A.D. 1060 x 1066. Writ of King Edward announcing that he has granted to Ealdred, the 'deacon' of Archbishop Ealdred, the minster at Axminster, Devon, as a pious benefaction for St Peter's minster at York. English




1. York, DC., Magnum Registrum Album, pt 1, f. 61v (s. xiv)


Councils and Synods, no. 82 (p. 559)

Printed and Translated:

Harmer, Writs, no. 120 (p. 419)


Harmer, Writs, pp. 415-18, 529-31, authentic; Councils and Synods, pp. 557-9; Hooke 1994, p. 189, cited

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    Old Text

    • Eadward cynge gret Leofric biscop 7 Harold eorl 7 Wada 7 alle mine ˇegenas on Defenascire freondlice. 7 ic cy∂e eow ˇæt ic habbe geunnan Ealdrede ˇaes arcebiscopes dyacne Ealdredes ˇæt mynster at Axaminster 7 alc ˇaere ˇinge ˇaes ˇe ˇaer mid rithe to gebyra∂ mid saca and mid socna swa full 7 swa for∂ swa hit aenig preost toforan him firmest haefide into Peteres mynster on Euerwic to almesse.