A.D. 961. 1. King Edgar to Æthelwulf, his faithful minister; grant, for three lives, of 10 hides (mansae) at Kilmeston, woodland at Milbarrow Down, near Bishops Waltham, Hants., and a messuage (haga) at Winchester, with an annual rent and eventual reversion to St Peter's (Old Minster, Winchester). Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 55v-56r (s. xii med.; Golden Age, p. 169 [no. 172])


K, 1231; B, 1077, 1078; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 5, no. 8


Whitelock, EHD, no. 110 (pp. 559-61)

Printed and Translated:

Robertson, Charters, no. 33 (pp. 62-3), part b only


Grundy, Hants., I, pp. 159-61, on bounds of woodland at Milbarrow; Grundy, Hants., III, pp. 159-62, on bounds of Kilmeston; Forsberg 1950, pp. 210-11, on bounds; Robertson, Charters, pp. 317-18; Finberg, ECW, nos 96-7, authentic; Hart 1970a, p. 29 (nos 93-4), authentic; Whitelock, EHD, p. 559, what looks like a royal grant is in fact royal permission for a religious house to lease out its own property; Keynes 1980, p. 33 n. 54; Golden Age, p. 169 (no. 172); Abrams 1996, p. 292, cited; Keynes 1996, p. 24 n. 89, on Winchester context of transaction

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    • ˘is is ˇara . X . hida boc æt Kenelmestun ˇe Eadgar cing gebocode Aˇulfæ his ˇegne on ece yrfe . Regnante in perpetuum domino nostro Jhesu Christo . Nunc ergo dum tempus est venie festinemus laqueum totis nisibus devitare mortis dumque carnale possidemus patrimonium spiritale exerceatur mercimonium quo inter angelicos coros mereamur adipisci gaudia sine fine mansura . Quapropter ego . Eadgar . rex tocius Brittanniæ gubernator et rector . dedi cuidam meo fideli ministro . quem vocitant nonnulli noto vocamine . Aˇulf . X . mansas . illo loco ubi jam dudum solicole illius regionis nomen imposuerunt . æt Chenelmestune cum licentia Byrhtelmi episcopi . et familiæ æcclesiæ in ea ratione ut reddat justiciam æcclesiæ . id est . I . cyricsceat . et . V . scindlas . 7 . I . bord . omni anno . Vt habeat ac possideat quamdiu vivat . et post se duobus heredibus derelinquat . et post illorum trium vitam æcclesiæ sancti Petri derelinquat a qua prius concessa fuit . Sit autem predictum rus liberum ab omni mundiali obstaculo . cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . Campis . Pascuis . Pratis . Silvis . excepto communi labore . expeditione pontis arcisve coedificatione . Siquis autem reprobus falsis machinationibus per aliquam scripturam nostrum donum subvertere conatus fuerit . sit ipse in profundum chaos igneis nexibus mancipatus et ejus memoria caligine mortis obtecta ; Nisi hic assiduis precibus prius obtabilem consequi mereatur indulgentiam . Istis terminis ambitur predicta tellus . ˘is synd ˇa land ge mæro to cenelmestune . Ærest of ˇære hwitan flodan neah mælan beorge . ˇonon nor∂ to yfer lea be byrht woldes mearce . to broc hangran to ter healcan . ˇurh hormes wudu utt to ˇrim æcerun ford bæ ˇæ wuda to Æps hangran to ˇam hlince 7 swa bæ ˇære dic ofer ˇone broc . be nor∂an eallan forda to ˇam stapole . ˇonon east to mearc hlince . 7 swa east be ˇæs bisceopes mearce be niˇan cadan hangran to wulfre∂es wyr∂e . ˇonon to ˇorn hyrste niˇer bæ ˇryfes dene be byrhtswyˇe mearce upp to sigbrihtes an stige . ˇonon west bæ ˇære ofer ∂ona heræpa∂ to ˇære hwitan dic . wæst and lang dic . æft to ˇære hwitan flodan . 7 . VIII . mæd æceras undær wanexan dune . ˇa ge byriad to cenelmestune . 7 se haga on worte bynnan suˇ ealle ˇæ to ˇam lande ge byred . ˘is is ˇæs wudæs ge mæro bæ suˇan melan beorge . Ærest af ˇam Æsc stubbe Æt hun lafing hammun suˇ 7lang mearce to lammære to ˇam hlidgeate . ˇonon west . bæ bisceopes mearce to hig leage . ˇonon nor∂ 7lang herpa∂es . bæ byrht woldes mearce utt on ˇone feld for∂ be wyrhttruman æft on ∂one æsc styb . Hæc carta scripta est . Anno dominicæ incarnationis . DCCCCLXI . Indictione . IIII . Ego Eadgar Rex Anglorum prefatam donationem concessi . Ego Dunstan Dorovernensis æcclesiæ archiepiscopus ejusdem regis donationem cum sigillo sanctæ crucis confirmavi . Ego Byrhtelm Wintoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus triumphalem tropheum agyæ crucis impressi . Ego Osulf episcopus consignavi . Ego Oswold episcopus consensi . Ego Aˇulf episcopus subscripsi . Ego Alfwold episcopus conclusi . Ego Æˇewold abbas . Ego Ælfhere Dux . Ego Ælfheah Dux . Ego Æˇestan Dux . Ego Æˇelwold Dux . Ego Byrhtno∂ Dux . Ego Ælfgar Minister . Ego Byrhtfer∂ Minister . Ego Ælfwine Minister . Ego Ælfsige Minister . Ego Osweard Minister . Ego Osulf Minister . Ego Æˇelweard Minister . Ego Æˇelwine Minister . Ego Æˇelsige Minister . Ego Wulfstan Minister . Ego Ælfred Minister . Ego Eanulf Minister . Ego Ordgar Minister . Ego Witsige Minister . Ego Ælfwig Minister . Text from Birch 1078 Byrhtelm bisceop 7 eall se hired on Wintanceastre on ealdum mynstre læta∂ ˇæt land æt Cenelmestune to Aˇulfe mid geˇafunge Eadgares cyninges . 7 ealra ˇara witena gewithnesse ˇæ heora naman hær bufan standa∂ swylce eac ægˇeres hiredes ge preosta ge nunnena hær on tune gehwylces weorces frig butan ˇæs cericlican weorces ˇe seo boc belyc∂ 7 ˇæs woruldweorces ˇe a eal folc weorcean sceal twegra manna deg æfter him . ˇonne beode ic on Godes naman 7 on sancte Petres 7 on ealra his haligra ˇæt nan man swa ge∂urstig ne seo . ˇæ hit leng of ˇære cyrican do . gif hit ˇonne hwa do ˇæt he sie ascaden fram Gode 7 fram eallum his gecorenun butan he hit medomlice gebæte ær his ænde.