S 435
A.D. 937 (Dorchester, Dorset, 21 Dec.). King Athelstan to the familia of Malmesbury; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Wootton, Wilts. Latin
1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 18v (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, ff. 130v-131v (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 40r-41v (s. xiii)
Thorpe, pp. 183-4; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 309-11; B, 718
Napier and Stevenson, p. 137 n. 1, apparently authentic; Darlington 1955, p. 90; Finberg, ECW, no. 243, authentic; John 1966, p. 50 n., should be treated with reserve; Bullough 1972, p. 472 n. 39, on Latin vocabulary; Keynes 1980, p. 44 n. 78, spurious, probably based on an authentic charter issued in 935, cf. S 434, 436; Edwards 1988, pp. 87-8, model for S 1166; Hare 1997, p. 70 n. 50, spurious; Gretsch, Intellectual Foundations, p. 347; Wormald, English Law, pp. 307 n. 201, 439 n. 75, spurious, possibly authentic witness list
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- Fortuna fallentis seculi procax, non lacteo inmarcessibilium liliorum candore amabilis, sed fellita eiulande corruptionis amaritudine odibilis, fetentis filios ualle in lacrimarum carnis rictibus debachando <uenenosis> mordaciter dilaceret. Que quamuis arridendo sit infelicibus attractabilis Acherontici tamen ad yma Cociti ni satus alti subueniat boantis, impudenter est decursibus, et ideo ipsa ruinosa deficiendo tanaliter dilabitur, summopere festinandum est ad amena indicibilis leticie arua, ubi angelica ymnidice iubilationis organa mellifluaque uernantium rosarum odoramina a bonis beatisque naribus inestimabiliter dulcia capiuntur, sineque calce auribus cliuipparum suauia audiuntur. Cuius amore felicitatis illectus fastidiunt iam infima, dulcescunt superna, eisque pro percipiendis semperque specie concupiscibili fruendis, ego Æþelstanus rex Anglorum, per omnipotentis dexteram totius Britannie regni solio sublimatus, quandam telluris particulam uenerabili familie Maldubiensi, pro animabus patruelium meorum filiorum Æþelwardi clitonis, uidelicet Ælwinis et Æþelwinis, sub estimatione .x. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Wudetun, seruienti familie Deo et sancto Petro in perpetuum ius largitus sum, hoc precipiens in nomine Domini ut nostrorum nemo successorum hoc nostrum donum quamdiu Christanitas uigeat uel ex minimo irrumpere temptet. Quod si quisque temptauerit, a Deo imperpetuum dampnandum. Huius namque a Deo Dominoque Iesu Christo inuente atque inspirate uoluntatis scedula anno dominice incarnationis .dccccxxxvii., regni uero gratis mihi commissi .xi., indictione .viii., epacta .xiiii., concurrente .iii., .xii. kalendas Ianuarii, luna uertentis mensis .x., in ciuitate celeberrima que Dornacester appellatur, tota optimatum generalitate sub alis regie dapsilitatis ouanti perscripta est, cuius etiam inconcusse firmitatis auctoritas hiis testibus roborata constat, quorum nomina subtus minulis depicta annotantur. + Ego Eþelstanus ierarchia florentis Albionis <preditus> rex cum signo sancte semperque uenerande crucis corroboraui hunc indiculum et subscripsi. + Ego Wulfhelmus Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Wulfstanus Eboracensis ecclesie archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Eugenius subregulus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Howel subregulus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego <Morcant> subregulus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Iuthal <subregulus> consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Cunan episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Ælfwine episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Wulfhelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Ælfwold dux consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Urm dux consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Uhtred dux consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Osulf dux consensi et subscripsi.
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- The insolent fortune of this deceiving age, not worthy of love because of the milky whiteness of unfading lilies but hateful because of the bitterness steeped in gall of corruption that is to be lamented, bitingly tears to pieces the sons of stinking flesh in the vale of tears by raving wildly with its poisonous jaws, which, although it may be attractive to the unfortunate by its pleasing manner, yet shamelessly is it declining downwards to the depths of Acherontic Cocytus [i.e., Hell], unless the Seed of the One Who Roars on High [i.e., Jesus, the Son of God] should assist. And so, because that ruined thing [i.e., fortune] is going mortally into decay through its failing, one must hasten with the utmost effort to the pleasant fields of indescribable happiness, where the angelic tongues of hymn-singing jubilation and the scents of verdant roses flowing with honey of incalculable sweetness is captured by the good and blessed nostrils and the sweetnesses of musical instruments heard by the ears. Enticed by a love of this happiness, base things disgust now, heavenly things become sweet, and in order to obtain those things and enjoy that very desirable sight forever, I, Æthelstan, king of the English, through the favour of the Almighty raised to the throne of the kingdom of the whole of Britain, have bestowed as a perpetual right a certain parcel of land on the venerable community of Malmesbury, for the souls of my cousins, the sons of Æthelweard clito, namely, Ælfwine and Æthelwine, at an assessment of 10 hides in the place that is called Wootton (?Bassett), for the community serving God and St Peter, prescribing this in the name of the Lord that none of our successors should attempt to violate in the slightest degree this gift of ours as long as Christianity might flourish. If anyone should attempt this, he must be damned by God forever. The record of this wish, acquired from and inspired by God and the Lord Jesus Christ, was written in the year of the Lord’s incarnation 937, in [year] 11 of the reign freely granted to me, in indiction 8, epact 14, concurrent 3, on the 21st of December, on [day] 10 of the monthly cycle of the moon, in the very famous city that is called Dorchester, with the whole body of magnates rejoicing under the wings of royal bounty, whose intention of firmness is undisturbedly strengthened by these witnesses whose names are recorded in small letters below. I, Æthelstan, king of flourishing Albion in possession of the office, confirmed and subscribed this document with the mark of the holy and always to be venerated cross. + I, Wulfhelm, archbishop of the church of Canterbury, agreed and subscribed. + I, Wulfstan, archbishop of the church of York, agreed and subscribed. + I, Eogen mac Domnaill, subregulus, agreed and subscribed. + I, Hywel Dda ap Cadell, subregulus, agreed and subscribed. + I, Morgan ap Owain, subregulus, agreed and subscribed. + I, Idwal Foel ab Anarawd, subregulus, agreed and subscribed. + I, Conan, bishop [of Cornwall], agreed and subscribed. + I, Ælfwine, bishop [of Lichfield], agreed and subscribed. + I, Wulfhelm, bishop, agreed and subscribed. + I, Ælfwald, dux, agreed and subscribed. + I, Urum, dux, agreed and subscribed. + I, Uhtred, dux, agreed and subscribed. + I, Oswulf, dux, agreed and subscribed.
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Old Text
- De Wdetun quam idem rex dedit sanctæ Meldunensi ecclesiæ. Fortuna fallentis seculi procax , inmarcessibilium liliorum candore amabilis ; sed fellita ejulandæ corruptionis amaritudine odibilis . fetentis filios valle in lacrimarum carnis rictibus debachando venenose mordaciter dilacerat . Quæ quamvis arridendo sit infelicibus attrectabilis ; Acherontici tamen ad yma Cocitio ni satus alti subveniat boantis , impudenter est decursibilis . Et ideo quia ipsa ruinosa deficiendo tanaliter dilatabitur ; summo opere festinandum est ad amena indicibilis letitiæ arva , ubi angelica ymnidicæ jubilationis organa , mellifluaque vernantium rosarum odoramina , a bonis beatisque naribus inestimabiliter dulcia capiuntur , sineque calce auribus clivipparum suavia audiuntur . Cujus amore felicitatis illectus , fastidiunt jam infima , dulcescunt superna , eisque pro percipiendis semperque specie concupiscibili fruendis : Ego Æthelstanus , rex Anglorum per omnipotentis dexteram totius Britanniæ regni solio sublimatus quandam telluris particulam venerabili familiæ Maldubiensi pro animabus patruelium meorum Æthelwardi clitonis , videlicet , Ælfwinis . et Æthelwinis , sub estimatione . x a . cassatorum , in loco qui dicitur Wdetun , servienti familiæ Deo et sancto Petro imperpetuum jus largitus sum , hoc præcipiens in nomine domini ut nostrorum nemo successorum hoc nostrum donum , quamdiu Christianitas vigeat , vel ex minimo irrumpere temptet . Quod si quispiam temptaverit : a Deo se imperpetuum dampnandum . Huius namque a Deo dominoque Jesu Christo innuente atque inspirante voluntatis scedula , anno dominicæ incarnationis . dccccxxxvii . regni vero gratis michi commissi . xi . indictione . viii . epacta . xiiii . concurrente . iii . xii . kl' . Januariæ , luna vertentis mensis . x . in civitate celeberrima Dorneacester appellata , tota optimatum generalitate sub alis regiæ dapsilitatis ovanti perscripta est . Cujus etiam inconcusse firmitatis auctoritas hiis testibus roborata constat , quorum nomina subtus minulis depicta annotantur . Ego Æthelstanus , ierarchia florentis Albionis prædictus rex , cum signo sanctæ semperque venerandæ crucis coroboravi hunc indiculum et subscripsi . Ego Wlfhelmus , Dorobernensis ecclesiæ archiepiscopus , consensi et subscripsi . Ego Wlfstanus , Eboracensis ecclesiæ archiepiscopus , consensi et subscripsi . Ego Howel subregulus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Eugenius subregulus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Juthual episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Morcant subregulus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Ælfwyne episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Cunan episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Wlfhelmi episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Aelfwold dux consensi et subscripsi . Ego Urm dux consensi et subscripsi . Ego Uhtred dux consensi et subscripsi . Ego Osulf dux consensi et subscripsi .