Bounds of Withington, Gloucs. English




1. London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. I, pt 2, ff. 181-84v, f. 181r (s. xi)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. XIII, ff. 1-118, f. 114r (s. xi)


Hearne, Heming, p. 241; B, 299


Grundy, Gloucs., pp. 262-71; Ker 1948, p. 55, on MS 2; Finberg 1964, pp. 23-4 and n. 5; PN Gloucs., cf. iv. 218; Finberg, ECWM, no. 188, corrects Grundy's interpretation; Finberg 1972, p. 390, cited; Hooke 1985, pp. 56, 120, 148; Sims-Williams 1990, p. 133

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    • ˘is synd ˇa land gemær into Widiandune. Ærest of anna forda innan tilnoˇ and lang tilnoˇes to waclescumbe betweoh wacles cumbe 7 ealdan slæde innan mænanlea fram mænanlea on horsweg of horswege innan gatanstige ˇanon innon denebroc of denebroce innon tilnoˇ 7long tilnoˇes to halgan wyllan of ˇære wyllan in hreodcumb ∂anon in ˇa mærdic and lang ˇære dic to cnictes ferwege of ˇam wege on ealdan stanwege of stanwege on posecumbes heafdon 7 swa on su∂ healf ˇæs mores to wohan æc from ˇære æc ˇurh ˇone sceagan on flod leah ˇanon on beamweg from ˇam weg on buccan slæd 7 swa eft on beanweg andlang ∂æs weges to colesburnan forda from ˇam forda . innon cyrnea . 7lang ea to uærcumbe . lang cumbes to lind ofres heafdan 7 swa to ˇam fulanwege to nataleahes æsce fram ˇam æsce to duddan heale fram ˇam heale andlang mærweges to byrcsies heale 7 swa to pican stapele of ˇam stapule in catteshlinc fram ˇam hlince innan mærbroc andlang broces to mærforda of ˇam forda to sceapan æcge . 7 swa on ˇone grenanweg andlang weges to weallehes wege 7 ˇanon on stanihtan weg to alre wyllan of alre wyllan to ˇære ealdan dic andlang dic ofer huniburnan in ˇa oˇre ealdan dic 7 swa in ˇone mylen pol of ˇam pole to ˇære port stræte and lang stræte to ˇam ˇorne on annandune of ˇære dune into annan crundele 7 swa æfter stræte in annanford .