A.D. 951 x 955. Will of King Eadred, including bequests of land at Downton, Wilts., Damerham, Hants. (formerly Wilts.) and Calne, Wilts., to Old Minster, Winchester; at Wherwell, Andover and Kingsclere, Hants., to New Minster, Winchester; at Shalbourne, Wilts., Thatcham, Berks., and Bradford (? -on-Avon, Wilts.), to Nunnaminster, Winchester; at Amesbury, Wilts., Wantage, Berks., and Basing, Hants., with land in Sussex, Surrey and Kent to his mother. Old English, Middle English and Latin versions


Winchester, New Minster


1. Shirburn Castle, Earl of Macclesfield, Liber Abbatiae, ff. 22r-23r (s. xv 1; Old English, Middle English, and Latin versions)
2. London, British Library, Lansdowne 717, ff. 42r-43v (s. xvi; ex 1; Latin and ME bounds only)


Alford 1663, iii. 305-6; Edwards, Liber de Hyda, pp. 153-61, all versions; B, 912, Old English; B, 913, Middle English; B, 914, Latin; Miller, New Minster, no. 17; Miller, New Minster, Appendix, pp. 191-4, Middle English and Latin translations


Whitelock, EHD, no. 107 (pp. 555-6)

Printed and Translated:

Harmer, SEHD, no. 21 (pp. 34-5, 64-5), Old English only


Harmer, SEHD, pp. 119-23; Darlington 1955, pp. 30, 84, 86, 93, 96; Finberg, ECW, no. 75, authentic; John 1966, p. 43; Stenton 1971, p. 363, cited; PN Berks., i. 188, ii. 191; Biddle et al. 1976, p. 465 n. 8, cited; Gelling, ECTV, no. 66 (pp. 43, 158), authentic; Whitelock, EHD, pp. 554-5; Keynes 1980, pp. 158-9; Hill 1981, map no. 159 (p. 89); Meyer 1981, p. 348; Loyn 1984, pp. 98, 109; Keynes 1988, p. 190, on bequests to royal priests; Reynolds 1992, p. 219; Dumville 1993, p. 46; Keynes 1994, pp. 188-90, may not have been implemented; Abrams 1996, pp. 105-7, on Damerham bequest; Keynes 1996, pp. 23-4, on Winchester conections of will; Foot 2000, II. 22, 166, 174, 216, 223, 245, 250; Miller, New Minster, no. 17, will possibly never put into effect; evidence for composition of royal court

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    • In nomine Domini. Þis is Eadredes cinges cwide. Þæt is þænne ærest, þæt he <an> into þære stowe þær he wile þæt his lic reste twegra gyldenra roda 7 twegra gyldenhiltra sweorda 7 feower hund punda. Þænne an he into Winteceastre to ealden mynstre þreora hama, ðæt is þænne Duntune 7 Domerham 7 Calne. Þænne an he into niwan mynstre þreora hama, þæt is þenne Hwerwyl 7 Andeferas 7 Clearas; 7 to nunan mynstre, Scealdeburnan 7 Þæcham 7 Bradanford. Þænne an he to nunnan mynstre to Ceastre þritiga punda, 7 þritiga to Wiltune, 7 þritiga to Sceaftesbirig. Þænne an he his sawla to anliesnesse 7 his ðeodscipe to þearfe sixtyne hund punda to þan ðæt hi mege magan hungor 7 hæþenne here him fram aceapian gif hie beþurfen. Þænne fo se ercebiscop æt Cristes Cirican to feower hund pundun, Cantwarum 7 Suþrigum 7 Suþseaxum 7 Bearrucscire to fultume; 7 gif þan biscop hwæt tide, þænne beo ðæt feoh on þan mynstre on þara witena gewitnesse ðe on þære scire beon. 7 fo Ælfsige biscop to þam biscopstole to Winteceastre to feower hund pundun, twa hund to Hamtunscire, 7 to Wiltunscire an hund, 7 oþer to Dorsæton; 7 gif him hwæt tide, beo hit swa hit her bufan cwið on þara witena gewitenesse ðe on þære scire beon. Þænne fo Dunstan abbod to twam hund pundun, 7 healde æt Glæstingabirig Sumorsæton 7 Defenun; 7 gif him hwæt tide beo hit swa hit her bufan cwið. Þænne fo Ælfsige biscop to twam hund pundum þe þær ofer is, 7 healde æt þæm biscopstole on Winteceastre, swilcre scire swilcre þearf sie. Þænne fo Oscytel biscop to feower hund pundun, 7 healde æt ðæm biscopstole æt Dorceastre Myrcum, swa hit her bufan cwið. Þænne hæfð W' Wulfhelm biscop ðæt feower hund punda. Þanne nime man twentig hund mancusa goldes 7 gemynetige to mancusan, 7 fo se ercebiscop to anum dæle, to oþrum Ælfsige biscop, to þriddan Oscytel biscop, 7 gedælen geond þa biscopricea Gode to willan 7 minre sawle to anliesnesse. Þænne an ic minre meder þæs landes æt Ambresbirig 7 æt Waneting 7 æt Basingum, 7 ealra minra boclanda þe ic <on> Suðeseaxum hæbbe 7 on Suðrigum 7 on Cent, 7 ealra þæra þe hio ær hæfde. Þænne an ic ðam ercebiscop twa hund mancusa goldes beo hundtwelftigum, 7 ælcan minra leodbiscopa hundtwelftiga mancusa goldes, 7 ælcan minra ealdormanna hundtwentig mancusa goldes, 7 ælcan gesettan discðegne 7 gesettan hræglðene 7 gesettan biriele hundeahtatig mancusa goldis, 7 ælcan minra mæssepreosta þe ic gesette hæbbe into minum reliquium fiftyg mancusa goldes 7 fif pund penenga, 7 ælcan þære oþerra preosta fif pund, 7 ælcan gesettan stigweard þritig mancusa goldes, 7 ealcan men preosthades þe geþeodad wæs siþþan ic to anwalde feng, 7 ælcan þæra þe is on minnum hirede, si swilcre note nyt swilc he sy, buton he sy lit inbyrde to þam cynestolum. Þonne wille ic ðæt man nime to ælcan þissa hama twelf ælmesmen, 7 gif hwæt hera ænigan getide, sette man þær oþerne to. 7 stande þis eal þa hwile þe Cristendom beo, Gode to lofe, 7 minra sawle æleisnesse. 7 gif þis hwa don nelle, þonne gange þæt land in þær min lic rest.
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    Old Text

    • In nomine Domini. ˝is is Eadredes cinges cwide. ˝æt is ˇænne ærest, ˇæt he an into ˇære stowe ˇær he wile ˇæt his lic reste twegra gyldenra roda 7 twegra gyldenhiltra sweorda 7 feower hund punda. ˝ænne an he into Winteceastre to ealden mynstre ˇreora hama, ∂æt is ˇænne Duntune 7 Domerham 7 Calne. ˝ænne an he into niwan mynstre ˇreora hama, ˇæt is ˇenne Hwerwyl 7 Andeferas 7 Clearas; 7 to nunan mynstre, Scealdeburnan 7 ˝æcham 7 Bradanford. ˝ænne an he to nunnan mynstre to Ceastre ˇritiga punda, 7 ˇritiga to Wiltune, 7 ˇritiga to Sceaftesbirig. ˝ænne an he his sawla to anliesnesse 7 his ∂eodscipe to ˇearfe sixtyne hund punda to ˇan ∂æt hi mege magan hungor 7 hæˇenne here him fram aceapian gif hie beˇurfen. ˝ænne fo se ercebiscop æt Cristes Cirican to feower hund pundun, Cantwarum 7 Suˇrigum 7 Suˇseaxum 7 Bearrucscire to fultume; 7 gif ˇan biscop hwæt tide, ˇænne beo ∂æt feoh on ˇan mynstre on ˇara witena gewitnesse ∂e on ˇære scire beon. 7 fo Ælfsige biscop to ˇam biscopstole to Winteceastre to feower hund pundun, twa hund to Hamtunscire, 7 to Wiltunscire an hund, 7 oˇer to Dorsæton; 7 gif him hwæt tide, beo hit swa hit her bufan cwi∂ on ˇara witena gewitenesse ∂e on ˇære scire beon. ˝ænne fo Dunstan abbod to twam hund pundun, 7 healde æt Glæstingabirig Sumorsæton 7 Defenun; 7 gif him hwæt tide beo hit swa hit her bufan cwi∂. ˝ænne fo Ælfsige biscop to twam hund pundum ˇe ˇær ofer is, 7 healde æt ˇæm biscopstole on Winteceastre, swilcre scire swilcre ˇearf sie. ˝ænne fo Oscytel biscop to feower hund pundun, 7 healde æt ∂æm biscopstole æt Dorceastre Myrcum, swa hit her bufan cwi∂. ˝ænne hæf∂ W' Wulfhelm biscop ∂æt feower hund punda. ˝anne nime man twentig hund mancusa goldes 7 gemynetige to mancusan, 7 fo se ercebiscop to anum dæle, to oˇrum Ælfsige biscop, to ˇriddan Oscytel biscop, 7 gedælen geond ˇa biscopricea Gode to willan 7 minre sawle to anliesnesse. ˝ænne an ic minre meder ˇæs landes æt Ambresbirig 7 æt Waneting 7 æt Basingum, 7 ealra minra boclanda ˇe ic on Su∂eseaxum hæbbe 7 on Su∂rigum 7 on Cent, 7 ealra ˇæra ˇe hio ær hæfde. ˝ænne an ic ∂am ercebiscop twa hund mancusa goldes beo hundtwelftigum, 7 ælcan minra leodbiscopa hundtwelftiga mancusa goldes, 7 ælcan minra ealdormanna hundtwentig mancusa goldes, 7 ælcan gesettan disc∂egne 7 gesettan hrægl∂ene 7 gesettan biriele hundeahtatig mancusa goldis, 7 ælcan minra mæssepreosta ˇe ic gesette hæbbe into minum reliquium fiftyg mancusa goldes 7 fif pund penenga, 7 ælcan ˇære oˇerra preosta fif pund, 7 ælcan gesettan stigweard ˇritig mancusa goldes, 7 ealcan men preosthades ˇe geˇeodad wæs siˇˇan ic to anwalde feng, 7 ælcan ˇæra ˇe is on minnum hirede, si swilcre note nyt swilc he sy, buton he sy lit inbyrde to ˇam cynestolum. ˝onne wille ic ∂æt man nime to ælcan ˇissa hama twelf ælmesmen, 7 gif hwæt hera ænigan getide, sette man ˇær oˇerne to. 7 stande ˇis eal ˇa hwile ˇe Cristendom beo, Gode to lofe, 7 minra sawle æleisnesse. 7 gif ˇis hwa don nelle, ˇonne gange ˇæt land in ˇær min lic rest.