A.D. 1008 x 1012. Will of Ælfwold, bishop (of Crediton), including bequests of land at Sandford, Devon, to the monastery at Crediton and to Godric. English


Exeter (ex Crediton)


1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2 (S.C. 31346), no. XIII (s. xi 1; BA Facs. 18)


Napier and Stevenson, pp. 23-4 (no. 10)


Napier and Stevenson, p. 126; Crediton 1913, pp. 193-4

Printed and Translated:

Councils and Synods, no. 51 (pp. 383-6)


Napier and Stevenson, pp. 125-33, authentic; Chaplais 1965, p. 60, scribe also wrote S 890 (= 1973, p. 42); Chaplais 1966, p. 21 (no. 20), (= Chaplais 1981, XV, p. 21); Finberg 1969, pp. 42-3; Brooks 1978, pp. 87-91, on heriot; Whitelock, EHD, pp. 580-1; Keynes 1980, p. 121 n. 123; Chaplais 1981, XV, addendum; Councils and Synods, pp. 382-3; BA Facs., p. 6, MS probably contemporary; Dumville 1993, p. 51 n. 225, on a bequest; Hooke 1994, p. 186, cited; Pelteret 1995, pp. 121, 130, 329

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    Old Text

    • Endorsement in hand of early s. xiv: Ealwold Bisscopes biquide at samforde to Cridihamtones minstre. + ˝is is Alfwoldes bisceopes cwyde ˇæt is ∂æt he geann ˇæs landes æt Sandforda in to ˇam mynstre in to Crydian tune him to saulsceatte mid mete 7 mid mannum swa hit stent butan witeˇeowum mannum . 7 anes hiwscypes he geann Godrice ˇærof 7 an sylh∂e oxna . 7 he geann his hlaforde feower horsa . twa gesadelode 7 twa unsadelode . 7 feower scyldas 7 .IIII. spera 7 twegen helmas 7 twa byrnan . 7 .L. mancsa goldes ˇe Ælfnoˇ him sceal æt Wudeleage 7 ænne sceg∂ .LXIIII. ære he is eall gearo butan ˇam hanon he hine wolde ful gearwian his hlaforde to gerisnum gif him god u∂e . 7 Ordulfe twegra boca Hrabanum 7 martyrlogium . 7 ˇam æˇelinge .XL. mancsa goldes 7 ˇæra wildra worfa æt Æscburnan lande 7 twegra getelda . 7 Alfwolde munuce .XX. mancsa goldes 7 anes horses . 7 anes geteldes . 7 Byrhtmære preoste .XX. mancsa goldes 7 anes horses . 7 his ˇrim magon Eadwolde 7 Æˇelno∂e 7 Grimkytele hira ælcon .XX. mancsa goldes 7 hira ælcon anes horses . 7 Wulfgare his mæge twegra wahryfta 7 twegra setlhrægla 7 ˇreo byrnan . 7 Godrice his a∂ume twegra byrnena . 7 Eadwine mæssepreoste .V. mancsa goldes 7 his kæppan . 7 Leofsige mæssepreoste ˇæs mannes ˇe he him ær tolet Wunstan hatte . 7 Kenwolde helm 7 byrnan . 7 Boian anes horses . 7 Mælpatrike .V. mancsa goldes 7 Leofwine Polgan .V. mancsa goldes 7 Ælfgare writere an pund penega he lænde Tune 7 his geswysternon gehealdon hi hine . 7 Eadgyfe his swyster an strichrægl 7 .I. hrigchrægl 7 .I. sethrægl 7 Ælflæde offestran .V. mancsa . penega . 7 Spilan .III. mancsa goldes . 7 LX. penega . 7 Leofwine 'Polgan' . 7 Mælpatrike . 7 Byrhsige hira ˇreora ælcon an hors . 7 ælcon hiredmen his onrid ˇe he alæned hæfde . 7 his hiredcnihton eallon .V. pund to gedale ælcon be ˇam ˇe his mæ∂ wære . 7 in to Crydian tune ˇreo ˇeningbec mæsseboc . 7 bletsungboc . 7 pistelboc . 7 an mæssereaf . 7 on ælcon bisceophame ælcon men freot ˇe witeˇeow wære . o∂ˇe he mid his feo gebohte . 7 in to Wiltune calic 7 disc on .CXX. mancsa goldes butan ˇrim mancsa . 7 burˇenon his beddreaf . 7 ˇises is to gewitnesse . Wulfgar Ælfgares sunu . 7 Godric be Crydian . 7 Eadwine mæssepreost . 7 Alfwold munuc . 7 Byrhtmær preost .