A.D. 704 (Everley, Wilts., 26 May). Ine, king, to the churches and monasteries (of Wessex); grant of exemption from secular burdens. Latin


Malmesbury (and Glastonbury)


1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, ff. 10v-11r (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, f. 124r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 18r-19v (s. xiii)
4. Oxford, Magdalen College, 172, f. 89v (s. xii)
5. Lost Glastonbury Liber Terrarum, nos. 2, 135 (see Abrams 1996, pp. 31, 34)


Alford 1663, ii. 451; Wharton, Anglia Sacra, ii. 22; K, 50, ex Wharton and MS 1; Giles, Opera Aldhelmi, cols 313-14; Thorpe, pp. 12-13; Hamilton, William of Malmesbury, G.P., pp. 380-1, ex MS 4; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 286-7, ex MS 2; B, 108, ex Brewer, Hamilton, K, Thorpe and MS 1


HS, p. 247, not genuine; Chadwick 1905, p. 286 n., may be spurious but witnesses are unlikely to have been invented; Stenton 1913, p. 16, forged but with authentic witness-list; Stevenson 1914, p. 692 n. 16, dubious or spurious; Whitelock 1951, p. 27, questionable, contains a genuine witness-list of 705 x 709; Watkin 1956, p. 211 and n. 45, spurious; Finberg, ECW, no. 368, authentic; Brooks 1971, p. 75 n. 1, may be authentic in substance, date impossible; Hart, ECNE, p. 383, discusses dating problems; PN Dorset, iii. 390; Lapidge and Herren 1979, p. 204, patently spurious; Wormald 1985, p. 25, broadly trustworthy; Edwards 1986, authentic; Edwards 1988, pp. 26, 107-14, strong probability of authenticity; O'Donovan, Sherborne, pp. 2-3, may have authentic substratum; Kelly 1990a, pp. 88-9, on relationship with S 228; Sims-Williams 1990, pp. 225, 357, spurious, but witness-list in part from authentic document of 704 x 709; on identification of a witness; Abrams 1996, pp. 31, 34, 128 n. 24, on MSS at Glastonbury

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    • In nomine Domini Dei nostri saluatoris. Ego Ina, regnante Domino rex, cum consilio et decreto presulis nostri Aldhelmi simulque cunctorum Dei sacerdotum suggestione et monachorum petitione qui in parrochia Saxonum conuersantur, hanc libertatem ecclesiis impendo et hanc priuilegii dignitatem monasteriis confero: ut sine impedimento secularium rerum et absque tributo fiscalium negotiorum liberis mentibus Deo soli seruiant et monasticam cenobii disciplinam, Christo suffragium largiente, regulariter exerceant ac pro statu et prosperitate regni nostri et indulgencia commissorum criminum ante conspectum diuine maiestatis preces fundere dignentur et orationum officia frequentantes in ecclesiis pro nostra fragilitate interpellare nitantur. Si quis uero contra huius decreti singrapham uenire temptauerit, sciat se coram Christo nouemque angelorum ordinibus in tremendo examine rationem redditurum. Hoc uero decretum a nobis libenter concessum taliter confirmari et seruari decernimus, ut tam nobis uita comite propitia diuinitate regni gubernacula regentibus, quam futuris successoribus hereditatis iure regnandi monarchiam tenentibus, inextricabili lege firmiter roboretur. Nam pro ampliori firmitatis testamento principes et senatores, iudices et patricios subscribere fecimus, quorum nomina infra tenentur asscripta. Actum publice et confirmatum in loco qui appellatur Eburleagh .vii. kalendarum Iuniarum die, indictione .ii., anno ab incarnatione Christi .dcciiii. feliciter. + Signum manus Ini regis qui hec omnia manu propria confirmauit. + Ego Aldhelmus seruus seruorum Dei hoc decretum manu propria roboraui. + Ego Hagona abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Ædberhtus abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Heaha abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Wintra abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Wedr abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Beornwald abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Wilgar abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Bealwlf abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Froda abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Ego Witta abbas consentiens subscripsi. + Signum manus Beoban. + Signum manus Eanberht. + Signum manus Ceonberht. + Signum manus Coen. + Signum manus Æðilfriði. + Signum manus Eascwaldi. + Signum manus Duduc. + Signum manus Tyccean. + Signum manus Bealdhun.
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    • In the name of the Lord God our Saviour. I, Ine, under the rule of the Lord king, with the advice and decision of our bishop Aldhelm and also at the suggestion of all the priests of God and at the request of the monks who live in the diocese of the Saxons, grant this liberty to the churches and confer this privilege on the monasteries: that without the hindrance of secular affairs and free from the payment of royal taxes they should serve God alone with their minds unencumbered and should follow according to the rule, with Christ granting His approbation, the monastic discipline of their house, and should deem it worthy to pray in the sight of the Divine Majesty for the public order and prosperity of our kingdom and for remission of offences committed and to strive to importune for our frailty, frequently making prayers in their churches. If indeed anyone should attempt to act against the record of this decision, let him know that he will render account before Christ and the nine orders of angels at the fearful Judgment. We are deciding so to confirm and preserve this decree freely granted by us in order that both during our lifetime the governance of the kingdom will be strengthened for those ruling through Divine favour and for future successors holding the sole power of ruling by hereditary right it will be firmly strengthened by a law that cannot be dissolved. For in order to strengthen this witness of resolution we have made our principes and senatores [? members of the witan], judges and patricii subscribe whose names are preserved in writing below. Executed publicly and confirmed in the place that is called Everleigh on the 26th of May, in indiction 2, in the year from the incarnation of Christ 704. Good luck!. + Mark of the hand of King Ine, who confirmed all these things with his own hand. + I, Aldhelm, servant of the servants of God, confirmed this decision with my own hand. + I, Hagona, abbot, agreeing subscribed. + I, Eadberht, abbot [? of Selsey], agreeing subscribed. + I, Hæaha, abbot [? of Bradford/Abingdon], agreeing, subscribed. + I, Wintra, abbot [of Tisbury], agreeing, subscribed. + I, Wedr, abbot, agreeing, subscribed. + I, Beornwald, abbot, agreeing, subscribed. + I, Wilgar, abbot, agreeing, subscribed. + I, Bealwulf, abbot, agreeing, subscribed. + I, Froda, abbot [of Muchelney], agreeing, subscribed. + I, Witta, abbot, agreeing, subscribed. + Mark of the hand of Beoba. + Mark of the hand of Eanberht. + Mark of the hand of Cenberht. + Mark of the hand of Cen. + Mark of the hand of Æthelfrith. + Mark of the hand of Æscwald. + Mark of the hand of Duduc. + Mark of the hand of Ticcea. + Mark of the hand of Bealdhun.
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    Old Text

    • In nomine domini Dei nostri salvatoris ! Ego Ini, regnante domino rex , cum consilio et decreto præsulis nostri Aldhelmi , simulque cunctorum Dei sacerdotum suggestione et monachorum petitione qui in parrochia Saxonum conversantur , hanc libertatem æcclesiis impendo , et hanc privilegii dignitatem monasteriis confero , ut sine impedimento secularium rerum et absque tributo fiscalium negotiorum liberis mentibus Deo soli serviant , et monasticam cenobii disciplinam , Christo suffragium largiente , regulariter exerceant, ac pro statu et prosperitate regni nostri et indulgentia commissorum criminum ante conspectum divinæ Majestatis preces fundere dignentur , et orationum offitia frequentantes in ecclesiis pro nostra fragilitate interpellare nitantur. Si quis vero contra huius decreti singrapham venire temptaverit , sciat se coram Christo novemque angelorum ordinibus in tremendo examine rationem redditurum . Hoc vero decretum a nobis libenter concessum taliter servari et confirmari decernimus , ut tam nobis , vita comite , propitia divinitate regni gubernacula regentibus , quam futuris successoribus hereditatis jure regnandi monarchiam tenentibns inextricabili lege firmiter roboretur . Nam pro ampliore firmitatis testamento , principes et senatores , judices et patritios subscribere fecimus . Actum publice et confirmatum in loco qui appellatur Eburleagh , . viio. kalendarum Juniarum die , indictione . iida . anno ab incarnatione Christi . dciiiito . feliciter . + Signum manus Ini regis qui hæc omnia manu propria confirmavit . + Ego Aldelmus , servus servorum Dei , hoc decretum manu propria roboravi . + Ego Hagona abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Adbertus abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Haeha abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Uuintra abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Uuedr abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Beornuuald abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Uuilgar abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Bealuulf abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Froda abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Ego Uuitta abbas consentiens subscripsi . + Signum manus Beoban . + Signum manus Eanberht . + Signum manus Coenberht . + Signum manus Coen . + Signum manus Æthilfridi . + Signum manus Eascuualdi . + Signum manus Duduc . + Signum manus Ticcean . + Signum manus Bealdhun .