A.D. 1061 x 1065. Ælfwig, abbot, and the community at Bath, to Stigand, archbishop; lease, for life, of 30 hides at Tidenham, Gloucs., in return for 10 marks of gold and 20 pounds of silver, with reversion to the abbey. The lessee is to pay an annual render of one mark of gold, 6 porpoises and thirty thousand herring. English




1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, pp. 55-131, pp. 74-75 (s. xii 2)


K, 822; Thorpe, pp. 379-80; B, 929; Earle, pp. 377-8; Hunt, Bath Carts., p. 19

Printed and Translated:

Robertson, Charters, no. 117 (pp. 216-19)


Grundy, Gloucs., p. 245, on bounds; Oleson 1955, p. 155, authentic; Robertson, Charters, pp. 469-70; Finberg, ECWM, no. 175, authentic; Finberg 1972, pp. 511-12, cited; HRH, p. 236, probably genuine; Pelteret 1995, p. 167; Keynes 1998, p. 28 n. 126

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    • Her swutelað on þisum gewrite þæt Ælfwig abbud and eall seo geferræden on Baðan hæfð gelæten to Stigande archebisceop .xxx. hyda landes æt Dyddanhamme his dæg, wið .x. marcan goldes and wið .xx. pundon seolfres, 7 æfter hys dæge ga hyt eft in to þam halegan mynstre, mid mete 7 mid mannum, swa full 7 swa forð swa hyt þænne byþ, 7 .i. marc goldes to eacan 7 .vi. merswun 7 .xxx. þusenda hæringys ælce eare. Þis ys to gewittnysse: Eadweard cininge 7 Eadgyð seo hlæfdige 7 Ealdryd archebisceop 7 Hereman bisceop 7 Gisa bisceop 7 Harold eorl 7 Tostig eorl 7 Æþelnoð abbud 7 Ægylwig abbud 7 Ægylsige abbud 7 Ordric abbud 7 Escgar steallere 7 Roulf steallere 7 Bodig steallere 7 manega oþre gode menn þe heora naman her awritene ne syndon. 7 gyf ænig mann si swa dyrstig þæt wylle þis awendan, si he amansumod fram Criste 7 fram sancta Marian 7 fram sancte Petre þam halegan apostole 7 fram eallum Cristes halegum æfre on æcnysse, buton he hyt eft þe raþor gebete.
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    • Here it is declared in this document that Abbot Ælfwig and all the community at Bath have leased to Archbishop Stigand thirty hides of land at Tidenham, for his day, in return for ten marks of gold and twenty pounds of silver. And after his day it shall return to the holy minster, with its produce and with its people, entirely and completely as it is then. And one mark of gold in addition and six porpoises and thirty thousand herrings every year. These are the witnesses: King Edward and the Lady Eadgyth and Archbishop Ealdred [York] and Bishop Hereman [Sherborne] and Bishop Giso [Wells] and Earl Harold and Earl Tostig and Abbot Æthelnoth [Glastonbury] and Abbot Æthelwig [Evesham] and Abbot Æthelsige [St Augustine’s, Canterbury] and Abbot Ordric [Abingdon] and Esgar the Staller and Raulf the Staller and Bondig the Staller and many other good men whose names are not written here. And if anyone is so presumptuous as to wish to alter this, may he be accursed by Christ and by St Mary and by St Peter the holy apostle and by all Christ’s saints for ever in eternity, unless he afterwards makes swift reparation.
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    Old Text

    • Her swutela∂ on ˇisum gewrite ˇæt Ælfwig abbud and eall seo geferræden on Ba∂an . hæf∂ gelæten to Stigande archebisceop .xxx. hyda landes æt Dyddanhamme his dæg . wi∂ .x. marcan goldes . and wi∂ .xx. pundon seolfres . 7 æfter hys dæge ga hyt eft in to ˇam halegan mynstre . mid mete . 7 mid mannum . swa full 7 swa for∂ swa hyt ˇænne byˇ . 7 .i. marc goldes toeacan . 7 .vi. merswun . 7 .xxx. ˇusenda hæringys . ælce eare. ˝isys ys to gewittnysse . Eadweard ciningc . 7 Eadgy∂ seo hlæfdige . 7 Ealdryd archebisceop . 7 Hereman .bisceop. 7 Gisa .bisceop. 7 Harold eorl . 7 Tosstig eorl . 7 Æˇelno∂ abbod. 7 Ægylwig abbod. 7 Ægylsige abbod . 7 Ordric abbod . 7 Esegar steallere . 7 Roulf steallere . 7 Bondig steallere . 7 manega oˇre gode menn ˇe heora naman her awritene ne syndon . 7 gyf ænig mann si swa dyrstig ˇæt wylle ˇis awendan si he amansumod fram Criste . 7 fram sancta Marian 7 fram sancte Petre . ˇam halegan apostole . 7 fram eallum Cristes halegum æfre on æcnysse . buton he hyt eft ˇe raˇor gebete.