A.D. 826 (Southampton). Egbert, king, to the minster of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 20 hides (manentes) at Droxford, Hants. Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 102v-103r (s. xii med.)


K, 1038; B, 393; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 41


Reynolds 2002, pp. 176, 190, on burial feature in bounds; Stevenson 1914, p. 703, dubious or spurious; Stenton 1918, p. 451, spurious (= Stenton 1970, p. 65); Grundy, Hants., II, pp. 74-9; Finberg, ECW, no. 13, spurious, bounds and many of the witnesses copied from S 446; Hart 1970a, p. 36 (no. 178), spurious; Forsberg 1973, p. 12, on bounds; Edwards 1988, pp. 146-8, 156-7, fabrication produced entirely by taking clauses from other charters; Keynes 1994b, pp. 1111-12, spurious in received form, but forger has used charters of mid 820s, witness-list partly based on S 446; Foot 2000, II. 247

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    Old Text

    • Egbyrhtes cininges landboc to Drocenesfordæ into Ealdan mynstræ . In nomine domini nostri et salvatoris Jhesu Christi . Ego Ecgbertus regali fretus dignitate de terra quam processores mei atque propinqui jure michi hereditario possidendam reliquerunt aliquam portionem terræ monasterio apostolorum Petri et Pauli perpetualiter impendere largitus sum in modum videlicet ut autumo . xx . manentium ubi incolæ appellant . Drocenesforda . pro redemptione animæ meæ et omnium parentum meorum . Hanc vero donationem hac conditione roborans confirmo . ut ipse locus habeat sub proprio dominio hanc terram cum montanis . ac silvis pratisque et campis silvestreis adjunctis apud antiquitatis statuta ad eam pertinentibus . Adhuc etiam et ego prefatus rex augere amplificarique elemosinam pro amore Dei fidelique servitio prædicti monasterii terræ præfatæ ei . æt Drocenesforda omnium sæcularium gravitudinum necnon et cunctorum in modico et in magno mundialium servitutum libertatem concedo excepto expeditione et pontis factione quod omni plebe commune est . ˘is syndon ˇa land gemæro to Drocenesforda . Ærest æt clefer dæne on ˇæt del . of ˇam dælle 7 lang wæges on ˇa hwitan floda on norˇ healfæ hærepa∂es on ∂one litlan ˇorn . ˇæt on swalwan ˇorn . ˇonne on ˇæs hlinces norˇ ændæ swa and lang hlincæs su∂ on ∂æs cumbæs heafod . ˇonne on ∂æs hlincæs west ænde æt ˇæm hwitan fox holum . ˇonne on stan burg . ˇonne and lang dic utt on hwitan for∂ . swa and lang Meone on midnæs stream on ˇa dic on nordhealfæ ˇæs fordæs . ˇonne on ˇanæ ealdan ˇorn swa æft utt on Meone and lang streames o∂ ∂a dic . And lang dic to ∂em heˇenum birigelsum . ˇonnæ su∂ and lang hling ræwe to ∂æs ni∂ær langan hlincæs east ænde . And lang hlincæs eft utt on ea ˇonnæ swa o∂ ˇæt wæst mæste how . ˇonon wæst for ˇonæ seal stub o∂ ∂æt yrdland sy∂ bæ ˇæ landæ on ∂es willes heafo∂ . ˇonne utt on ea . swa for∂ su∂ on wuda . 7 ˇonnæ git o∂ wic hæma mearce . ˇonon west bæ hagan on Cyneburgan hyrstæ suˇæ weardæ o∂ ∂et scirhiltæ on ˇonæ greatan beam . ˇonne on ˝unres lea middæ weardæ swa gæ rihtæ to ˝roc briggæ on ˇonæ fulan broce . ˇonne utt on bitnan burnan . And lang burnan on ˇæs bisceopæs mearcæ swa nor∂ to filæ leage geatæ . ˝onnæ on bromburnan . And lang burnan on bromfæld . ˝onne upp bæ tweonæ ˇa twægen bromfeldas and lang ˇæs alar sceatæs on ˇonæ fulan broc . ˇonne to ˇæs cumbæs heafdæ . ˇonne to ˇære stigelæ to ˇæs bisceopæs mearcæ . ˇonne utt on langan leagæ . ˇæt ˇweores ofer ˇa leage nor∂ to wuda . ˇonon to ˇære stigelæ o∂ Meonwara sna∂e . Swa to domnes hlincæ . ˇonnæ to ˇæm wulfpyttæ swa on ge rihna to hæsæl holt . ˇonnæ to clæfær dæne æft on ˇæt del . Si quis autem hanc donationem meam augere et amplificare voluerit ; augeat Deus partem illius in libro vitæ . Si quis vero dempserit . sciat se in tremendo examine rationem reddere in die judicii coram Deo et angelis suis omnibusque sanctis . Scripta est autem hæc donationis cartula . Anno dominicæ incarnationis . dcccxxvi . Indictione . iiii . Anno Ecgberti regis . xxiiii . Ducatus sui . Anno . xiiii . in loco qui appellatur in Omtune istis testibus consentientibus quorum nomina infra scripta videntur esse . Ego Ecgbertus Rex libertatem præfatæ terræ cum signo sanctæ crucis hanc donationem meam confirmo . Ego Wulfhelm Dorobernensis æcclesiæ archiepiscopus ejusdem regis donationem cum tropheo agiæ crucis consignavi . Ego Ælfheah Wintoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus triumphalem tropheum agyæ crucis impressi . Ego ˝eodred Lundoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus consignavi . Ego Cenwald episcopus predictum donum consensi . Ego Withegn episcopus . Ego Herefærd episcopus . Ego Wulfhun episcopus . Ego Oda episcopus . Ego Wulfhelm episcopus . Ego Burhrig episcopus . Ego Æˇelgar episcopus . Ego Burhardi dux . Ego Wlfhardi dux . Ego Ælfhære dux . Ego Wulfgar dux . Ego Æ∂elstan dux . Ego Uthred dux . Ego Oda dux . Ego Alhstan dux . Ego Eadmund dux . Ego Monnedes minister . Ego Hunes minister . Ego Wehhelm minister . Ego Eadmund minister . Ego Ælfric minister . Ego Wulfsige minister . Ego Witgar minister . Ego Æ∂elwold minister . Ego Ælfred minister . Ego Wulfmer minister . Ego Wulfgar minister . Ego Ælfsigæ minister . Ego Ordeah minister . Ego Sigulf minister . Ego Eadric minister . Ego Ealhhelm minister .