A.D. 969. King Edgar to Ælfwold, his faithful minister; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Aspley Guise, Beds. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19793 (s. x 2; BM Facs., iii. 29)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius C. IX, ff. 129v-130r (s. xvii; abbreviated; ex 1)


Hearne, Heming, pp. 559-60, ex MS 2; K, 1267; B, 1229; Earle, pp. 206-7; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 5, no. 28


BM Facs., iv, p. 7, MS 1 is contemporary; Fowler 1920, no. 6; PN Beds. and Hunts., pp. 68, 79, 113, 114, 118; PN Worcs., p. xl, on detail of bounds; Stenton 1955, p. 67, on endorsement; Bishop 1971, p. 17, MS 1 apparently written by scribe 3 of Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica, Reg. lat. 1671, whom he assigns to Worcester; Hart, ECNE, p. 82, argues against proposed Worcester links of scribe of MS 1; Gelling, ECTV, no. 3, original, bounds include Holcote as well as modern parish of Apsley Guise; Whitelock, EHD, p. 563, original, cf. S 773, couched in identical terms and in favour of the same beneficiary; Keynes 1980, pp. 77-8, 'Edgar A' formulation, MS 1 apparent original; Dumville 1993, pp. 70-3, on script, MS 1 probably written at Worcester in early 11th century, perhaps forged on basis of S 773; Bullough 1996, p. 11, on beneficiary; King 1996, p. 104, on beneficiary

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    • Endorsements: (1) ˘is is ˇara . XV . hida land boc . æt Æpslea . ˇe Eadgar cyning . gebocade Ælfwolde his leofan . getreowan ˇegne a on ece yrfe (2) Eadgar rex Px In nomine domini nostri Jhesu Christi . omnis quidem larga . munificentia regum testamento litterarum roboranda est ne postteritatis successio ignorans in malignitatis fribolum infeliciter corruat . Quamobrem ego . Eadgar . divina collubescente gratia totius Albionis rex primicheriusque quandam ruris particulam . XV . silicet cassatorum loco qui vulgari . Æpslea . dicitur . meo fideli ministro . quæque huiuscæ gnosticis insule noto . Alfwold . nuncupatur onomate in aeternam largior hereditatem . ut ipse vita comite cum omnibus utensilibus pratis videlicet pascuis silvis . voti compos habeat . et post vitæ suæ terminum quibuscumque voluerit cleronomis inmunem derelinquat . Sit autem prædictum rus omni terrenæ servitutis jugo liberum tribus exceptis rata videlicet expeditione pontis arcisve restauratione . Si quis igitur hanc nostram donationem in aliud quam constituimus tran's'ferre voluerit privatus consortio sancte Dei æcclesiæ aeternis barathri incendiis lugubris jugiter cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus puniatur . si non satisfactione emendaverit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum . His metis præfatum rus hinc inde giratur ; ˘is synt ˇa land gemæra to æpslea . of hysse burnan on wendles dune eastewearde of wendles dune on flitanhyll ˇanon on ˇone hwitan mor . 7 siˇˇan be fenne on ˇone heafod æcer oˇ ˇone lytlan hlaw ˇonon to ˇære apuldre ˇær ˇa ˇreo land gemæru togædere gaˇ . woburninga 7 wafanduninga . 7 æpsleainga . fram ˇam deorgæte ofer ˇone hæˇ to ˇam cumbe ˇonon ymbe westlea . of ˇam lea on ˇone heafod æcer se is on æpsleainga gemære 7 on wafanduninga ˇonon . 7lang ˇære ealdan strate on dunnes hlaw . ˇonon on ˇone ealda'n' ford on ˇæs fennes heafod andlang fennes up on ˇære dune to ˇære blacan ˇyrnan to ˇam ealdan stapole . of ˇam stapole eall onbutan fotes eige of fotes eige in on ˇone blundan ford 7lang streames . of ˇam streame on cranfeldinga dic . of ˇære dic on ˇone ealdan coll pytt ˇær ˇa ˇreo gemæru togædere gaˇ . crancfeldinga . 7 mercstuninga . 7 holacotan . of ˇam ˇreom gemæron on ˇone ealdan mapuldre . of ˇam mapuldre . on ˇone sidan healh . of ˇam sidan heale a be ˇam heh hylte in on ˇone langan ˇorn of ˇam ˇorne eft in on hysseburnan . of hysseburnan . eft in easteweardere wændles dune ; Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . DCCCC . LXVIIII . Scripta est . huius donationis singrapha his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur ; + Ego Eadgar rex Anglorum cum consensu doctorum meorum consigno sanctæ cru+cis roboravi . + Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus [Do]rovernensis ecclesiæ Christi possedi et subscripsi . + Ego Oscytel archiepiscopus consensi celeriter . + Ego Ælfstan episcopus [robora]vi . + Ego Æˇelwold episcopus consen[si] . + Ego Osulf episcopus confi[r]mavi . + Ego Wynsige episcopus consolidavi . + Ego Oswold episcopus roboravi . + Ego Wulfric episcopus consensi . + Ego Æscwig abbas . + Ego Osgar abbas . + Ego Ælfstan abbas . + Ego Æˇelgar abbas . + Ego Ælfric abbas . + Ego Cyneweard abbas . + Ego Ælfere dux . + Ego Ælfeh dux . + Ego Or'd'gar dux . + Ego Æˇelstan dux . + Ego Byrhtnoˇ dux . + Ego Byrhtferˇ minister . + Ego Ælfwine minister . + Ego Wulfstan minister . + Ego Æˇelweard minister . + Ego Eanulf minister . + Ego Osulf minister . + Ego Wulfstan minister . + Ego Leofwine minister . + Ego Ælfweard minister . + Ego Æˇelmund minister . + Ego Osweard minister . + Ego Leofwine minister .