London, British Library, Stowe Charters 32
s. x 2
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Charters contained:
S1451, s. x 2
S1450x, (1) A.D. 951 (? for 959). King Edgar to the church of St Peter, Westminster; restoration of 5 hides (mansiunculae) on the north side of the river Thames between the Tyburn and the Fleet, Middx, with an additional grant of 5 hides at Blecceanham (Blechenham, lost, in Hendon). (2) A.D. 972 (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey). King Edgar to St Peter's; grant of 6 hides (cassati) at Lohtheres leage (lost, in Hendon, Middx), purchased by Archbishop Dunstan from Edgar for 70 gold solidi and previously in the possession of Wulfmær. (3) A.D. 978. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury, purchases for thirty pounds a further 3 hides at Lotheres leage, previously held by Brihtferth, huntsman, and grants the estate to St Peter's, Westminster. (4) A.D. 986. King Æthelred to the church of Westminster; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Hampstead, Middx.