs wifscrudes þe þer to lafe bið. And Wulfmære minum suna 7 Ælfwine minum oðrum suna 7 Alfware minre dehter, heora þreoðra ælcum ic geann twegea cuppena on godum feo. And ic geann Wulfmære minum suna anes heallwahriftes 7 anes beddreafes. Ælfwine minum oðrum suna ic geann anes heallreafes 7 anes burreafes mid beodreafe 7 mid eallum hræglum swa ðer to gebyreð. And ic geann minum feower cnihtum, Ælmære 7 Ælfwerde 7 Wulfrice 7 Wulfstane, anes bendes on twentigum mancussum goldes. And ic geann eallum minum hired wifmannum to gemanum anes godes casteneres wel gerenodes. And ic wylle þæt þa þe to minre are fon, þæt hi fi<n>don twentig freotmanna, tyne be eastan 7 tune be westan. And æfre ælce geare ealle gemænelice ane feorme in to Baðum, swa gode swa in bezte þurhteon magon, to swylcre tide swylce heom eallum þince þæt hi bezt 7 gerisencoft hi forð bringan magon. Swylc heora swylce þis gelæste, hæbbe he Godes milze 7 mine. And swylc heora swylce þis gelæstan nelle, hæbbe he hit him wið ðone hehstan gemæne, þæt is se soðæ god, þe ealle gesceafta gesceop 7 geworhte.
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    • I, Wulfwaru, entreat my dear lord king Æthelred, for his charity, that I may be entitled to make my will. I declare to you, Sire, here in this document what I grant to Bath for St Peter’s minster, for my miserable soul and for the souls of my forefathers, from whom my property and possessions came to me: that is, that I give there to the holy place a ‘ring’ [probably an armlet or headband] consisting of sixty mancuses of gold, and a blede [‘dish’ or ‘bowl’ or ‘goblet’] of two-and-a-half pounds, and two golden crucifixes, and one set of mass-vestments with all that pertains to it, and the best hricg-hrægel [‘ornamented cloak’, but here probably ‘dorsal’, i.e., a wall-hanging used in the church] that I have, and a set of bed-clothing with wahryfte [i.e., wag-hrægel, ‘wall-covering, tapestry, curtain’] and a hopp-scyte [‘curtain’ or ‘counterpane’] and with everything that belongs to it. And I grant to Abbot Ælfhere [of Bath] the land at Freshford [Somerset] with its produce and people and with all the profit that it provides. And I grant to my elder son Wulfmær the land at Claverton [Somerset] with its produce and people and with all its profit, and the land at Cumtune with its produce and people and with all its profit, and half the land at Butcombe [Somerset] with its produce and people and with all its profit. The other half I grant to my younger daughter Ælfwaru, with its produce and people and with all its profit, and they are to share the principal residence between them, as justly as they can, that they shall each have their equal shares. And to my younger son Ælfwine I grant the land at Leage with its produce and people and with all its profit, and the land at Healhtune with its produce and people and with all its profit, and the land at Hocgestune with its produce and people and with all its profit, and thirty mancuses of gold. And I grant to my elder daughter Gode the land at Winford [Somerset] with its produce and people and with all its profit, and two cups of four pounds, and a band of thirty mancuses of gold, and two brooches, and a complete set of women’s clothing. And to my younger daughter Ælfwaru I grant all the women’s clothing that is left. And to Wulfmær my son and Ælfwine my second son and Ælfwaru my daughter, to each of them I grant two cups of good value. And I grant my son Wulfmær a hall-tapestry and a set of bedclothes. To Ælfwine my second son I grant a tapestry for a hall and a tapestry for a chamber, with a table-covering and all the cloths that go with it. And I grant to my four retainers, Ælfmær and Ælfweard and Wulfric and Wulfstan, a band consisting of twenty mancuses of gold. And I grant to all my household women in common a good chest well-decorated. And I desire that those who succeed to my property, that they find [i.e., manumit] twenty freedmen, ten in the east and ten in the west. And every year for ever they all together [shall provide] a food-rent to Bath, the very best that they can afford, at whatever season that they all think they can best and fittingly produce it. Whichever of them carries this out, may he have God’s favour and kindly love. And whichever of them does not carry it out, may he have a reckoning for it with the Most High, who is the true God, who created and made all creatures.
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    Old Text

    • Ic Wulfwaru bidde minne leofan hlaford Æˇelred kyning him to ælmyssan. ˇæt ic mote beon mines cwydes wyr∂e. Ic ky∂e ˇe leof her on ∂isum gewrite hwæs ic geann into Ba∂um to Sancte Petres mynstre. for mine earman sawle. 7 for minra yldrena ˇe me min ar of com. 7 mine æhta. ˇæt is ˇonne ˇæt ic geann ∂æder into ∂ære halgan stowe anes beages is on syxtigum mancussum goldes. 7 anre blede is on ˇriddan healfon punde. 7 twegea gyldenra roda. 7 anes mæssereafes mid eallum ˇam ∂e ∂ærto gebyre∂. 7 anes hricghrægles ˇæs selestan ˇe ic hæbbe. 7 anes beddreafes mid wahryfte 7 mid hoppscytan. 7 mid eallum ˇam ˇe ˇærto gebyre∂. And ic geann Ælfere abbode ˇæs landes æt Ferscesforda. mid mete 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre tyl∂e. swa ∂ærto getilod bi∂. And ic geann Wulfmære minum yldran suna ˇæs landes æt Clatfordtune. mid mete. 7 mid mannum. and mid eallre til∂e. 7 ˇes landes æt Cumtune. mid mete. 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre til∂e. 7 ˇes landes æt Budancumbe ic geann him healfes. mid mete. 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre til∂e. healfes ic his geann Alfware minre gyngran dehter. mid mete. 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre til∂e. 7 dælon hi ˇæt heafodbotl him betweonan swa rihte swa hi rihtlicost magon. ˇæt heora æg∂er his gelice micel habbon. And Ælfwine minum gyngran suna ic geann ˇes landes æt Leage. mid mete 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre til∂e. And ˇes landes æt Healhtune. mid mete 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallre til∂e. And ˇes landes æt Hocgestune. mid mete 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre til∂e. 7 ∂ritigra mancussa goldes. And ic geann Godan minre yldran dehter ˇes landes æt Wunfrod. mid mete. 7 mid mannum. 7 mid eallre til∂e. 7 twegea cuppena on feower pundum. 7 anes bendes on ∂ritigum mancussum goldes. 7 twegea preonas. 7 anes wifscrudes ealles. And Alfware minre gyngran dehter ic geann ealles ˇæs wifscrudes ˇe ˇer to lafe bi∂. And Wulfmære minum suna 7 Ælfwine minum o∂rum suna. 7 Alfware minre dehter heora ˇreo∂ra ælcum ic geann twegea cuppena on godum feo. And ic geann Wulfmære minum suna anes heallwahriftes. 7 anes beddreafes. Ælfwine minum o∂rum suna ic geann anes heallreafes. 7 anes burreafes. mid beodreafe. 7 mid eallum hræglum swa ∂erto gebyre∂. And ic geann minum feower cnihtum. Ælmære. 7 Ælfwerde. 7 Wulfrice. 7 Wulfstane. anes bendes on twentigum mancussum goldes. And ic geann eallum minum hiredwifmannum to gemanum anes godes casteneres wel gerenodes. And ic wylle ˇæt ˇa ˇe to minre are fon. ˇæt hi fi[n]don twentig freotmanna. Tyne be eastan. 7 tune be westan. and æfre ælce geare ealle gemænelice ane feorme into Ba∂um swa gode swa hi bezte ˇurhteon magon. to swylcre tide. swylce heom eallum ˇince ˇæt hi bezt. 7 gerisenlicost hi for∂bringan magon. Swylc heora swylce ˇis gelæste. hæbbe he Godes milze and mine. And swylc heora swylce ˇis gelæstan nelle ; hæbbe he hit him wi∂ ∂one hehstan gemæne. ˇæt is se so∂æ god. ˇe ealle gesceafta gesceop. 7 geworhte.