A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to St Peter's Abbey, Bath, and to Wulfgar, abbot; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Tidenham, Gloucs., of which 3 are to belong to the abbot. Latin with English bounds




1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, pp. 55-131, pp. 57-58 (s. xii 2)
2. London, British Library, Lansdowne 863, f. 89v (s. xvi)


K, 452 and vol. iii. 444; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. 264 (no. 4); B, 927; Earle, pp. 375-6, bounds only; Hunt, Bath Carts., pp. 5-6


Grundy, Gloucs., pp. 239-43, on bounds; PN Gloucs., i. 11, 14, iii. 268-9, 369; Finberg, ECWM, no. 101, authentic; Finberg 1972, pp. 414 n. 4, 511-12, cited; Keynes 1980, pp. 59-60, 66, 67 n. 127, 'Group Four'

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    • Anno uero dominice incarnationis .dcccclvi., indictione .xv. Ego Ædwic, omnicreantis disponente clementia Angligenarum omniumque gentium undique secus habitantium rex, diuino ductus amore, ab eodem Deo et Domino nostro populis et tribubus preordinatus in regem, anno imperii mei primo, non immemor fui quomodo et quam mirabiliter omnia supernus rector firme rationis serie gubernat atque custodit. Iccirco ad monasterium sancti Petri quod situm est in Bathonia, ubi terme amene calidis e fontibus diriuantur, .xxx. mansas in hereditatem tribuo perhennem, ex quibus meo uidelicet sacerdoti Wulfgaro, qui preest supradicto monasterio, pro eius fideli obsequio et deuotione, tres tantum cassatos perpetim impertio, illo in loco qui a rurigenis prenominatur æt Dyddanhame. Quatinus eiusdem monasterii choors indesinenter cum iocunditate quamdiu Christianitas in hac Albionis insula uiguerit, meam regalem donationem feliciter possideat, cum omnibus que ad eundem locum iure pertinere dinoscuntur, tam in magnis quam in modicis rebus, campis, pascuis, pratis, siluis, capturis piscium. Sit autem predictum rus liberum ab omni mundiali obstaculo, exceptis istis tribus, expeditione, pontis arcisue constructione. Si qui denique, mihi non optanti, hanc cartam, cupiditatis liuore depressi, uiolari satagerint, agminibus tetre caliginis lapsi, uocem audiant examinationis die arbitris sibi dicentis, ‘Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum’, ubi cum demonibus ferreis sartaginibus crudeli torqueantur in pena, si non ante mortem digna hoc emendauerint penitentia. Istis terminis predicta terra circumgirata esse uidetur. Þis synd þa landgemæra to Dyddan hamme. Of Wæge muþan to iwes heafdan, of iwes heafdan on stan ræwe, of stan ræwe on hwitan heal, of hwitan heale on iwdene, of iwdene on bradan mor, of bradan more on twy fyrd, of twy fyrde on est ege pul ut innan Sæfern. Ego Ædwig rex Anglorum indeclinabiliter concessi. + Ego Eadgar eiusdem regis frater celeriter consensi. + Ego Oda archiepiscopus cum signo sancte crucis impressi. + Ego Ælfsinus presul sigillum agye crucis impressi. + Ego Byrhtelm episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Cenwald episcopus adquieui. + Ego Oscytel episcopus non renui. + Ego Osulf episcopus consignaui. + Ego Byrhtelm episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Wulfsige episcopus consensi. + Ego Ælfwold episcopus conclusi. + Ego Daniel episcopus subscripsi. + Æðelstan dux. + Ædmund dux. + Ælfere dux. + Æþelsige dux. + Æþelwold dux. + Byrhtnoð dux. + Ælfheah minister. + Ælfsige minister. + Ælfgar minister. + Byrhtferð minister. + Ælfred minister. + Æþelgeard minister. + Ælfwine minister. + Ælfric minister. + Ælfsige minister. + Ædric minister. + Byrnric minister. + Wulfgar minister. + Wulfric minister. + Ælfwig minister. +
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    • In the year of the Lord’s incarnation 956, indiction 15. I, Eadwig, by the favourable mercy of the Creator of All king of the English and of all the peoples living nearby on either side, led by divine love, foreordained by the same God and our Lord as king over the people and tribes, in the first year of my reign, have not been forgetful in what way and how remarkably the Celestial Ruler governs and guards all things by the chain of strong reason. On that account, at the monastery of St Peter which is located at Bath, where pleasant springs run from hot fountains, I grant 30 hides as a perpetual inheritance, from which I give at most three hides in perpetuity to my priest Wulfgar, who is in charge of the aforementioned monastery, for his faithful service and loyalty, in that place which is called by rustics Tiddenham, in order that the membership of that same monastery should favourably possess without intermission my royal gift with pleasure as long as Christianity should thrive in this island of Albion, with all that is recognised as belonging to that same place by law, both in large and in small matters, in fields, pastures, meadows, woods [and] fisheries. May the aforementioned land, moreover, be free from all worldly impediment, except these three: military service, [and] the construction of bridge and fortress. If any, however, should try, against my wishes, to harm this charter, through the spite of oppressive covetousness, may they, falling down to the swirling masses of noisome darkness, hear the voice of the Judge on the Day of Judgment saying to them: ‘Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire’, where they may be tormented in a cruel punishment by demons with heated iron instruments of torture if they do not change this before their death with appropriate penitence. The aforementioned land is seen to be surrounded by these bounds. These are the boundaries of Tidenham. From the mouth of the Wye to yew’s headlands; from yew’s headlands to the row of stones; from the row of stones to white nook; from white nook to yew valley; from yew valley to broad marsh; from broad marsh to double ford; from double ford on east edge pill out into the Severn. I, Eadwig, king of the English, granted unchangeably. + I, Edgar, brother of the same king, swiftly agreed. + I, Oda, archbishop [of Canterbury], imprinted with the sign of the holy cross. + I, Ælfsige, bishop [of Winchester], imprinted the sign of the holy cross. + I, Beorhthelm, bishop [? of London], confirmed. + I, Cenwald, bishop [of Worcester], acquiesced. + I, Oscytel, bishop [of Dorchester], did not deny. + I, Oswulf, bishop [of Ramsbury], marked with a sign of the cross. + I, Beorhthelm, bishop [? of Selsey or Wells], corroborated. + I, Wulfsige, bishop [of Sherborne], consented. + I, Ælfwald, bishop [of Crediton], decided. + I, Daniel, bishop [of Cornwall], subscribed. + Æthelstan, dux. + Edmund, dux. + Ælfhere, dux. + Æthelsige, dux. + Æthelwald, dux. + Byrhtnoth, dux. + Ælfheah, minister. + Ælfsige, minister. + Ælfgar, minister. + Beorhtfrith, minister. + Alfred, minister. + Æthelgeard, minister. + Ælfwine, minister. + Ælfric, minister. + Ælfsige, minister. + Eadric, minister. + Beornric, minister. + Wulfgar, minister. + Wulfric, minister. + Ælfwig, minister. +
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    Old Text

    • De Dyddenham . Anno vero dominicæ incarnationis . DCCCCLVI . indictione . XV . Ego Ædwie omnicreantis disponente clementia Angligenarum omniumque gentium undique secus habitantium Rex . divino ductus amore . ab eodem Deo et Domino nostro populis . et tribubus præordinatus in regem . Anno imperii mei primo . non immemor fui quomodo et quam mirabiliter omnia supernus rector formæ rationis serie gubernat atque custodit . Iccirco ad monasterium sancti Petri quod situm est in Bathonia ubi termæ amenæ calidis e fontibus dirivantur . XXX . mansas in hereditatem tribuo perhennem . ex quibus meo videlicet sacerdote Wulfgaro . qui præest supradicto monasterio pro ejus fideli obsequio et devotione . tres tantum cassatos . perpetim impertio . illo in loco qui a rurigenis prænominatur æt Dyddanhame . Quatinus ejusdem monasterii choors indesinenter cum jocunditate quamdiu christianitas in hac Albionis insula viguerit meam regalem donationem feliciter possideat . cum omnibus quæ ad eundem locum jure pertinere dinoscuntur . tam in magnis quam in modicis rebus . Campis . Pascuis . Pratis . Silvis . Capturis piscium . Sit autem prædictum rus liberum ab omni mundiali obstaculo . exceptis istis tribus . Expeditione . pontis . arcisve constructione . Si qui denique mihi non optanti hanc cartam cupiditatis livore depressi violari satagerint ; agminibus tetræ caliginis lapsi vocem audiant examinationis die arbitris sibi dicentis . 'Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum'1 . ubi cum demonibus ferreis sartaginibus crudeli torqueantur in pæna si non ante mortem digna hoc emandaverint pænitentia . Divisiones. Istis terminis prædicta terra circumgirata esse videtur . ˇis synd ˇa land gemæra to dyddan hamme . Of wægemuˇan to iwes heafdan . of iwes heafdan on stan ræwe . of stan ræwe on hwitan heal . of hwitan heale on iwdene . of iwdene . on bradan mor . of bradan more on twyfyrd . of twyfyrde on æst ege pul ut innan sæfern . Ego Ædwig Rex Anglorum indeclinabiliter concessi : + : Ego Eadgar ejusdem regis frater celeriter consensi : + : Ego Oda archiepiscopus cum signo sanctæ Crucis impressi : + : Ego Ælfsinus presul sigillum agyæ crucis impressi : + : Ego Byrhtelm episcopus confirmavi : + : Ego Cenwald episcopus adquievi : + : Ego Oscytel episcopus non renui : + : Ego Osulf episcopus consignavi : + : Ego Bryhtelm episcopus corroboravi : + : Ego Wulfsige episcopus consensi : + : Ego Ælfwold episcopus conclusi : + : Ego Daniel episcopus subscripsi : + : Æ∂elstan dux : + : Ædmund dux : + : Ælfhere dux : + : Æˇelsige dux : + : Æˇelwold dux : + : Byrhtno∂ dux : + : Ælfheah minister . Ælfsige minister . Ælfgar minister . Byrhtfer∂ minister . Ælfred minister . Æˇelgeard minister . Ælfwine minister . Ælfric minister . Ælfsige minister . Ædric minister . Byrnric minister . Wulfgar minister . Wulfric minister . Ælfwig minister .