Bounds of Rodbourne, Wilts. Latin




1. London, British Library, Add. 15667, f. 34r (s. xiii med.)


K, 632, bounds printed incorrectly with S 841; Akerman 1857a, no. 25


Reynolds 2002, pp. 176, 193, on burial feature in bounds; Grundy, Wilts., II, pp. 88-90, describes lands of Rodbourne,now part of the parish of St Paul Malmesbury Without; Finberg, ECW, no. 351

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    • Hii sunt termini de Rodburne. Inprimis a loco qui appellatur Rodburne usque fegeran þorne; et ab eadem spina directe per la riþe per sceorte leye; et sic per la forches usque sandweye; et ab eadem uia usque sceorte graue; et per sceorte graue usque le wiþybedde; et ab eodem usque le heðene burieles, uel buriwelle; et sic super Rowedone; et ab eodem monte usque le leuer bedde in benedone; et ab eodem loco usque Coresbrok; et per Coresbrok usque in Auene; et per Auene usque henne pole; et ab henne pole usque le riþe burne; et ab eodem usque ad locum primo scriptum, scilicet fegeram þorne.
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    • These are the boundaries of Rodbourne. First from the place which is called Rodbourne to fair thorn-tree. And from that thorn straight along the stream by short wood, and thus by the crossways to sand [or ‘gravel’] way. And from that way to short grove, and along short grove to the willow-bed, and from there to the heathen burial, or buriwelle, and from there on to Rowden (Hill). And thus over Rowden, and from that hill to the wild-iris bed on beue down, and from that place to Gauze Brook. And along Gauze Brook to the Avon, and along the Avon to waterfowl pool, and from waterfowl pool to the rith bourne [i.e., Rodbourne], and from that to the starting-place, that is, fair thorn.