A.D. 1016. Leofsige, bishop, to Godric, his minister; lease, for three lives, of 1 hide (mansa) at Bishopton, Warwicks., and a haga in Warwick. Latin with English and English bounds




1. Lost Somers charter 19


Smith, Bede, p. 779, ex MS; K, 724, ex Smith


Wanley, Catalogus, p. 302, no. 19; PN Warwicks., p. 238 n. 1, on bounds; Finberg 1972, p. 496, on an appurtenance; HRH, p. 232, probably genuine; Hart, ECNE, no. 71, authentic; Hooke 1981a, p. 134, on a boundary mark; Hooke 1985, pp. 124, 128, 164-5, 194, 200, 206, 241, 242, on boundary marks and appurtenances; Hooke 1991-2, pp. 78-90, on bounds, with map p. 93; Dumville 1993, pp. 66 n. 287, 67 n. 292; Hooke 1996, pp. 106, 107; Hooke 1999, pp. 121-4, on bounds, with map

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    Old Text

    • Old English bounds only [id est I mansam in loco qui uulgariter Biscopes dun nominatur, cum onnibus ad eundem locum rite pertinentibus, pascuis, campis, pratis, et] synderlice [XV] mæd aceras on ∂ære eafurlunga forne gean Tidingtun. Et nigo∂e healf æcer on Scothomme. And [XII] aceras yr∂landes betwyx ∂are ea and ∂are dic æt ∂æm stangedelfe. And ∂one hagan on Wærincwican. And ∂one Ælfrices læge. And ∂one ˇriddan æcer beanlandes on Biscopes dune. ∂is sind ∂a landgemæro into Biscopes dune. ærest in fule wellan. Of ∂ære wellan andlang ∂æs gemæres into Cloptunes gemæro. Ondlang ∂æs gemæres ∂æt on ∂one feldene stret. Of ∂ære stræte ∂æt on ∂one pyt. Of ∂am pytte on ∂a heafda. Ondlang ∂ara heafda on ∂one bradan mere middewardan. Of ∂am mere andlang sices on Ælfrices brycge. Of ∂ære brycge andlang furh on slahhyll. Swa ∂ar on ∂a heafdo in ∂a sealtstret. Of ∂ære stræte innon Scotbroc. Ondlang broces ∂æt onbuton ∂one croft ∂e Wynstan bylde. ∂ar up on ∂a dic ∂e he gedicte. ∂æt on Scotri∂es gemæro. Ondlang ∂æs gemæres ∂æt on Wilmundigcotan gemæro. Ondlang ∂æs gemæres ∂æt on berlandes heafda. Ondlang ∂æs gemæres ∂æt on Sceldes heafda. Ondlang ∂ara heafda ∂æt on Ælflede gemæro. Of Ælflede gemæro ∂æt on Grentes mere. ∂æt up on ∂one grenan weg. Ondlang ∂æs weges ∂æt eft in fule wyllan.