A.D. 670 for 924 x 939. King Athelstan to the minster of St Mary, Exeter; grant of 6 perticae at Stoke Canon, Devon. Latin with English bounds




1. Exeter, D.C., 2517 (s. xi; OS Facs., ii, Exeter 1)
2. Exeter, D.C., 1706 (s. xv; Middle English version; bounds only)


Hickes, Diss. Epist., p. 6; K, 371 and vol. iii. 411; Davidson 1883, pp. 265-6; B, 723; Earle, pp. 326-7; Hooke 1994, p. 134, bounds only


O.S. Facs., ii, p. vii-viii, bounds identical with S 971; Davidson 1883, pp. 263-5; Stevenson 1914, p. 698 n. 42, spurious; PN Devon, p. 447, on bounds; Rose-Troup 1933, pp. 56-7, on bounds; Finberg, ECDC, no. 22, a more or less clumsy reconstruction made in the 11th century to replace original lost in 1003; Robertson, Charters, p. 344, spurious; Chaplais 1966, pp. 5-9 (no. 3), spurious, written in mid 11th century in the same hand as S 386, 387 and 433 MS 3 (= 1981, XV pp. 5-9); Blake 1974, pp. 51-2, perhaps forged in time of Bishop Leofric; Dumville 1979, p. 8, on terminology; Loyn 1980, pp. 296-7; Hooke 1994, pp. 134-7, on bounds; Foot 2000, II. 87

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    Old Text

    • Endorsement in contemporary hand: Six gyrdaboc to stoctone + Anno domicae incarnationis dclxx . indictione xi . Ego Æ∂elstan rex Anglorum dabo pro æterna remuneratione et pro expiatione animæ meæ sex perti'c'as ubi incolis vocitur Hrocastoc Deo et sanctæ Mariæ ad monasterium quod incolis vocitatur Exaceaster . ut habeat quamdiu christiana fides in gente Anglorum maneat . Precipimus quoque et obsecramus in Dei omnipotentis nomine et in trini'ta'tis honore . ut nullus hominum in aliquo tempore ausus sit frangere vel minuere . Sed stabilis et inconcussa permaneat . Si autem aliquis hoc in aliquo frangere temptaverit . sciat se in æterna dampnatione pænitere nisi hic celeriter emendet . Huius agelluli termini hæc sunt . Ærest of sulforda east anlang herpo∂es on culum ˇanon eastrihte to langan forda ˇanon su∂ anlang streames o∂ culum lace anlang lace of ˇære lace up to ˇære ealdan dic anlang ˇære dice on ceaggan cumb ˇanon on cinges sloh ˇanon anlang weges to ˇæm mægen stane ˇanon su∂ ˇær ∂a wegas to licga∂ ˇanon on ˇone nor∂ mystan hryc weg anlang hrycges to ∂ære eor∂ burh middeweardre ˇanon on brydena wyll ˇanon ut on exan 'up' anlang exan o∂ scræwanleges lace 7 scræwanleg ˇærto ˇænne fram æ∂elstanes hammes forda on sulforda 7 feower eceras bewestan exan fornagean edfer∂es eald lande . + Ego Æ∂elstan rex Anglorum meum donum cum sigillo sanctæ crucis conclusi . + Ego Eadmund indolis clito consolidavi . + Ego Wulfhelm archiepiscopus adquievi . + Ego ˝eodred episcopus coadunavi . + Ego Brihtelm episcopus subscripsi . + Ego Ælfheah episcopus favi . + Ego Æ∂elgar episcopus consolidavi . + Æ∂elstan dux . + Ælfhere dux . + Eadmund dux . + Odda minister . + Wihtbord minister . + Heremod minister . + Wihtlaf minister . + Ælfhere minister .