Bounds of Grittenham in Brinkworth, Wilts. Latin




1. London, British Library, Add. 15667, f. 35r (s. xiii med.)
2. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 24v (s. xiv/xv)


Akerman 1857a, p. 270


Finberg, ECW, no. 347; Hooke 1994a, pp. 93-4, on topography, with map

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    • Hii sunt termini terre de Grutheham. Inprimis per cursum aque directe usque luddes worþe; et ab eodem usque grute; et ab illo loco usque axunes hurste, et sic procedendo usque duddingesfolde; et ab eodem usque kotes scede; et ab eodem loco usque ferndoune, et sic usque nohut welle; et ab eodem procedendo usque ekgunes gate; et ab eodem loco usque lytle doune, et ab illo monte usque beran þoran, et sic usque merke stoke; et ab eodem loco usque syndhurste; et de syndhurste usque rammesfold; et ab eodem loco usque muchele bourne; et ab eodem usque perpeles welle; et ab eodem fonte usque haepes mere, et de haepes mere usque langemere, et ab lange mere usque utean ccyre.
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    • These are the boundaries of the land at Grittenham. First along the stream to Ludd’s enclosure. And from that to grute. And from that place to Æschun’s wooded hill, and thus proceeding to Dudding’s sheep-fold, and from that to a (?) shed associated with a cottage, and from that place to fern down. And thus to nohut spring, and from there proceeding to Ecghun’s gate, and from that place to little down. And from that hill to Bera’s thorn-tree, and thus to boundary stump, and from that to syndhurste, and from syndhurste to ram’s fold, and from that place to the great bourne. And from that to perpeles spring or stream, and from that fons to haepes pond, and from haepes pond to long pond, and from long pond to the outer scir.