Bounds of Eatun (? Wood Eaton, Oxon.). English




1. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. VI, f. 66v (s. xiii in.)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius C. IX, ff. 105-203, f. 202v (s. xii 2)


Stevenson, Chron. Abingdon, i. 270; B, 1223; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 151


PN Worcs., p. 108; Grundy, Oxon., pp. 89-91, probably refers to Wood Eaton; Gelling, ECTV, no. 307; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 151

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    • Ærest of Cearwyllan on þæs clifes ende, of ðæs clifes ende on smalan æceras, of smalan æceras to Eatune, of Eatune 7lang dude weges on langan mores ende, of langan mores ende on grenan beorh, þæt on eall ðorn, of eallðorne þæt eft on Cearewylle fornon cyrices hlew.
  • Metadata

    Old Text

    • Meta de Eatun . Ærest of Cearwyllan on ˇæs cliues ende . of ˇæs cliues ende on smalan æceras . of smalan æceras to eattune . of eatune 7lang dude weges on langan mores ende of langan more ende on grenan beorh . ˇe on eall ˇorn . of eall ˇorne ˇe eft on ceare wylle fornon cyrices hleawe .