A.D. 967. King Edgar to Wynflæd, the noble matrona; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at (East and West) Meon, and Farnfield in Privett, Hants. Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, f. 37r-v (s. xii med.)


K, 535; B, 1200


Grundy, Hants., III, pp. 217-20, on bounds; Finberg, ECW, no. 107, authentic; Hart 1970a, pp. 23,. 27 (no. 64), on rubric; authentic; Keynes 1980, pp. 77-8, 'Edgar A' formulation

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    • ˘is is seo boc æt Meone . Regnante inperpetuum domino nostro Jhesu Christo qui cuncta patris imperio ac pariter sancti spiritus gratia vivificante disponit . De qua re magna nobis necesse est per elemosinam largitate precepta Dei implere . sicut in Tobia dictum est 'magna nobis fiducia est coram summo Deo elemosina' . Quapropter ego Eadgar tocius Albionis basileus libens perpetuali dapsilitate . cuidam matrone nobili generositatis prosapia exorte nomine Winfled Octo mansas terræ loco qui vulgari adstipulatione nuncupatur æt Meone 7 to Fearnfelda condono ut habeat et possideat cum omnibus utensilibus . Pratis videlicet . Pascuis . Silvis . Aquis . Et post vitæ suæ terminum quibuscumque voluerit cleronomis in æternam hereditatem perpetualiter possidendam derelinquat . Sit autem predictum 'rus' omni terrenæ servitutis jugo liberum . tribus exceptis . Rata videlicet expeditione pontis arcisve restauratione . Si quis igitur hanc nostram donationem in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit . privatus consortio sanctæ Dei æcclesiæ . æternis barathri incendiis lugubris jugiter cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus puniatur . si non satisfactione emendaverit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum . His metis prefatum rus hinc inde gyratur . ˘is synt ˇa land gemera to Meone . 7 to Fearnfelda . ˇara æahta hida ærest ˇær Seolesburna sliht on Meone . of Meone . 7lang herepa∂es on wores sol . of wores sole . on weawan ˇorn . of weawan ∂orne on crute brace leage . of ˇære leage on scyteres flodan . of scyteres flodan on hriscmere . of ˇam mere on ∂one twisledan beam . of ˇam twisledan beame on ceorla geat of ceorla geate on ∂one hagan æt hæ∂ burge dene 7 lang mearce on ˇa twisledan ac of ˇære æc 7lang dene on coggan beam of coggan beame on wytlehe . of wytleage to brunes hamme of brunes hamme 7lang mearce to read lefan becan . 7 lang mearce on cealf hanggran of ˇam hanggran on ˇorn wic . of ˇornwycan to wyrteles ∂orne . of ∂am ∂orne to lyne stede of lyne stede on mearc beorh of ˇam beorge on ∂one stapol . of ∂am stapole on clenan ford . of ∂am clenan forda 7 lang seolesburnan eft ut on Meone . Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . DCCCC LX . VII . Scripta est huius donationis singrapha his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur . Ego Eadgar Rex tocius Bryttanniæ prefatam donationem cum sigillo sanctæ crucis confirmavi . Ego Dunstan . Dorobernensis æcclesiæ archiepiscopus ejusdem regis donationem cum triumpho agyæ crucis consignavi . Ego Oscytel archiepiscopus impressi . Ego Ælfstan episcopus consignavi . Ego Æˇelwold episcopus consensi . Ego Osulf episcopus corroboravi . Ego Winsige episcopus consolidavi . Ego Ælfwold episcopus subscripsi . Ego Æscwi abbas . Ego Osgar abbas . Ego Ælfric abbas . Ego Ordbriht abbas . Ego Ælfstan abbas . Ego Æ∂elgar abbas . Ego Ælfhere dux . Ego Ælfheah dux . Ego Ordgar dux . Ego Æ∂elstan dux . Ego Æˇelwine dux . Ego Bryhtno∂ dux . Ego Bryhtfer∂ minister . Ego Ælfwine minister . Ego Æ∂elwear∂ minister . Ego Wulfstan minister . Ego Ealnulf minister . Ego Ælfric minister . Ego Ælfwer∂ minister . Ego Osulf minister . Ego Oswerd minister . Ego Ælfwine minister . Ego Æ∂elsige minister . Ego Alfwold minister . Ego Leofwine minister . Ego Wulfstan minister .