A.D. 745 (Malmesbury). Cuthred, king of the Gewisse, to Aldhelm, abbot, and Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 10 hides (mansiones) at Wootton Bassett, Wilts. Latin




1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 12r-v (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, f. 125r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 21v-23r (s. xiii)
4. Oxford, Magdalen College, 172, f. 90v (s. xii; incomplete)


Wharton, Anglia Sacra, ii. 25; K, 94, ex Wharton and MS 1; Hamilton, William of Malmesbury, G.P., p. 387, ex MS 4; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 289-90, ex MS 2; B, 170, ex Brewer, Hamilton, K, and MS 1


Akerman 1857a, no. 9; Darlington 1955, pp. 4 n. 23, 90, questionable authenticity; Watkin 1956, p. 229 and n. 35, spurious in present form; Finberg, ECW, no. 188, authentic; Edwards 1988, pp. 48-52, 116-19, on formulation; probably authentic; O'Donovan, Sherborne, p. 5, dubious

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    • Ego Cuthredus, rex Gewisorum, cogente caritatis cathena Christi et indiuisibilis affectu dilectionis, Aldhelmo abbati familieque sub illius regiminis amore degenti, cum consensu atque conscientia eximii presulis Danielis optimatumque meorum ac dignitatum, ob <recordationem> scilicet orationum suarum et redemptionem anime mee, ut in plenitudine electorum Dei collocatus sim, terre partem in inextricabilem possessionem in loco qui dicitur Wdutun, sub .x. mansionum estimatione <taxatam>, sub contestatione sancte trinitatis, dapsili quidem <liberalitate> et hylariter ad <Maldumnense> monasterium largitus sum. Spero autem felici uidelicet mercatu, tradendo temporalia et que uidentur, ea dumtaxat que non uidentur atque indefecta perhennitate permansura me adepturum. Sit autem predicta possessio ipsius monasterii usibus mancipata, deinceps incessabili iugitate. Si quis huius <largitionis> mee stipem, tyrannica fretus insolentia, qualibet occasione, interrumpere atque in irritum deducere nisus fuerit, sit a consortio piorum, ultimi uentilabro examinis, sequestratus rapaciumque collegio conbinatus uiolentie sue penas luat. Si quis uero, beniuola intentione potius preditus, hoc donatiuum ampliare uoluerit, uideat ouans bona Domini cum angelorum agminibus. Exemplar huius largitionis promulgatum est anno ab incarnatione Christi .dccxlv. in predicto cenobio sub presentia Cuthredi regis, quod proprie manus munificentia, uotiua uero deuotione, altario sacro commendauit. Et hoc actum est hiis optimatibus et dignitatibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina propriis indita sunt subscriptionibus. + Ego Daniel Dei plebis famulus et speculator subscripsi hanc donationem et confirmatiue ratum fieri <sanxi>. + Ego Cuthred nomine regis fungens hoc donatiuum proprie manus subscripsi. + Signum manus Cumman. + Signum manus Æthelheardi. + Signum manus Ældhunes.
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    • I, Cuthred, king of the Gewisse [i.e., West Saxons], with the prompting of the chain of the love of Christ and the desire for His indivisible love, have bestowed on Abbot Aldhelm and the community living under the love of his guidance, with the agreement and knowledge of the outstanding bishop Daniel and my magnates and dignitaries, on account of the remembrance of their prayers and the salvation of my soul, in order that I may be placed in the abundance of the elect of God, a piece of land in a possession that cannot be detached in the place that is called Wootton, appraised at assessment of 10 hides, under the attestation of the Holy Trinity, indeed with bountiful generosity and joyfully for the monastery at Malmesbury. I hope, moreover, for a felicitous exchange, by handing over temporal things and things that are visible, that I shall acquire those things, namely, that are invisible and faultless as a permanent possession. Moreover may the aforementioned property be transferred for the use of the monastery, with an unceasing continuance. If anyone, relying on tyrannical arrogance, should strive, on whatever pretext, to break asunder this generous gift of mine and bring it to nought, let him be separated from the company of the pious by the winnowing-fork of the Last Judgment and, united in the fellowship of the greedy, suffer punishment for his violence. If anyone, possessed of a benevolent intention, should wish to increase this gift, may he rejoicing see the blessings of the Lord with His columns of angels. A copy of this act of generosity was published in the year from the incarnation of Christ 745 in the aforementioned monastery in the presence of King Cuthred, which he committed with the bountifulness of his own hand, with votive piety, to the protection of the high altar. And this has been executed with the agreement of these magnates and dignitaries whose names have been attached below with their own subscriptions. + I, Daniel, servant of family of God and bishop [of Winchester], subscribed this charter of donation and ordained that a confirmatory authorisation be made. + I, Cuthred, performing the role of king, subscribed this [charter of] donation with his own hand. + Mark of the hand of Cumma. + Mark of the hand of Æthelheard. + Mark of the hand of Ealdhun.
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    Old Text

    • De Wdetun quam Cudredus rex Aldhelmo præsuli cenobioque Meldunensi dapsili liberalitate largitus est . Ego Cuthredus , rex Gewisorum , cogente catena caritatis Christi et indivisibilis affectu dilectionis , Aldhelmo abbati familiæque sub illius regiminis amore degenti , cum consensu atque scientia eximii præsulis Danihelis obtimatumque meorum et dignitatum , ob recordationem scilicet orationum suarum et redemptionem animæ meæ , ut in plenitudine electorum Dei collocatus sim , terræ partem in inextricabilem possessionem in loco qui dicitur Wdetun . sub . x . mansionum estimatione taxatam , sub contestatione sanctæ trinitatis , dapsili quidem liberalitate et hilariter ad Maldunense monasterium largitus sum . Spero autem felici videlicet mercatu , tradendo temporalia et quæ videntur , ea dumtaxat quæ non videntur atque indefecta perhennitate permansura me adepturum . Sit autem prædicta possessio ipsius monasterii usibus mancipata deinceps incessabili jugitate . Si quis huius largitionis meæ stipem tyrannica fretus insolentia qualibet occasione interrumpere atque in irritum deducere nisus fuerit ; sit a consortio piorum ultimi ventilabro examinis sequestratus rapaciumque collegio combinatus violentiæ suæ pænas luat . Si quis vero benivola intencione potius præditus hoc donationem ampliare voluerit . videat ovans bona domini cum angelorum agminibus . Exemplar huius largitionis promulgatum est anno ab incarnatione Christi . dccoxlovo . in prædicto cenobio sub præsentia Cuthredi regis quod propriæ manus munificentia votiva vero devotione altario sacro commendavit . Et hoc actum est hiis optimatibus et dignitatibus consencientibus quorum inferius nomina propriis indita sunt subscriptionibus . + Ego Daniel Dei plebis famulus et speculator subscripsi hanc donacionem . et confirmacione ratum fieri sa[n]xi. + Ego Cuthred nomine regis fungens hoc donativum propriæ manus subscripsi . + Signum manus Athelheardi. + Signum manus Cumman . + Signum manus Aldhunes .