S 540
A.D. 948. King Eadred to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; confirmation of 55 hides (mansae) at Downton and 45 at Ebbesborne, Wilts. Latin with English bounds
Winchester, Old Minster
1. London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 11 (s. xi; BM Facs., iii. 14)
2. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 15v-16r (s. xii med.)
K, 421 and vol. iii. 427-8; BM Facs., iv, p. 6, in part, ex MS 2; B, 862, ex MSS 1, 2; B, 863, ex MS 2; Earle, pp. 184-5, bounds only, ex MS 2; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 92
BM Facs., iv, p. 7, contemporary; Hill 1910; Stevenson 1914, p. 689 n. 2, contemporary; Grundy, Wilts., I, p. 150, on bounds, cf. S 229; Drögereit 1935, p. 424, suspicious; Darlington 1955, p. 84; Finberg, ECW, no. 268, spurious; John 1965, p. 411, authentic, although MS 1 probably not contemporary; Hart 1970a, p. 26 (no. 28), spurious; Keynes 1980, p. 103 n. 60, forgery; Wormald 1988a, p. 39, fabricated by the same hand as S 376 and 443; Dumville 1994, p. 146 n. 71, script of MS 1 is imitative
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Old Text
- Endorsements on MS 1: (1) in a contemporary hand: ˇis is ∂æs landes boc æt duntune . ∂e Eadred cyngc ednywon gebocade sanctæ trinitate . and sanctæ Petre . and Paule ing to ealdan mynstre :~ (2) in a hand of s. xiii: '[D]untun', 'confirmatio Regis' (3) in a hand of s. xvi: . . . . . Alredus in manerio de Dunton . . . . . in Eblesburnam XLV mansas . Rubric in MS 2: ˝is is ∂æs landes boc æt Duntune ∂e Eadred cyng edniwon gæ bocodæ sanctæ trinitate 7 Sanctæ Pætre 7 Sanctæ Paule into ealdan mynstræ . + In nomine almi et agiæ sophiae . Qui monarchiam mundi totius ac celsitudinem cælorum abditamque profunditatem turgentis oceani in altis et in imis . Omnia cum suæ majestatis imperio nunc et in ævum gubernat . Ceu pupillarum obtutus per triquadrum mundum cotidiæ cernitur ac manifestata signa declarantur quomodo transeuntis mundi vicissitudo diuturnis horis crescendo decrescit . et ampliando minuatur . Tamen superno fulti adminiculo prosequi indigemus ad alta . Cujus scilicet fervoris igne succensus . Ego Eadredus . basileus Anglorum ceterarumque gentium in circuitu persistentium gubernator et rector sanctæ Dei ecclesiæ Uuentana civitate beato Petro apostolorum principi ejusque coapostolo Paulo . ob reverentiæ trinitatis honore . Ælfheago ejusdem sedis pontifice impetrante uti Cyneuualh in exordio Christianæ reli[gio]nis domino nostro Jhesu Christo ejusque prenominatis apostolis devotus concesserat . successoresque sui . Cyneuulf . et Egcbriht reges . ratis territoriis renovando cum signo crucis itidem confirmaverat . C . mansas . in Duntune et in Ebles burnan . . LV . videlicet in Duntune . et XLV . in Ebles burnan . restituendo quod injuste tam a me quam a predecessoribus meis possessum fuerat vel minutum . æterna largitus sum hereditate . Maneat igitur meum hoc immobile donum æterna libertate jocundum . cum omnibus quæ rite ad predicta loca pertinere dinoscuntur . campis . pascuis . pratis . excepto communi labore . expeditione pontis . arcisve constructione . Si qui denique mihi non optanti hanc libertatis cartam livore depres[si violare sa]tagerint . agminibus tetræ caliginis lapsi vocem audiant examinationis die arbitris sibi dicentis . 'Discedite a me maledicti in ignem æternum'1 ub[i cum demonibus ferreis sartagi]nibus crudeli torqueantur in poena . si non [ant]e mortem digna hoc emandav[eri]nt poenit[entia] . . . . . . l on were∂an hylle . on fyrdinges lea . on ebles burnan to afene . on pysere . on ∂a su∂an lace . on earnes beorh . on dic . æt beoredes . . . . . an to pytan wyr∂e . on dyre broc . on welewe . on ∂a dic æt hiceles wyr∂e . ˇonne ofer ∂one feld on hagan ut ˇurh brember wudu . . . . . anlang herepa∂es to ∂æs hagan ænde to fæger hylde forda . on ∂onne hagan on ceorles . . æwe . on crawan crundul . ∂onne on ∂a . . . . . n hric . anlang weges on ∂a dic to bymera cumbe . 7 ∂ær ∂wyres ofer ∂reo crundelas . ofer ∂a stræt . ∂wyres ofer ∂a dune to wudu . . . . . une . on ∂æs hlinces ænde . on ∂one smalan weg . ofer hig cumb . on ∂æm smalan wege . on ∂æne stan . on ∂æt hæ∂ westeweard . on ∂one beorh . . . . . dingealand sceare . ˇæt su∂ on strætford :~ Acta est hæc prefata donatio anno ab incarnatione domini . DCCCCXLVIII . indictione . VI a . [+ Ego . Eadredus Rex Anglorum prefatam donat]ionem sub sigillo sanctæ crucis + indeclinabiliter consensi atque roboravi . [+ Ego . Eadgifu . ejusdem regis mater cum sigil]lo sanctæ crucis + conclusi . [+ Ego Oda . Dorobernensis æcclesiæ archiepiscopus ejusde]m principatum et benevolentiam cum sigillo sanctæ crucis confirmavi . [+ Ego . Vulfstan archoni divine servitutis offici]o mancipatus Eboraci civitatis archiepiscopus sigillum sanctæ crucis + impressi . [+ Ego . ˝eodred . Lundoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus corroboravi .] + Ego Æ∂elgar episcopus . confirmavi . [+ Ego . Ælfheah . Wintoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus testudinem sanctæ] crucis + subscripsi . et confirmavi . [+ Ego . Cenwald episcopus consensi .] [+ Ego . Ælfric . episcopus consig]navi . + Ego Ælfred episcopus corroboravi . + Æ∂elstan dux . + Eadric dux . + Ealhhelm dux . + Æ∂elmund . dux . + Ælfgar dux . + Eadmund m[i]nister . + Ælfstan [mi]nister . + Uulfric minister . + Ælfsige minister . + Æ∂elno∂ minister . + Ælfred minister . ˘is synd ∂a land ge mere to duntune . erest of crawan crundul . on fyrdinges lea . on ebles burnan to afene . on ∂a fulan lace . on hearnes beorh . on dic . et beoredes treowe . on ∂one herepa∂ . to headdan grafe . ˇonne on ∂one hagan to wytan wyr∂e . on dyre broc . on welewe . on ∂a dic et hiceles wyr∂e . ∂onne ofer ∂one feld on hagan ut ˇurc brember wudu . on ∂one stenenan stapul . and lang herepa∂es to fobban wylle . and lang herepa∂es to ∂es hagan ende to feger hilde forda . on ∂one hagan on ceorles hlewe on crawan crundul . ˘onne on ∂a yferan gemere on eblesburnan . on stret ford . on hrofan hric . and lang weges . on ∂a dic to bymera cumbe 7 ∂er ∂wyres ofer ∂reo crundelas . ofer ∂a stret . ∂wyres ofer ∂a dune to wudu beorch hylle ofer berigan cumb . on yblesburnan . on beordune on ∂es hlinces ende . on ∂one smalan weg . ofer hig cumb . on ∂em smalan wege . on ∂en estan . on ∂et he∂ westeweard . on ∂one beorh to ∂em rig wege . ∂onne east and lang hrig weges to bryt fording ea land sceare . ˇæt su∂ on streat ford ;