[A.D. 824 x 833]. Egbert, king, to the church of Winchester; restitution of 40 hides (mansae) at Alresford, Hants. Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, f. 22r (s. xii med.)


K, 1039; B, 398; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 42


Grundy, Hants., I, pp. 69-77, bounds describe Old and New Alredford, Medstead and part of Wield; Finberg, ECW, no. 14, spurious, text and bounds identical with S 242, witnesses taken from a genuine charter of 824 x 833; Edwards 1988, p. 148, 10th-century fabrication; Wormald 1988a, p. 39 n. 106; Dumville 1992, p. 46 n. 91, spurious; Keynes 1994b, pp. 1111-12, esp. p. 1111 n. 4, spurious in received form, some details derived from a charter of mid 820s

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    Old Text

    • Renovatio regis Egberhti de Alresforda . + Domino nostro Jhesu Christo imperpetuum regnante cui cuncta jure famulantur elementa mundi . Omnibus ut reor luce clarius mortalibus patet quod digne gloria parvipendenda est mundi . quia decidit ut flos feni . Quapropter ego Ecgbyrht . largiflua summi tonantis annuente clementia regali fretus dignitate quandam ruris partem . xl . scilicet mansas in loco qui ab incolis huius patriæ Alresford nuncupatur cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . pratis . silvis . pascuisque . Sicut prædecessor meus . Cynewalc . divino scilicet adtactus instinctu jamdudum concessit . æcclesiæquæ Wintoniæ in almæ Trinitatis veræque unitatis honore nec non et apostolorum Petri Paulique consecrata consistit . pro meorum expiatione facinorum libens perpetualiter restituo . Hanc donationem cum omnium mei temporis consensu procerum tali curavi renovare assertione . ut nulla meorum persona successorum diabolicæ astu calliditatis insollescens eam unquam in aliud transferre præsumat . Sit hoc prædictum rus omni terrenæ servitutis jugo solutum tribus exceptis expeditione pontis arcisvæ restauratione . Si quis igitur hanc nostram donationem augere voluerit ; ei plura in præsenti vita adicientur bona . Minuentem vero terra vivum dehiscat atque ejus anima pro tanti commisso criminis reatu cum Juda Christi proditore perpetuas sine fine luat penas . nisi hic digna satisfactione emendaverit quod contra almam Trinitatem veramque unitatem temere deliquid . ˘is synt ˇa land ge mero to Alresforda erest of cendefer on ˇa 7heafda . 7lang 7heafda on ˇa witan dic . 7 dic on burclea . of burchlea 7 lang mearc weges on smalan dene . ˇanan to bucgan oran . ˇonan ford be wyrt walan to Wiglummes putte . ˇonon to spreot mere . ˇonan on ˇæt twigbutme del . of ˇam delle on beran del . ˇonne on feld dene . and lang dene to wuda . swa be mearce to grenmeres stigele . ˇonan to lammeres geate . of ˇam geate to bocmeres stigele . ˇonan to beammeres geate . of ˇam geate to hamerdene geate ˇonne to hremmescumbes geate . ˇonan to eacges geate . ˇonne to dunnes stigele . ˇonan on witleage . ˇonne to ˇere bradan æc . ˇonne and lang mearce to dreigtune on ˇone ford . of ˇam forda to wuda forda . ˇonan su∂ and lang mearce to ˇe sgares su∂ ende . ˇonne and lang mearce in on æwyllas . and lang ewyllas in on to Ticceburnan 7lang ticceburnan on Icenan and lang icenan ˇær cendefer 7 Iccene cuma∂ togædere . 7lang cendefer ˇær hit ær up eode ; Ego Ecgbyrhtus . rex hanc meam donationem signo almæ crucis Christi corroborando propria manu confirmo . Signum manus propriæ Uuigthegni episcopi . Signum manus Ealhstani episcopi . Signum manus Herefer∂i episcopi . Signum manus Hunes præfecti . Signum manus Monnede præfecti . Signum manus Burghardi præfecti . Signum manus Uulfhardi præfecti . Signum manus Wethelmes præfecti .