A.D. 1043 x 1044. Ælfwine, bishop, and the community at Old Minster, Winchester, to Osgod; lease, for life, of land at Adderbury, Oxon., in exchange for land at Wroxall, Isle of Wight, with reversion to the Old Minster. English


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, f. 43v (s. xii med.)


K, 768

Printed and Translated:

Robertson, Charters, no. 98 (pp. 184-7)


Oleson 1955, p. 154, authentic; Robertson, Charters, pp. 433-4; Finberg, ECW, no. 159, authentic; Hart 1970a, p. 28, authentic; Gelling, ECTV, no. 293, authentic; Lawson 1993, p. 163 n. 9, on beneficiary; Pelteret 1995, p. 167.

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    Old Text

    • Her cy∂ on ˇysum gewrite ˇa forewearde ˇe Ælfwine bysceop 7 se hyred on ealdan mynstre worton wi∂ Osgo∂ ˇa hy letan him to ˇæt land æt Eadburgebyrig . wi∂ ˇan lande æt Wroccesheale ˇe he binnan Wiht hæfde . ˇæt wæs ˇæt Osgod bruce ˇæs landes æt Eadburgebyrig his deg . 7 hæfter his dege ga . ˇæt land eft into ealdan mynstre mid mæte 7 mid mannum 7 mid eallum ˇingan swa swa hit stande eall swa hy hit him ær to handa leton. ˝yses is to gewitnesse . Eadweard . cingc . 7 Ælfgyfu seo hlefdige . 7 Eadsige arcebisceop. 7 Ælfric archebisceop . 7 Brihtwold bisceop. 7 Lyfincg bisceop. 7 Duduc bisceop. 7 Æˇestan bisceop. 7 Eadnod .bisceop. 7 Ælfwer∂ .bisceop. 7 Grimcytel bisceop. 7 Godwine eorl . 7 Leofric eorl . 7 Siwerd eorl . 7 Swegen eorl . 7 Ordgar . 7 Odda . 7 Ælfgar . 7 ˇærtoeacan manig god mann æg∂ær ge hadode ge lewede ˇe heora naman ne magon beon hær on ealle amearcode. ˝yssa gewrita syndon ˇreo . an is on ealdan mynstre . oˇer is mid ˇæs bisceopes landbocan . ˇridde hæf∂ Osgod.