A.D. 1035. King Cnut to Bishop Eadsige; grant of a half sulung (aratrum) at Berwick in Lympne, Kent. Latin with English bounds


Canterbury, Christ Church


1. London, British Library, Stowe Charters 41 (s. xi 1; OS Facs., iii. 42; Ward 1935, facing p. 150)

Printed and Translated:

O.S. Facs., iii. 42


Ward 1935, on bounds; Chaplais 1968, p. 332 n. 169, step from wrapping-tie (= 1973, p. 83 n. 169); Bishop 1971, p. xxiii n. 5, Canterbury script; HRH, p. 237, seems to be original, subscriptions are consistent; Brooks 1984, p. 295, on beneficiary and background; Dumville 1993, pp. 133, 134, on script; Lawson 1993, pp. 69, 237, boundary clause may have been added later; Canterbury scribe, may be modelled on S 447 and 464; Keynes 1994a, p. 51, original; Thompson 2006, pp. 21 et passim, on script

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    • + IN NOMINE DEI SUMMI . Omnia que uidentur temporalia sunt . Que autem non uidentur aeterna sunt . Idcirco unicuique intenta mentis prouidentia cogitandum est . quatinus labentibus huius seculi possessionibus mansura celestis patrie premia adipisci mereatur . Quapropter ego . CNUT . diuina mihi concedente clementia rex Anglorum aliquam partem terre iuris mei perpetuali donatione libenter concedo meo fideli . episcopo . EADSINO . pro eius amabili obedientia terram uidelicet dimidii aratri in Cantia orientali . ubi ruricole appellatiuo usu nomen indiderunt . ÆT BERWICAN : Quatinus ille bene perfruatur quamdiu in hoc seculo uiuat . postque terminum huius uite cuicumque sibi placuerit heredi in eternam relinquat hereditatem . Sit autem predictum rus liber ab omni mundiali obstaculo cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis . pascuis . pratis . et siluis . tribus exceptis . expeditione . pontis . arcisue . coedificatione . Si quis autem quod non optamus diabolica temeritate inflatus hanc meam donationem minuere . uel frangere temptauerit . deneget ei Deus ingressum celestis uite . atque in inferno inferiori sit pars eius . nisi ante mortem digna satisfactione emendet . quod contra nostrum deliquid decretum . Istis terminibus prefatum cingitur aruum. Ðis syndan þa land gemæra to Berwican . þæt is ærest hit fehð on æt Stanforda 7 æt Pinninge . 7 swa suð andlang Stanstræte oð þæt ciricland . 7 þænne andlang cyric landes oð Oteres poles gemæra . 7 andlang Oteres poles gemære oð þæt hit cymð to cynges forda . 7 swa forð oð þæt hit cymð into ðære Sture . 7 andlang Sture oð hit cymð to fif æceran . 7 ðonne licgeað þa fif æceras of norð healf Sture be [....]ðære Sture 7 sturtunes gemæran . 7 swa andlang sturtunes gemæran oð þæt hit cymð to eastan fif æceran . 7 swa eft into ðære Sture . 7 swa andlang Sture oð þæt hit cymð eft into Stanforda 7 to Pinnincge. 7 ðis synd þa land gemæra to ðam wudu æt Gimmincge þe hyrð into Berwican . þæt is ærest fram Hægtunes gemæran oð Sturtunes gemæran . 7 ðanon suð to Wylmingtunes gemæran . 7 ðanon west to G[os ..r.]e gemæran . 7 swa forð to Swanatunes gemæran . 7 swa norð to Hortunes gemæran . 7 swa east eft to Hægtunes gemæran; Acta est hec prefata donatio anno ab incarnatione Domini . millesimo .xxxovo. his testibus consentientibus quorum nomina inferius karaxata uidentur :- + Ego . CNUT . rex Anglorum prefatam donationem cum sigillo sancte crucis \+/ confirmaui. + Ego . Æþelnoðus Dorobernensis aecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis donationem cum tropheo agie crucis \+/ consignaui. + Ego . Ælfwius . Lundoniensis aecclesie episcopus consensi. + Ego . Ælfwinus . Wintaniensis æcclesie episcopus adquieui. + Ego . Æþelricus . episcopus . roboraui. + Ego . Brihtwoldus episcopus . consignaui. + Ego . Lyfingus episcopus . confirmaui. + Ego . Godwine. dux . testis. + Ego . Leofric . dux . testis. + Ego . Ælfstan. abbas . testis. + Ego . Æþelwerd. abbas . testis. + Ego . Wulfnoð abbas . testis. + Ego . Æþelric . prefectus. + Ego . Æþelwine minister. + Ego . Eadmær minister. + Ego . Ælfric minister. + Ego . Toui minister.
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    • Bounds of æt Berwican. These are the estate boundaries at Berwick: First of all, it starts at Stanford and at Pinninge. And so south along Stone Street as far as the church-estate; and then along the church-estate as far as the boundary of Otterpool. And along Otterpool’s boundary until it comes to [the] king’s ford; and so onward until it comes into the Stour. And along the Stour until it comes to five acres and then the five acres lie to the north side of the Stour be[tween] the Stour and Sturton’s boundary. And so along Sturton’s boundary until it comes to the east side of five acres; and so back to the Stour. And so along the Stour until it comes back to Stanford and to Pinninge. Bounds of woodland at Gibbins. These are the land-boundaries for the wood at Gibbins, which belongs to Berwick. First from the Hayton boundary as far as the Sturton boundary. Then south to Wilmington’s boundary. Then west to [Gesfordes] boundary. And so on to Swanatun’s boundary. And so north to Horton’s boundary, and so east back to Hayton’s boundary.
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    Old Text

    • + In nomine Dei summi. Omnia que uidentur temporalia sunt . que autem non uidentur aeterna sunt. Idcirco unicuique intenta mentis prouidentia cogitandum est quatinus labentibus huius seculi possessionibus mansura celestis patrie premia adipisci mereatur