A.D. 956. King Eadred to Wihtsige, minister; grant of 16 hides (mansae) at Corfe and Blashenwell, Dorset. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Harley 61, ff. 12v-13r (s. xv in.)


K, 435 and vol. iii. 432; B, 910; Earle, p. 428, bounds only; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 98; Kelly, Shaftesbury, no. 20


Grundy, Dorset, III, pp. 123-8, on bounds; Finberg, ECW, no. 596, authentic basis; O'Donovan 1973, p. 98, indiction for 955, probably tampered with; PN Dorset, i. 5, 6, 8, 10, 14-15, 18, 19, 26-33, 64; Hinton 1994, esp. pp. 12-16, on bounds; Keynes 1994, p. 192 n. 109, for some reason redated; Kelly, Shaftesbury, pp. 82-3, spurious conflation of S 534 and S 632, perhaps forged shortly after the Conquest; Foot 2000, II. 171

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    • In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Apostolicis imbuti uesagiis, quos quondam olim in tempore mererentur aut audire, munia uocis precelsa conditoris reminiscimur proprii ab ore tonantis, 'Uos qui secuti estis me centuplum accipietis et uitam posidebitis', quos eciam caducis opibus implicati, tamen superno fulti amminiculo prosequi indigemus ad alta. Cuius scilicet feruoris igne coartus, ego Adredus basileos Anglorum huiusque insule barbarorum ministro meo cuidam dilecto nomine Wihtsige .xvi. mansas gratuito datu perhenniter tribuo quodam in loco priscorum uocabulo at Corf and at Blechenhamwelle, cum optimatum meorum consilio, ut ille uiuens secure possideat, in successoribus uero suis cui uoluerit sibi concedat heredi. Imminencia denique uite curricula hec nostra tradicio illesa liberaque permaneat cum appendiciis suis, tam pascuis quam pratis, siluis, exceptis tribus, expedicione, pontis arcisue confeccione. Nam siquis seculorum in generacione Belial gnatus nostrum hoc uolumen inmutare temptauerit, Iude reus scelere iudicii die magna cum turma truces trudatur in flammas, nisi hoc in seculo penitencie prius fletu detersus hinc se corrigere studuerit. Istis terminibus predicta terra circumgirata esse uidetur. Þis sand þare .xvi. hyde land imare at Corf þe Adred king bokien Wihsige his þegene on elchehalue. Arest of sa on anne dich, anlang dich uppe on Swuren, þwert ouer Swuran on þæt þwers dich, of þare diche on ecge, forð be ecge on alfricheswelle, of þane welle on anne weg, of þane wige on an dich, anlang dich north richte on Wicun, niþer anlang Wicum streames, of þanne streame on anne þorn, north anlang dich on anne walle, onlang walles on stanwei, of þane dich on anne dich, onlang diche north irichte on Wicum, niþer anlang Wicunstreames, of þat streame on anne þorn, of þane þorne on þa holendich, anlang dich uppen iricht þurch þane wde on þare dich, on þane rupemor, of þane more on þone crundel, of þane crundel up irichte on þat holenbedde, of þat holnebedde on þare holne stoke, of þane stocke on þare stream, anlang streames on auenes broc, of þane broke on þane ealde weg, andlang weies on hecgan sled, of þane slede on þare streame, anlang streames on þat stanene bregge, of þare brigge on þare wei, anlang weies of irichte on þane richt wei, of þane weie on anne stan wal, of þane walle nither irichte on Wickenford, onlang Wiken forð uppen irichte on beam broc, swo up anlang streames, of þane streame on þat withi begh, of þanne wiþibedde on anne stan, of þane stane on þane oþerne, of þane stane on holewisken eft on þare stan, of þane stan on þa ealdene dich, anlang dich on þane wal, anlang welles on struthgeardes cum, anlang welles on struthherdes wege, of þane wege eft on anne wal, onlang welles on seuen willes þry, anlang streames ut a irichte on seortmannes pol. Acta est hec prefata donacio anno ab incarnacione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dcccclvi., indiccione .xiii. Ego Adredus rex Anglorum prefatam donacionem sub sigillo sancte crucis indeclinabiliter consensi atque roboraui. + Ego Oda Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis principatum et beniuolenciam sub sigillo sancte crucis conclusi. + Ego Theodred Lundoniensis ecclesie testitudinem sancte crucis subscripsi et roboraui et ceteri plurimi. +
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    Old Text

    • Rubric: Adredus rex .xvi. mansas apud Corf et Blakenhanwelle in donum perpetuum hic inscripto munivit. In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Apostolicis imbuti uesagiis quos quondam olim in tempore mererentur aut audire munia uocis precelsa conditoris reminiscimur proprii ab ore tonantis, Uos qui secuti estis me centuplum accipietis et uitam posidebitis, 1 quos eciam caducis opibus implicari tamen superni fulti amminiculo prosequi indigemus ad alta. Cuius scilicet feruoris igne coartus, ego Adredus basileos Anglorum huiusque insule barbarorum ministro meo cuidam dilecto nomine Wihtsige .xvi. mansas gratuito datu perhenniter tribuo quodam in loco priscorum uocabulo at Corf and at Blechenhamwelle, cum optimatum meorum consilio, ut ille uiuens secure possideat, in successoribus uero suis cui uoluerit sibi concedat heredi. Imminencia denique uite curricula hec nostra tradicio illesa liberaque permaneat cum appendiciis suis tam pascuis quam pratis, siluis, exceptis tribus, expedicione, pontis arcisue confeccione. Nam si quis seculorum in generacione Belial grauatus nostrum hoc uolumen inmutare temptauerit, Iude reus scelere iudicii die magna cum turma truces trudatur in flammas nisi hoc in seculo penitencie prius fletu detersus hinc se corrigere studuerit. Istis terminibus predicta terra circumgirata esse uidetur. ˝is sand ˇare .xvi. hyde land imare at Corf ˇe Adred king bokien Wihsige his ˇegene on elchehalue. Arest of sa on anne dich, anlang dich uppe on Swuren, ˇwert ouer Swuran on ˇæt ˇwers dich, of ˇare diche on ecge, for∂ be ecge on alfricheswelle, of ˇane welle on anne weg, of ˇane wige on an dich, anlang dich north richte on Wicun, niˇer anlang Wicum streames, of ˇanne streame on anne ˇorn, north anlang dich on anne walle, onlang walles on stanwei, of ˇane dich on anne dich, onlang diche north irichte on Wicum, niˇer anlang Wicunstreames, of ˇat streame on anne ˇorn, of ˇane ˇorne on ˇa holendich, anlang dich uppen iricht ˇurch ˇane wde on ˇare dich, on ˇane rupemor, of ˇane more on ˇone crundel, of ˇane crundel up irichte on ˇat holenbedde, of ˇat holnebedde on ˇare holne stoke, of ˇane stocke on ˇare stream, anlang streames on auenes broc, of ˇane broke on ˇane ealde weg, andlang weies on hecgan sled, of ˇane slede on ˇare streame, anlang streames on ˇat stanene bregge, of ˇare brigge on ˇare wei, anlang weies of irichte on ˇane richt wei, of ˇane weie on anne stan wal, of ˇane walle nither irichte on Wickenford, onlang Wiken for∂ uppen irichte on beam broc, swo up anlang streames, of ˇane streame on ˇat withi begh, of ˇanne wiˇibedde on anne stan, of ˇane stane on ˇane oˇerne, of ˇane stane on Holewisken eft on ˇare stan, of ˇane stan on ˇa ealdene dich, anlang dich on ˇane wal, anlang welles on struthgeardes cum, anlang welles on struthherdes wege, of ˇane wege eft on anne wal, onlang welles on seuen willes ˇry, anlang streames ut a irichte on seortmannes pol. Acta est hec prefata donacio anno ab incarnacione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dcccclvi., indiccione .xiii. Ego Adredus rex Anglorum prefatam donacionem sub sigillo sancte crucis indeclinabiliter consensi atque roboraui. + Ego Oda Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis principatum et beniuolenciam sub sigillo sancte crucis conclusi. + Ego Theodred Lundoniensis ecclesie testitudinem sancte crucis subscripsi et roboraui et ceteri plurimi. +