A.D. 930 (Chippenham, Wilts., 29 April). King Athelstan to Eadulf, bishop and the familia at Crediton; grant of 3 hides (cassatae) at Sandford near Crediton, Devon. Latin with English bounds


Exeter (ex Crediton)


1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2 (S.C. 31346), no. III (s. x/xi; BA Facs., no. 27)


B, 1343; Napier and Stevenson, pp. 5-9; Hooke 1990a, p. 210, bounds only; Hooke 1994, p. 117, bounds only


Crediton 1913, pp. 188-92


Napier and Stevenson, pp. 65-80, authentic; Stevenson 1914, p. 702 and n. 62, contemporary, discusses immunity; PN Devon, p. 411 n; Rose-Troup 1942, pp. 248-50, on bounds; Finberg, ECDC, no. 18; Bishop 1955, p. 195, probably authentic; John 1965, p. 409 n. 2, not contemporary and likely to be a fabrication, discusses immunity; Chaplais 1966, pp. 10-11 (no. 9), imitative script, possibly forged early in 11th century (= 1981 XV, pp. 10-11); Finberg 1969, pp. 20-38, authentic with interpolations, discusses bounds (= Finberg 1968, pp. 59-65); Forsberg 1970, p. 74, on detail of bound; Bullough 1972, p. 471 n. 38, on detail of Latin; Keynes 1980, p. 43 n. 74, not authentic in its received form; Chaplais 1981, XV addendum, spurious; Sawyer 1983, p. 292, on meeting-place; Keynes 1988, p. 186 n. 4, product of 'Æthelstan A'; Hooke 1990a, pp. 202-4, 207-9, on bounds; BA Facs., pp. 8-9, probably 'improved' version of lost original; Crosby 1994, pp. 270-1; Hooke 1994, pp. 117-22, on bounds

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    • + Regnante perpetualiter atque omnem humane inbecillitatis sensum . benignitate transce[n]dente . largiflua tonantis iduma . que mirando ineffabilique proprii arbitrii priuilegio . alta media infima . iusta inuicte fortitudinis lance trutinata gubernat .