S 236
A.D. 681. Baldred, king, to Hæmgils, abbot, and the church of Our Lady and St Patrick, Glastonbury; grant of 12 (or 6) hides (manentes) at Pennard, Somerset. Latin with English bounds
1. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, Muniments, 10564 (s. x; OS Facs., ii, Marquess of Bath, 1)
2. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39, f. 168r-v (s. xiv med.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 1 (S.C. 8589), f. 183r-v (s. xiv)
4. Lost Glastonbury Liber Terrarum, no. 7 (see Abrams 1996, p. 31)
Mon. Angl., ii. 839, ex MS 3; K, 20 and vol. vi. 225; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 48-9 (no. 90); B, 61, ex K and MS 1; Earle, p. 426, bounds only; Watkin, Glastonbury Cart., ii. 471 (no. 853), ex MS 2
HS, p. 307, spurious; Robinson 1921, p. 30 n. 2, 10th century; Grundy, Somerset, pp. 75-7, bounds are those of West Pennard; Finberg, ECW, no. 360, authentic basis; Finberg 1969, pp. 73-4, MS 1 pseudo-original, not evidence for Patrick's cult at Glastonbury in 7th century; Stenton 1971, p. 67 and n. 2, somewhat questionable, hand of MS 1 may be 11th-century, but imitating and earlier exemplar; Scott 1981, pp. 90, 198 n. 83; Wormald 1985, p. 25, unreliable later copy, possibly genuine elements; Edwards 1988, pp. 11-15, may be reworking of genuine 7th-century charter but difficult to say how much text has been revised; Costen 1991, pp. 40-41, bounds later than grant; Costen 1992, p. 40, on estate; Rands 1992, on bounds; Abrams 1996, pp. 11, 19 n. 56, 29, 31, 35, 38, 126, 195-8, on transmission of MS 1; on endorsement; on MS sources; MS 1 possibly 10th-century; on estate
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- + Omnia quæcunque secundum ecclesiasticam normam justo moderamine decernuntur . quanquam proprium robur juris obtineant . attamen quia incertus humanæ vitæ status evidenter agnoscitur . paginis saltim vilibus pro ampliore firmitate robur