A.D. 680 for 681. Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Aldhelm, abbot; grant of 15 hides (cassati) near Tetbury, Gloucs. (The rubric in MSS 1 and 2 refers to Cherletune juxta Tetteburi.) Latin




1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 9v (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, ff. 122v-123r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 14v-15r (s. xiii)


Mon. Angl., i. 51; K, 23, ex MS 1; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 258 (no. 7), ex MS 3; Giles, Opera Aldhelmi, cols 311-12; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 282-3, ex MS 2; B, 59, ex Brewer, K, Mon. Angl. and MS 1


Stevenson 1914, p. 703, dubious or spurious; Stenton 1918, p. 438, of ill repute (= Stenton 1970, p. 52); Darlington 1955, p. 3; Watkin 1956, p. 211 and n. 23; Finberg, ECW, no. 339, the bounds in B 59A (S 1578) have no connection with this grant, which refers to Charlton in Tetbury, Gloucs.; Stenton 1971, p. 69, cited; Scharer 1982, pp. 148-50, dubious, some genuine elements, used for fabrication of S 73; Wormald 1985, p. 25, broadly trustworthy; Edwards 1988, pp. 90-2, authentic.

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    • In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi saluatoris. Nichil intulimus ut apostolicum testatur oraculum in hunc mundum; uerum nec auferre quid possumus. Iccirco terrenis ac caducis eterna et mansura mercanda sunt. Quapropter ego <Æthelredus> rex Merciorum, rogatus a patricio meo et propinquo meo Cenfritho, pro remedio anime mee ac pro oratione fratrum in Meldubesberg Deo seruientium, .xv. <cassatos> iuxta Tettan monasterium Aldhelmo abbati libenter largitus sum. Si quis uero hanc donationem augere et amplificare uoluerit, augeat Deus partem eius in libro uite. Quod si quis, tyrannica potestate fretus, demere uel auferre satagerit, sciat se coram Christo nouemque angelorum ordinibus in tremendo examine rationem redditurum. Scripta est autem hec cyrographi cartula anno ab incarnatione Domini .dclxxxi., indictione .ix. + Ego Theodorus gratia Dei archiepiscopus confirmaui. + Ego Saxulbus episcopus subscripsi. + Ego Bosel episcopus subscripsi. + Signum manus Æthelredi regis Merciorum. + Signum Cenfrithi comitis.
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    • In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour. As the apostolic pronouncement attests, we have brought nothing into this world; but neither is there anything we can carry out. Accordingly, eternal and lasting things must be purchased with earthly and transitory ones. Wherefore I, Æthelred, king of the Mercians, at the request of my nobleman and my relative, Cenfrith, have freely granted, for the salvation of my soul and in return for prayer by the brethren serving God at Malmesbury, 15 hides near the monastery of Tetta to Abbot Aldhelm. If anyone should wish to increase and enlarge this gift, may God increase his share in the book of life. If anyone, relying on tyrannical power, should attempt to take it away or carry it off, let him know that he will have to render account before Christ and the nine orders of angels in the fearful Judgment. This chirograph was written in the year from the incarnation of the Lord 681, in indiction 9. + I, Theodore, by the Grace of God archbishop [of Canterbury], confirmed. + I, Seaxwulf, bishop [of the Mercians], subscribed. + I, Bosel, bishop [of the Hwicce], subscribed. + Mark of the hand of Æthelred, king of the Mercians. + Mark of Cenfrith, comes.
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    Old Text

    • Rubric in MSS 1 and 2: Quomodo Ædelredus rex contulit Aldhelmo Abbati et Meldunensi cenobio Newentune et Cherletune juxta Tetteburi. In nomine domini Dei nostri Jhesu Christi salvatoris ! 'Nihil intulimus', ut apostolicum testatur oraculum , 'in hunc mundum , verum nec auferre quid possumus' 1 ; Iccirco terrenis ac caducis æterna et mansura mercanda sunt . Quapropter ego Æthelredus rex Merciorum , rogatus a patricio meo et propinquo Coenfritho pro remedio animæ meæ , ac pro oratione fratrum in Meldunesburg Deo servientium , . xv . cassatos prope Tectan Monasterium Aldelmo abbati libenter largitus sum. Si quis vero hanc donationem augere et amplificare voluerit , augeat Deus partem ejus in libro vitæ : quod si quis , tyrannica potestate fretus , demere vel auferre satagerit , sciat se coram Christo novemque angelorum ordinibus in tremendo examine rationem redditurum. Scripta est autem hæc cyrographi cartula , anno ab incarnatione domini . dclxxx . Indictione . ix . + Ego Theodorus gratia Dei archiepiscopus confirmavi . + Ego Saxulfus episcopus subscripsi . + Ego Bosel episcopus subscripsi . + Signum manus Æthelredi regis Merciorum . + Signum Cenfrithi comitis .