A.D. 935. King Athelstan to Wihtgar, minister; lease, for four lives, of 7 hides (mansae) at Havant, Hants. Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 99r-100r (s. xii med.)


K, 1111; B, 707; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 91


Grundy, Hants., III, pp. 118-24, on bounds; Finberg, ECW, no. 53, authentic, indiction 7 for 8; John 1966, pp. 53-4, on royal style; Hart 1970a, p. 35 (no. 173), authentic; O'Donovan 1972, p. 37, dated 935 but with indiction for 934; O'Donovan 1973, pp. 111-12; Keynes 1980, pp. 33 n. 54, 44 n. 80; Forsberg 1984, p. 5, on bounds; Pile 1984, on bounds; Kitson 1992; Pile 1994; Wormald, English Law, pp. 444-5, on royal titulature

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    Old Text

    • Hamafuntan land boc ˇe Æˇælstan cing bocode Wihtgare . Regnante Theo in eona eo[n]um. Neminem quippe in mortali solo quamvis universam cosmi seriem quisque sollerti mentis acumine perlustret . expertem repperiet debite mortis extitisse . illamque justæ severitatis sententiam protoplasti prevaricationis noxam delatam evasisse ut dicitur ; 'Terra es et in terram ibis pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris' 1 . Qua propter ego Æ∂elstanus . nodante Dei gratia basileus Anglorum et equæ totius Bryttanniæ orbis curagulus antilogium predecessorum meorum et regalium infularum non obliviscens fideli meo ministro nomine . Witgar . aliquam juris mei partem libenter largiendo concedo . vii . mansas in illo loco ubi ruricoli vocitant . Hamanfunta . ut habeat et possideat . prefatam terram quamdiu vitalis spiritus in ergastulo sui corporis degendo inheserit . Et post se trium hominum dierum habeat liberam potestatem donandi relinquendique cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis . silvis . pratis . piscariis aquarumque decursibus . et in omnibus mundialibus causis sit libera ab omni regali tributo nisi expeditione et arcis pontisve constructione . Si quis hoc nostrum donum custodierit cum triumphantibus tripudium æternæ suavitatis gloriam inolescat . sin aliter quod non optamus antiqua machinatione diaboli fraudis inlectus fuerit ; Et hoc nostrum decretum mutare satagerit . terribile spectaculum inter rabidis rictibus crudeliter discerpatur . Et nullius adventantis consolationem uspiam repperire potuerit . Acta est hæc predicta donatio anno . x . gloriosissimi predicti regis . Istis terminibus circumgyrata esse videtur . ˘is synd ˇæs landæs ge mæro æt Hamanfuntan . Ærest ˇær ocerburna utt scyt on sæ . ˇæt upp and lang oceburnan to halelan mærscæ eastæ weardan and lang brocæs . ˇæt ofer ˇa stret . Æt utelan bricge . ˇenne ofær ˇa stræt . twamles ˇæ ˇrittig gyrda and lang burn stowæ . ˇænne ˇer east to stucan wisc æt ˇæne mearc beorh ˇænnæ and lang ræwe on ˇorn wic eastæ weardæ to ˇon witan stoccæ . ˇonne of ˇam hwitan stoccæ . ˇurh ˇæt wudu geheg to neddan leage . to ˇam hære pa∂e . ˇænne and lang næddan leage be ˇam wege oˇˇa nor∂ efes ˇonne and lang hærpa∂es to dundeburnan on ˇæne wear rihtan stocc . ˇonne and lang dundeburnan on ˇæne east hære pa∂ . on ˇa twa æcc . ˇæ standad in on ˇan hær pa∂æ . ˇonnæ and lang hagan on lam hyrs∂æ eastæ wearda on iwwara hagan . ˇonnæ and lang iwwara hagan on ˇæne ifihtan stocc . ˇonnæ of ˇam ifihtan stoccæ suˇ bæ hrycg wege oˇˇa hyrnan . ˇonnæ of ˇære hyrnan and lang iwwara hagan suˇ 7 east on ˇa burn stow . ˇonnæ of ˇære burn stowe and lang hagan on herredes leage . wesˇæ wear∂æ . ˇonnæ be ˇære leage on ˇæne stocc be ˇæt lid geat on hangodæ . ˇænnæ of ˇam stoccæ utt ˇurh beorc leage midde weardne on ˇæne ealdan æsc . ˇonnæ of ˇam æscce suˇ ofer ˇonæ weg on ˇa apoldre . ˇonnæ of ˇære apoldre on ˇæne hwitan hæsl . ˇonnæ of ˇam hwitan hæsle on hnutt wic eastæ wearde and lang grenan wegæs oˇ wuhing landæs hyrnan . ˇænnæ wæst and lang weges o∂∂a westran wuh ing landes hyrnan suˇ ˇonnæ and lang hege ræwe oˇ imbæs dæl . ˇonne of imbæs dællæ . and lang hege ræwæ utt on limburnan . ˇonnæ and lang limburnan utt on sæ . Acta est autem hec nostra donatio . Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . dcccc . xxxv . Indictione . vii . Ego Æ∂elstanus Dei gratia tocius gentis Anglorum rex cum sigillo sanctæ crucis meum predictum donum consignavi atque roboravi . Ego Wulfhelm Dorobernensis æcclesiæ archiepiscopus cum signo sanctæ crucis confirmavi . Ego Theodred Lundonie urbis episcopus consensi . Ego Ælfheah Wintoniensis æcclesiæ previsor in electione sua confirmavi . Ego Cenwald episcopus . Ego Oda episcopus . Ego Ælfred episcopus . Ego Ella episcopus . Ego Ælfheah episcopus . Ego Oda minister . Ego Æ∂elstan minister . Ego Ælfred minister . Ego Ælfheah minister . Ego Siulf minister . Ego Wulfhelm minister . Ego Wulfnod minister . Ego A∂ulf minister . Ego Ælfheah minister . Ego Wulfgar minister . Ego Wulfmer minister . Ego Swi∂ulf minister . Ego Æ∂elmund minister . Ego Æ∂elgeard minister . Ego Ælfsige minister . Ego Ælfsige minister . Ego Wulfsige minister . Ego Hefa minister . Ego Ælfwold minister . Ego Vhtred minister . Ego Sigered minister . Ego Ælfric minister . Ego Eadmund minister . Ego Wulfsige minister . Ego Ælfhere minister . Ego Æˇelwold minister . Ego Ordeah minister . Ego Beorhtnod minister . Ego Eadric minister . Ego Ælfhelm minister . Ego Æˇered minister . Ego Wullaf minister .